who /hype/ here?
Well I am
RPS doesn't like it.
Well he mostly does not like Styx as a character and its true berating the player on every death is annoying if you can't skip it.
On the other hand, maybe he needs to get better at the game.
Also, shock and horror, the weight of a woman is mocked. Multiple times even.
I am not defending the game - I didn't play it - but this an abysmal review. He proceeds to go on and on about how unlikable and mean Styx is then all he has to say about gameplay is "yeah it's good, but wah why is the game so punishing when I get spotted?"
oh its released soon, i thought it was next month
>more like the first but better
Looks good to me.
I love sneaking and stealth in general, is Styx good for me?
It is pretty good. Expect stiff platforming though. And since verticality is very important, you will fall to your death
I still need to play the original Styx, but why the fuck does an assassin have a GLOWING SCABBARD.
according to a reply from a dev on the steam forum the game is about 10gb and they wont have a preload
Visual indicator whether he is in the shadows or not. Its no light gem but it gets by.
Wait, that's the same gobbo as in Of Orcs and Men, isn't it? I should check out Styx 1 then.
Hearing that Styx is as unlikable as ever is kind of a bummer I guess. I thought the game was 50% decent gameplay, 50% shit story and world building and I was hoping for an improvement.
Haven't read into any of the new features though so I'm determined to give it a chance.
>I thought the game was 50% decent gameplay, 50% shit story and world building
Master of Shadows, that is.
Yeah no I get that it's there for the player to represent a mechanic, but whenever I see stealthy assassins with glowing shit on their armor/weapons my autism acts up. Just make it a UI element and call it a day.
Well Thief has yet to be surpassed after all.
Personnally I sort of liked that Styx is an unlikable asshole. Though they may have gone overboard with it this time around.
Well I'd be an unlikable asshole too if I'm the only one of my kind with any semblance of intelligence, while people generally murder my kind with extreme prejudice.
>non-human that constantly gets called negativ thing related to his appearance
>"wah why is this MC making fun of big wymen?!"
what do they expect?
Oh I agree. Its just that its uncommon as a main character concept.
It just may be they went too far with it in Styx 2, what with the way he addresses the player each time he dies. Which may or may not be skippable.
well Styx characteristics comes from the original styx which was even more of an asshole.
True. I have yet to play Of Orcs and Men. Maybe I should.
I think it's more of an issue where shitty reviewers can't deal with an asshole character if said asshole disagrees with their political/social stance. (ie: insulting fat women)
well you have about 9 hours until styx 2 is released so you might be able to finish it by then
I'm more concerne about the lack of skippability, but on the other hand, gotta git gud.
Well I really don't have the time, its getting late here and I have to go to work. Is it really that short though?
Nah so far Styx was just a fag. And if the previous game is anything to go by Styx doesn't have enough depth as a character to in any way redeem himself, nor do the writers have the ability to write engaging dialogue.
the game takes about 7-10 hours to finish depending on how fast you are.
Tho it's a game that some seem to dislike thanks to things like the combat being "awkward" and the dialogue being "silly".
>combat being "awkward"
How awkward are we talking here?
bad reviewers are par for the course.
it's kinda similar to the first witcher games combat.
As the orc you toggle between enemies and can only attack one enemy at the time. You can the pause time to select a special ability but they tend to be kinda slow.
The goblin on the other hand is of course faster but in combat situation he just sits in the back throwing daggers on enemies.
I really liked the first one.
The story was nice, the level design was top notch.
My biggest grief were the abilities, most were either useless or used in very specific cases. Some were very easy to abuse, and made the game very boring.
I saw the skill tree for the newer one and I am hyped as fuck. Gonna play it, deffo.
Doesn't sound that bad. I'll try it sometimes
I really wanted to like this game but for some reason I just didn't. I really hated that vomitclone thing and in general I hate "super awesome magical vision ability that makes things glow that otherwise are invisible". This meme ability needs to fucking die.
They really took a step backwards in terms of trailers tho.
First one was so hype youtube.com
yeah the vision ability has been done to death.
Tho the explanation behind it in this game kinda makes sense within the game universe logic.
I dont get the whole "Styx is an unlikeable character" argument, like isnt that the point of the character?
Finally you get to play a character who doesnt thing about morality bullcrap and is all about fucking everyone over and you people complain about that? Give me a break..
But I'm not complaining though
I actually find him rather likable for that very reason.
And not in an edgy sort of way, it's just a nice change of pace that occasionally puts a wry smile on my face.
i've always liked kinda dickish characters that do things for their themself.
Mostly because they tend to be more interesting when they are well written.
>goblin that screams profanities
I couldn't take master of shadows seriously for even a second. Meh/10
>but whenever I see stealthy assassins with glowing shit on their armor/weapons my autism acts up.
They should had reversed it and have it glow in the light and stop glowing when you are safe in shadow
This. I just want to be a small goblin in a world made by giants and making the most out of being nimble and stealthy
I am. Loved the first game for its graphics, gameplay and even story and characters.
yep, in my opinion Styx is a more enjoyable game. Better story
I am
Literally the most well made maps of any stealth game. At least in styx 1.
>that verticality
>start at the top/bottom of a huge ass level
>you have to get to the other end
>all those traps, guards, and shit to climb
It was breddy gud indeed.
>directly linking to RPS
levels were great too bad they reused them for the entire second half
I wrote up a review of this game for my site, should be up at the end of today, have been playing it for a week, it's a good game boys
This review gave it a 4/5 and says its an improvement
It all depends on how much you like story vs gameplay. The gameplay in this is 9/10 pure stealth goodness and I love it, but the story is average or even slightly below that. But the game doe
thanks ign
>styx sense of humor is a minus
I loved the first game. Completely forgot about the 2nd one coming out soon. Thanks for reminding me to buy it
i like the concept, but stealth games just seem to be about holding crouch and running circles around dumb ai.
Styx does a better job at it with the environment because simply being a small-ish goblin with the ability to climb means you have a bunch of options to avoid detection. You'd be surprised by how often guards are sensibly posted in the original and how many options you have to avoid them.