Let's have an "I've made a huge mistake" thread

Let's have an "I've made a huge mistake" thread.

>I bought an Xbox One S in August 2016
>I bought a PS Vita 3G verison in May 2012
>I bought a Wii U in September 2013
>I bought a PS4 in February 2014
>I bought 37 amiibos

Other urls found in this thread:


I preordered Just Cause 3

He didn't wait for Scorpio

I bought Overwatch
I bought Legion
I bought CS:GO

>I bought Disney Infinity and all of the figures for my young son and he barely used it

>Cost hundreds of dollars

I preordered Mass Effect 3 Collector's edition

>convinced friends to buy Vita's
>convinced friends to buy DayZ
>convinced friends to buy NMS

>i preordered the order 1886

I fell for the Overwatch meme

>there will never be a TV show as good as Arrested Development

None of those consoles are really bad though, I don't see where the mistake is here. That's like 1500 in hardware at the most anyways.

Looked at JonTrons Twitter

>I bought into the E3 Hype and bought a Wii U
>The one and only game it ever got was Mario Kart
>I got hyped as hell for another Xenoblade
>It turned out to be Dragon Age 2 levels of bad
>Sell it to one of my nigger friends, he said he'd pay me on his next paycheck
>Ends of quitting and breaking all contact with me so I walk away with only half of what he promised me

I will never by another NIntendo console in my fucking life

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne, sunk hours into the base game and the expansion. The money isn't really an issue for me, but it does feel kind of silly to have a 400 dollar Bloodborne machine on my TV stand that I haven't used in months.

Sounds like you're really bad with your money.

>Wait until I fuckin NEED a game, it's out, and it's discounted. Then, buy the system a piece at a time on ebay for pennies on the dollar

Have you tried nioh? It's pretty solid.

i bought reflex. i thought people were actually going to play it

I did, I couldn't really get into it. I'm not really into souls games for any one particular thing, but the complete package. Haven't found a soulslike I've enjoyed yet.

at least you wont be like most people wondering what if you had them? better to have loved and lost ;-;7

The shooter genre is dying a slow and shameful death

>Not reading through his mentions for the scores of angry furries and sjw's freaking out over the thought of someone whose work they like having some off-beat opinions

Reddit is even better rn, so many salty retards crying

I bought The Division at launch after friends said that had fun missions and looked good

The Office was better, It's Always Sunny is better


The Office should have called it before they started resorting to exploring literally every love-triangle configuration.

That's fair, I had the same issue to an extent. I got DS3 the same weekend and have played it way more. It didn't have the atmosphere and tone a souls game has.

>bought csgo on release for ps3
fml lol

I just bought a copy of a game I forgot I own,

who wants the activation code?

You upset because the mods locked it so you r_DT cucks couldn't cuck up the shitposting Reddit?

paid full price for WoW Legion pre-order then broke up with my BF

so i didnt end up playing it at all, and it was too late to refund it

thanks blizzard.

>bought a ps4 last year
>bought an xbone in January

should of just upgraded my pc wasn't worth getting a console for achievements and friends I know irl

I imported an original DS from the US to europe in November 2004, played mario 64 for about an hour then never never used it again.

Went to turn it on after about a year and it wouldn't turn on, so I bought a new charger, still wouldn't work, bought new battery still wouldn't work.

I found it 2 weeks ago and threw it in the trash. The import tax on that thing back in 2004 was like half the price of the fucking thing. Disgusting.

what does this even mean

>bought a vita on launch night
>bought an xbone thanks to a depression/nostalgia-induced Halo craving

I bought Fallout 3.


>bought Neptunia and its DLC at launch
>bought memelands. both of them.
>bought memeshock. all 3 of them.

Eh I understand Overwatch and Legion but CSGO is like 15 bucks

Legion was shit anyway

Good to hear, still salty about my $50

but thats what I get for pre-ordering something

Fuck off. The last season of AD was literally shit tier and the one before it was also going down the drain.

Bought Zelda BOTW

>The last season
If by this you mean the third season you need to kill yourself asap, and if you meant the 4th you can go fuck yourself

Season Five when?

I bought a PS3 on launch day with the earning from my first job.

Season 4 was fucking awful, I've seriously never watched such a terrible season for a show I really liked before.

Preordered a Switch + Zelda

But sold it so it's all good

>I bought Space Hulk: Deathwing
>I bought DayZ standalone
>I bought Secret Panchos
>I bought Saints Row Gat out of Hell
>I bought Sir, You Are Being Hunted
>I bought a Vita
>I bought a friend WarZ: Survivor Stories

> I originally had a PS4 and traded it in for a no games box one
> Now I have a PS4 and PC

I love the series but the netflix season was pretty mediocre in comparison

I bought that the other month for $4.99, got to the first werewolf sequence and haven't played it since. I'd consider shooting myself if I paid full price. You literally don't even play the game for the first 20 minutes.

seriously I'm still trying to decipher this, as someone who isn't le epic narwhal bacon redditor, what are our trying to accuse me of


I regret getting the last of us remastered, think I've put 2 hours into it and out of those 2 hours i've only actually gotten to play for maybe 15 minutes. I don't know how people can play this shit. There's more gameplay in MGS4 amidst its 8 hours of cutscenes.

What exactly went wrong though?

The original cast was there
The original writers were there
The original producers were there

I can understand the first two, but NMS?
How could you not see that coming a mile away?

Mainly filming it at random intervals when various cast members had free time, so most never ended up having any interaction with eachother. Standalone character episodes just didn't work.


i just kept going for years

even when hated it i couldn't stop

It was a real shame that schedule conflicts lead to far less scenes of the family members together, but the fact that it's taking so long for the next season to be made leads me to believe that they want to resolve that.
Season 4 still had a great amount of funny scenes, regardless.

the shows based on the family dynamic and it wasn't there. it was basically "this person is doing this" for a bunch of episodes.

the season was alright, I enjoyed it but it wasn't nearly as good as the first 3

Multiplayer nigga

Only purchase that comes close was the SWTOR Collector's Edition but the singleplayer story was fun, PvP was good for some laughs and, most importantly, I got to game with dad like old times

Spend time with dad, Sup Forums

Buying a PS3 a year ago, and most of the fucking games I bought were PS2 HD collections (Ico, MGS, Kingdom Hearts etc). And shortly after getting it, it was announced the KH collection is getting ported to PS4 coming out this month. I haven't even finished Demon Souls because I got sidetracked with other games and now I have no idea when I'll even go back. Barely touched MGS collection as well.

>I bought overwatch

I'm still angry that I supported the overwatch team. Fuck that diversity spouting bullshit

>bought a 750 Ti at full price at launch
>still haven't opened it
>1050 Ti comes out a few years later at a slightly lower price with better performance
Not a huge mistake, but still a bad decision.
Fucking bitcoin miners scared me into thinking they were going to scalp them all. I was a moron for believing that.

I also got my parents to buy me this thing. It was only used once or twice. Again, not huge mistakes, but a waste of money nonetheless.

>bought a xbox one with kinect
>actually bought a 360, RGHed it and THEN bought a kinect 1.0 to play fable legends (it was shit)
>fell for the skylake meme
>fell for the 970 meme
>fell for the 16gb ram meme
>bought a vita, sold it, then bought one AGAIN
>bought a 3ds and 3ds XL

Started playing vidya at young age

>mfw bought Vita assCreed white day one
>mfw Fallout 4 day one
>mfw Borderlands 2 day one
>mfw almost camped out for a switch

I hate myself for falling for any kind of hype.

I gave over 600 dollars to the Homestuck game kickstarter.


>bought fallout 4
>bought SFV

Bought Witcher 3
Preordered Dark Souls 2

The original series was sequential in the sense of having hundreds of references and callbacks to previous episodes,with some foreshadowing of future events, but at the same time each episode could be viewed as a standalone story

Season 4 attempted that but also planned it out like a crime scene investigation, where the whole picture only makes sense when you've got all the pieces. It's a bold attempt but it harms storytelling by making some episodes far less relevant or self-contained than others or, even worse, makes some jokes only funny on the second viewing (Tobias' license plate is part of a joke in one scene but is obscured because the audience hasn't received that information yet. Same thing with Michael's "begging" pose which only gets explained 10 minutes later). The whole thing is just clumsy to watch if you don't follow it religiously. It's also a shame that, even when you get the full picture by the last episode, they still decided to keep a few unsolved mysteries

The conflict of the show also changed a lot. The original had Michael almost as a fish out of water having to react to his family's absurdity, and he was the most sane character despite his flaws and failures. Season 4 Michael is as unlikable and incompetent as the rest of the family (the entire episode where he has to get his family's signatures but instead goes out and builds a team out of people he doesn't like to make a movie is just frustrating to watch) and just isn't as interesting to follow in his struggle. The show not having a fixed protagonist also creates episodes with only unlikable characters

I think the biggest problem despite all that is the pacing. The original series had consistent 22-minute episodes, while the 4th seems to vary from anywhere up to 40 minutes. It makes you unsure of where the important story beats are because you're constantly kept in the dark.

Also several terrible celebrity cameos and Maeby's actress aged poorly. That's about it

Fallout 4 was at least decent. Even if you hated every memey thing like the dialogue wheel there was still at least 30-40 hours of content.

There are far worse games to purchase. Besides I remember not too long people buying God of War for PS2 $59.99(8 hours of game) and being happy with that.

Seems neo-Sup Forums is just spoiled desu. If a game isn't 100% perfect you cry as if it was a waste of money.

no it wasn't, I played it right after I 100% xenoblade X because I wanted more open world shenanigans, instead I got a half baked piece of shit

Nothing really wrong with buying CSGO since it was $15 at launch and $8 or some shit during sales.

but roaming around is one of the few things the game did well.
Way better than New Vegas and FO3 in that aspect.
>less invisible walls
>not a bland desert
>no content gated behind impossible enemies forcing you to explore a linear path (new vegas)

Confirmed troll desu.
2/10 i replied twice.

I can't imagine anyone wanting to scalp a 750 Ti

I bought a wii a couple years after release

I never played F3 or NV, F4 was my first one and it sucked. Won't be a while till I try out the other ones

>several terrible celebrity cameos
You'd better not be talking about Andy Richter playing the Richter quintuplets.

If you havent learned by now you never will

didn't he already do that in the original series?

I was talking about Seth Rogen doing young George Sr. and the entire plotline with Ron Howard.

I have a soft spot for Terry Crews but I didn't care much for his character either

Life is strange key : 3WPRZ-3FLIK-248RT

It was back around 3 years ago when the whole bitcoin mining shit was popular. Faggots were using GPUs to mine coins, causing shortages.

Some saw potential in the 750 Ti for mining since it had such a low TDP and was cheaper. Plus, Amazon and other stores had them on backorder, adding to the illusion.

Buying skyrim and a dozen or so games in my steam library.

I was fortunate enough to get a free month of gametime by buying the movie so I was able to see for myself how bad, the series had gotten since i stopped playing.

I got 45 minutes into it and it is still sitting on my shelf to this day because I hate it so much I never even wanted to devote any energy to trading it in.

>37 amiibos
>37 toys
>37 overpriced toys
>T H I R T Y
>S E V E N
>T O Y S
>yfw I post undertale

how's that a mistake?

I bought For Honor

I never regret ever buying anything game related, no consoles, no anything. I buy it because I want it then I like it.

>he didn't find a game to play on DS
Like, you do realize the problem is you, at least, right?

this. fuck. I loved JC2 and thought JC3 was gonna be good. I sure got tricked.

Meh, don't really have any regrets but that's mostly because I enjoy all games, even the shitty ones. I've had fun playing The Order, NMS, etc.. So all systems are great for me, because each has great library.

The only thing I didn't manage to finish in the last 3 years or so is The Last Guardian but then again, I bought it dirt cheap and sold it for almost the same price so I didn't lose anything (other than time).

Fucking kill yourself you faggot fuck

OW is by faggots for faggots like yourself

>sold rayman origins so i could buy street fighter x tekken on release

I will literally never forgive myself for that.

SFxT was the last game I ever bought with my own money, above about $10. I have not spent more than that on a game since it's release date, March 6th, 2012. Everything else has been through a gift or was bought with money that was a gift.

I plan on keeping it that way for the rest of my life.

I've spend like $2000 on cam whores in just the last year alone

I've spent 1000 dollars on a P2SkipGrind game in the past year, apart from grinding all day in it, and now I've reached a point where I have nothing left to do in the game except log in once a week to do a weekly thing.

I know that feel bro
luckily I was able to return it for a refund

>bought a ps4 to go with my persona 5 collectors edition
>grab bloodborne just to have a game with it
>I actually really enjoyed it
>look up other games for the console
>literally nothing else