You have can choose one game

to be PROPERLY remastered in HD.

What will it be, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jedi Academy

Jumping Flash

Crysis. It must be photorealistic however

Honorable mention goes to Deus Ex and Mechassault 1-2



Crash Team Racing

with online

Ace Combat 0

this and 4 n 5 on ps4

are you retarded?

Jet Set Radio Future

Your pic unironically looks like garbage and inferior to original.

It's like all the modern "smeary" animation, it just looks like shit.


might get a third game if it's successful

Deus Ex

Spyro the motherfucking Dragon

this please

i'd buy the fuck out of that

Battle Engine Aquilia

Either Panzer Dragoon Saga or Morrowind.

Breath of the Wild

I'd be okay with this

This, as long at the gameplay isn't heavily altered

Final Fantasy IX.
If that game had its background art properly remade in higher resolution it'd be probably in my opinion the most beautiful game ever made.

That looks worse than the original though


Ultima 7

Army Men 2.

If you picked any other game, you don't know SHIT about vidya.

Battlezone 2

Diablo 2

Demon's Crest, or EVO Search for Eden

Maximo Ghosts To Glory

Swaggerfall remake pls


demon's crest already looks very good, why would you remaster it?

EVO is a good choice tho

Ace Combat 4

I hope "properly" means "with no change to the art design at all"

not quite what op asked but i want an actual proper sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics

FFTA wasn't bad but it was by no means a sequel

.Hack 1-4.

Draw distance makes all the difference. It looks like a completely different game despite having the same exact map.

I'd prefer Dawn of Sorrow desu.

But I would kill for a Goemon's Great Adventure remake in HD or a remake of Tales of Symphonia with good graphics, VA, and updated combat of later 2d games.

What do you mean, what? I want an HD rerelease of Jumping Flash. It was a cool game.


System Shock 2. Wouldn't mind if they balanced the weapons better...

This is the right answer



Ninja Gaiden Black and Sigma I both in one package on PC.


Banjo Kazooie.

Tbh i don't even care if it's hd, i just want a pc version

This and THIS

and as for me, dino crisis 1 and 2

Fine taste bro.

There's not much to remake there other than animation, cel shading doesn't age too bad

Harvest Moon Back to Nature

Spyro the Dragon

Emphasis on making it look as visually stunning as possible. Make it fucking gorgeous.

Fear Effect
Can't imagine how expensive that would be.

TIE Fighter. Star Citizen-level graphics, dynamic music like the DOS version, it'd be a ton of fun. Throw in some online dogfighting too.

The first game is a boring collectathon, remake 2 instead


Super Smash Bros. Melee for the nintendo gamecube

I liked the first way more than 2 or 3.

Spyro the Dragon 4

Either Battlezone 2 or Deathtrap Dungeon.

half life 2 remade on the source 2 engine should really put valve to test, see if they still got it

Deus Ex would be awesome too

i dont think i can choose between those two, this is based completely on personal taste

the only true answer

>2010 game that already supports HD resolutions

System Shock 2.

I'm assuming "PROPERLY remastered" means fixing the co-op netcode as well, right?

Riven or Ultima 7



Why not just play the original

it already exists

unless you want a remaster of a remaster

Paper Mario 64 HD
Megaman Battle Network 2/3 Remastered




Metal gear solid V: the phantom pain

/comfy/ as fuck

agree with the emphasis on visuals. the game is fun enough just being a platformer collectathon. it's the world that makes you want to stay in it

I remember when I was young I got a demo disk in the mail with Jumping Flash and I think Katamari on it. My dad didn't approve of those "weirdo jap games", so I only got to play them when he was sleeping. Man, Jumping Flash was lots of fun.

Is your dad Trump?

It was a nice demo, but did they ever release the full game?


Super Mario Galaxy in 4K

Harvest Moon 64.
Mostly for the sake of fixing all the bugs and translation.

Legend of Dragoon. High res models but with the same isometric PS1 era camera angles. Faster combat with a similar system and high quality music. I want to hear Lavitz's voice.

Ace Combat Zero

Demon Souls on PC

Metal Gear. A remaster in the FOX Engine in the style of Ground Zeroes could be awesome, with the final fight with Big Boss playing similarly to The Boss in MGS3 (CQC, shooting and stealth all incorporated into one battle).

Metal Gear 2 is awesome but in my opinion doesn'ty need a remake nearly as bad as the first game does. MG2 is essential a 2D Metal Gear Solid and still hold up well, while Metal Gear has aged like milk.


How much of a remaster are we talking about? If it's a 2D game does it stay 2D just with higher res textures? Or does it go full on remake a la FF7?

Panzer Dragoon Saga, just so I don't have to lend people a spare copy and saturn just so they can play it.

Corey in the House

Deus Ex

Mega Man Zero Collection.

company of heroes 1

honestly the game runs fine rn in 1080p, i just want them to make custom map functionality and mods more accessible so like you can download a custom map as you enter a lobby

See pic related.

Also, Golden Sun, with proper 3d psynergy scenes.

Vice City

Chrono Trigger


Super Mario sunshine

that looks horrendous.