Just how upset are sonybros right now?

Just how upset are sonybros right now?

Thanks for beta testing by the way ;)

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw sonybros

>picture is of a smug pc man

how long is the game on the first blind playthrough?

>locked to 1080p/60fps
I bet it's going to have the same frame pacing problems too. Fucking Square.

>tfw I sold my ps4 to help pay for my PC parts.

My mobo and case come in soon, few more days brothers.

rate me

>full price for a digital copy


>literally have your games cucked from you for weeks so the company can instill DRM to fuck you

PC gaming: not even once.

Don't buy windows, buy a windows license. It's the same thing but you have to download Windows and make a bootable usb/cd by yourself.

Also I would have went 4k but that's personal choice.

>$1000 1080
>price drop emminent
Could have saved $500 right there

>buying max top end for processors like it's relevant
Not sure why you went full top end

You could have saved an easy $700-1000 with more careful spending. Not bad overall.

It's a PC port by Square. It's going to be broken on day 1. This shitposting is going to 180. Posting my steam before I get called a "sonybro" by one of you retards.

W-w-w-watch PCc-c-KEK! Before the release date on Steam, you b-better be SURE to find me in your PC circle jerk thread spoiling the entire game for you KEKS and ruining your experience! MARK... MY... WOOORDS!!!


>another ignorant retard thinking Nier was exclusive, ever
>STEAM version was announced 6 months ago
>Thanks for beta testing by the way ;)
2B dies at the start of route C.
She's actually 2E, executioner unit used to keep curious and capable S models in check.
YoRha is a cover up to hide Humanity extinction.
Aliens starting the machine war are long dead.
Also, you're welcome.

not a port

Judging by this thread, Sony Bronies are very upset.

So how about dem spoilers?

>upset about paying for games you dont own

pcbroold detected

>4 thousand dollars

>Nier threads got shitted up by Platinum bandwagoners
>they then got even more shitted up by NeoFAG and /r/pcmasterrace crossposters trying to turn everything into platform wars

Utter faggots.

Upset? Since when did the Nier franchise became exclusive to Sony's platform?

>300 bucks for case
>buying windows
end yourself


I'm poor and not patient enough to save up for a 1080, I settle for an i5 7600k. Oh well can upgrade later. This is my first build and I can't wait.

10/10 desu

>$500 price drop
lol no

>cpu power isnt relevant
stop posting


will Denuvo fry my SSD?
or is that just a myth?

(this drives aren't cheap)

>naive user still believes the 'leading platform' PR bullshit

>latest release day
>no physical with goodies
>no demo
>locked 1080/60
>cardboard pod skin

Oh boy, when this is the treatment 'Leading Platform' gets I wouldn't want to be secondary platform for SE.

>paying for windows

In any case, the only good release that Square has had on Steam was LR and I think even that was fucked on release. Japs can't make PC games for shit.


Not the least.
Have fun with the game.
Shit was good.

It's a myth. anyway your browser "abuses" it more than denuvo ever will.

I didn't, personally.

Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade for me

>being poor
LMAO at your life familia

kys poorfag

kys poorfag

Just a reminder.

Japs have a shit track record when it comes to PC ports. Might want to hold off until the word gets out on if it's good or not.

>so the company can instill DRM to fuck you
what does denuvo even do

you have never built a PC before have you.
That CPU isn't even needed

It's a $500 price drop if you don't autistically buy the fucking most expensive one you can find and wait for the price drop. A $700 one will probably go down to $500 in a few months. Bitching about marginal power for way more money is fucking stupid. Again you could save $100-200 by not being a faggot.

Why are you fucking posting your build if you're just going to argue with people?

Upset? Since when did the Nier franchise became exclusive to Sonyggêr's platform? Also why is this game all of a sudden a big deal for you PÇucks? Are guys that desperate for games that getting a niche Franchise is now a huge victory?

>$1000 gpu $500 cpu
you can make a 1440p 60 fps machine just with that

please don't turn this into a denuvo thread

What would you consider a playthrough?
Doing one ending? 2 mins. Joke endings exist. Joke endings don't make you start all over, you load back up from your last save.
Doing all main endings? I'm over 30 hours and I have two endings to go. I'm doing side quests though but people say it's like 27 hours.
Doing all endings? combine my possibly 40 hours with side quests and how quickly you can get the other 22 joke endings.
Do all sidequests? ???

>Windows 7 to Windows 10 upgrade for me
that is even worse.
Damn I bought a laptop last year that had windows 10 legit on it and I uninstalled it to put a bootleg win 7 on it.

you have no idea what youre talking about

I'll save my money for P5 and play Nier later

meant for

not poor, just smart with money.

lol no.

I got 70 hours for all main endings and several joke/bad ends.
Overall 85+% completion of side quests, weapon collecting, upgrades etc...
Spent a lot of time exploring.
Even if you ignore side quests and rush through the main plot on easier difficulty you're going to get 30+ hours minimal.

>playing your games on a DRM machine
Console gaming: not even once.

kys poorfag

>very little performance boost than predecessors
>very few games can utilize the CPU
>cost considerably more
even if you wanted to lie and say you are "future proofing" the rig it is counter productive as when it is able to be utilized the CPU will be old and may need an immediate replacement.

This is bordering on meme tier PC building rather than thoughtful savvy rigs.
You should just get an i5 and OC it to 4.2+

how's that "I only played a third of the game, felt incomplete 5/10" reviewer dealing with shit on twitter

I dont need questions. I need answers.

>he thinks its just for gaming
assumptions make you look like an asshat.

Faggot blocked shitload of people.
Used Sup Forumstarded hyperbole about [B] route taking days to finish being not worthy of his precious time.

I gave you the best answers I could give to questions you failed to ask.

You question was vague for a game with multiple endings.

Because he wanted to play his precious Zelda game intead

>playing your games on a DRM machine
Yeah, fellow mustard, I too prefer playing with others using Cheat Engine, aim bots and wall hacks.
Fuck DRM in hardware, Denuvo is the only true path.

>started buying computer parts in february
>buying pricier components, spread out to manage costs
>STILL learning new shit every day just by watching other builds/reading manuals while waiting to purchase parts/waiting for them to arrive

I can't count the number of times I could have broken something by now.

>implying it is for anything other than gaming
>lying on the internet
there isn't even a quad tier GPU setup in those parts you fag and you are on a vidya board on a Icelandic goat herding website.
You aint doing image or video processing with that rig, you are playing vidya

>Anno 1404


I like anno 2070 more though

shut the fuck up faggot

literal beta testing, and you passed the test ;)

I loved how blasted he's getting though


>o-o-oh y-yeah?!
lol pathetic. seriously though how red is your face right now?

Haven't seen a cheater on PC in a long time. But I also stay away from shit f2p games.

>PC is the lead platform for Dark Souls 2
>60fps breaks the game
You never learn

You're Welcome.

I haven't played the sequels after BUYING Farcry 4 and experiencing uplay. 2070 worth a pirate? I hear 2250 is kind of soulless.

Can I play this game without having played Drakengard or Nier?

i wish i was rich

>Full price for something that never breaks and you allways have access to
O I'm laffin, Sonyboi's are this buttblasted

>allways have access to
kekarino. someone didnt read the fineprint

I have both and 2070 requires uplay but I found a lot of fun because I like the setting more. It works pretty much the same as 1404 except no ground combat and better graphics. Also underwater.

Yeah, its pretty self contained

takes like 3-4 hours tops

>always have access to

>Having bad internet

Where are the fucking poptarts?

>allways have access to

So should i Pre-order or is the port most likely going to be spotty?

2B dies.

>pc fags shitpost for years because they don't have any games to play
>finally get a game to play
>they still shitpost
bruh get on it, it's pretty fun

That's 3-4 hours he could be spending playing Breath of the Wild instead

this post is very misleading

Pretty solid build. The monitor picked my interested since I heard you can use ULMB+Gsync at the same time, thanks to a bug.

I can live with no ground combat, but uplay is a deal-breaker for me. Fuck that noise. There may be a crack, though, so I'll check it out. Gonna miss the multiplayer, though.

You already waited this long.
Wat till it gets released and people post their first impressions.

They were like this when they got shovelware like Neptunia.

It's not really about that at all, this game was simply announced at a Sony E3 conference, so it was doomed from the beginning

2205 is okay but I haven't touched it much. If it gets a co-op mode in an expansion and more options for "free play" I will probably put more time with it since I primarily play these games in co-op mode.

>bruh get on it, it's pretty fun
Leading Platform still has to wait for 3 days.

>mankind's actually extinct
>YoRHa was made by an AI to give the androids it produces purpose on earth, fueling an endless war with the machines
>2B, 9S and A2 all die and are rebuilt by your pods in the true ending
Also, the gameplay is shit. Enjoy, PCbros.

Cheaters in PC games are mildly annoying. They aren't even common.

>Just how upset are sonybros right now?
Game runs fine on PS4 at 60 fps.
Can't wait until the collective Sup Forums toaster jockey whining about PC port performance starts.

>no physical copy
getting the ps4 version for sure

thanks user, but I'm only interested in 2B's ass and thighs

>tfw EU copies come with shitty Calibri spine text

Too bad, she gets infected by the logic virus and is killed and replaced by A2 halfway through the game.

she has a nice ass too, unless you somehow can ruin it