Sup Forums told me this would be good

Sup Forums told me this would be good.

Other urls found in this thread:

my bf plays fallout for hours on end

he's probably logged 100 hours+ into it, not even joking

i think less of him for this

Sup Forums did not tell you that at all.

It constantly gets shit on here.

Far Harbor was better than the main game but it's still a 6/10 at best.

no one on any website told you that any aspect of fallout 4 would be good

is he cute?

I liked it, in general I liked Fallout 4 in its quirky way. Its absolute shit when its considered a Fallout game though, I mostly played it as a sandbox base builder. Far Harbor gave a spooky maritime theme to the settlements which I liked.

Oh, just fucking stop with that bullshit.

it's better than the main quest, I feel like obsidiots would be all over it

>moral ambiguity
>authoritarian vs libertarian
>secular vs nonsecular
>hard level progression as you venture further south, little/no scaling
>cool side quests
>minimal settlement building bs

better than the main game desu

bethesda stole the brain dead quest from a new vegas mod

> Solving the digital puzzles to get Digmas memories.
Made the game shitty all alone..

Do you have a thing for retards?

If you break up over F4 you are autistic and he deserves better.

It is good, and damn if the music isn't fantastic.

It was a bad game and no reasonable person believes otherwise

It's a poor man's Point Lookout

Yes well let that be a lesson not to trust Sup Forums then.
You're fucking retarded anyway for thinking anything related to Fallout 4 or Bethesda could be good.

Considering you made this thread you're apparently feeling remorse for buying it, instead of pirating like most sane Sup Forumsirgins here.
So you're like, tripple retarded.

Which Fallout game?

I'm certain that the majority of people on here would tell you to stay the fuck away.

But I guess you saw a few positive posts and decided to do it anyway. Losing money is the only way you'll learn to not be retarded.

kind of
no maybe (pic related)

I'm sorry for that. Buy the Nukaworld DLC next, it's actually good, trust me, you're fellow Sup Forums member.

I don't see how people played f4 for more than 20 hours and didn't see that the game was as shallow as a cereal bowl

>Sup Forums
>speaking positively of fallout 4 in any capacity, much less its dlc
I don't believe you.

theres worse things he could be playing.

maybe you shouldn't be so hard on him.

maybe he plays it just to cope with dealing with you.

At least it had potential.

Damn, thats crazy. Glad the modder was cool with it.