Let's settle this once and for all,
Was it a good game?
Let's settle this once and for all,
Was it a good game?
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not even a little bit
solas is a cool character tho
the character gen was not bad. the game itself is worth the 2 dollars you'll pay when you grab it from the discount bin
It's an okay game.
It's not great, but it's not bad either.
The first few hours of the game is the best part and the next just falls flat they could've really done better. Though to me, it seems like they were using this game to test the waters for Andromeda.
Played it basically non-stop over the last week, several playthroughs.
Animations is shit.
Several characters are shit.
Writing ranges from pretty good to what the fuck are you doing.
Music is kinda generic but becomes 10/10 in the DLCs.
Environments are pretty but characters look like shit.
Combat is meh.
I really like it.
>Gaming in 2017
How did we end up here?
I liked it...
10/10, it's shit
Thanks ign.
5/10 game, I enjoyed one playthrough despite the story and characters being fucking horrible. Can't wait for Inquisition 2: The Voyage to Space
its an okay game.
I didn't have high expectations based on how shit DA2 was, so it was slightly above how bad I thought it would be be.
can you be a bad guy in this game and fucking kill everyone?
It was awful. Literally offline mmo.
the graphics look straight out of a N64 game.
The gameplay was shit compared to DAO
SJW propaganda as a story
shit, 0/10
strictly average to good, not sure how it managed some game of the year awards though. kind of silly when you look at how stacked 2015 was afterwards.
not at all, you cant even kill any of your companions.
I would say it's a great JRPG, because all you do is grind, but JRPGs tend to have decent stories so it's not even that, it's just a shit RPG and a great way to grind 20 hours of your life to dust.
well then it's a shit game
It was bad, yeah, but mostly because it was a boring, poorly written mediocrity.
oh, come on now.
You can be a dick but that's it.
Nope. Beat it last week, barely.
>mediocre story
>lame cutscenes with wtf graphixxx
>sidemission are mmo tier garbage
>world maps too big, dungeons are basically nonexistent
>total shit ending
>boring dlcs
>bugs up the ass
>no interesting npcs beside Varric and Hawke
>romances are gay
>can't directly import save
Like, fuck this game. DA2 was more interesting that this and it was shit.
Couldn't finish it yet. Combat is really bad. The quests are boring as fuck. Characters are either dull or annoying.
I will probably never be able to finish it.
i got to skyhold and gave up basically. i don't like the time limit restrictions on the war board, so i end up starting up those missions just to shut the game off and have them run in the background. i don't want to miss anything that might be good so i spend 15 hours on every super boring map doing all the side stuff in the hopes that something cool will show up. its dreadful.
It feels like a singleplayer game with a MMORPG engine
Also its worse if you have played DA:O which is probably the case for most of the playerbase. I dunno man, it felt like the story had a lot of social commentary i really wish didn't fucking exist in any RPG
Cutscene filled waifu sims do well with the Bioware/CDProjekt crowd.
I prefer more of a focus on gameplay.
That being said Origins was far better Inquisition , like Witcher 3,was an ok game.
If you played the DLCs but don't automatically think Solas is the most interesting of the entire cast then we played different games.
Solas was pretty cool. I liked Blackwall and Iron Bull too. But everyone else was fucking shit...
And I never beat all DLC, only the first two that sucked. Couldn't finish Tresspasser after that bullshit ending.
Played it but didn't finish it.
The combat is far and above the worst fucking part of this game. Even on the easiest difficulty it takes ages to kill anything. Everything is so fucking tanky and boring to fight.
Animations are bad.
The world is very well designed aesthetically, but it's filled with mindless mmo-tier trash mobs.
I barely remember the story but I'm fairly confident I got to just before the ending mission or close to it as I had a romance scene with Cassandra.
6/10 whereas 2 was a 4/10 and origins was a 8/10
Trespasser is the only great DLC since it tries to effectively end the story while setting it up for a possible sequel. It ties up the missing pieces of Solas' story.
Well fuck me then... Maybe I'll get back to it in 2020.
im at 60 hours right now after buying it 2 weeks ago. im determined to do most of whats available.
>operations are fucking stupid and shouldve just been reduced in number and turned into side quests
>maps are beautiful, but filled with collectathons and not much else
>story is typical rpg, corypheus is somewhat interesting as a villain lore-wise
>characters are just ok overall, they really dropped the ball on romances (2 straight options, 2 gay, 2 bi, why the fuck)
>combat comes down to tweaking builds until you can faceroll everything in the game with no management (sort of like origins but you cant get autistic with managing their tactics)
>story feels disjointed because they expect you to do a lot of the side stuff
solid 7/10 to me
>solid 7/10 to me
get it if you're a fan of the series
if the SJW bullshit is the problem you can avoid most of it by not picking those options
No. This wasn't even a debate when it came out.
yeah dont ask iron bull about his pet tranny if SJW's make your butthole pucker
>hey are you ok with having a tranny in your group of hardened mercenaries
No dungeons, the faux-MMO open world littered with bare-bones fetch quests was tedious, the plot was bad, the villain was terrible.
I had more fun playing Dragon Age 2 to be honest.
Well user it got the Game of the Year award in the VGA so that answers your question
>Was it a good game?
Overall? No.
>corypheus is somewhat interesting as a villain lore-wise
Everything else wise he's an absolute joke. Outside of Haven he doesn't do anything more than act like a generic cartoon villain.
>making your ultimate villain someone who was introduced and backstoried in DLC that nobody bought for the worst game of the series
Not the best way to build up people's expectations for the finale.
I've been playing the game on and off for a few weeks on PS4.
Why is party AI so fucking bad? I'm seeing characters like Cassandra and Varrick constantly using basic attacks while they have full stamina even though they're level 19 and have a shitload of abilities to choose from with some of them set to preferred.
I remember the hair options being stupid hipster shit like half of it long the other half shaved
thats why you just stack ranged damage and blow through everything in the game. have some guard/barrier generation to make it laughable.
It's ok, but it falls apart after you realize that all that castle building and improving your army was just a meme with no real impact on the story.
It had potential to be great if they went with original vision shown in the early trailers. You could command your troops in the field, defend captured castles and shit. Instead we got something that plays like standard mmorpg.
Do you really need to play the previous versions?
It's leagues above Dragon Age 2, but doesn't come close to Origins because in the end it just lacks something to make it 'special'.
Origins (while being generic as fuck) was great thanks to the characters, the sidequests and the setting. DA2 was rushed garbage.
As an avid RPG fan, I thought DAI was all right.
>Combat was okay. It looks way more MMO-tier than it actually is.
>Characters are an improvement over ME3 / DA2. The writing is "good". Sera sucks though and Vivienne is painfully average. Dorian is the best character, and no he doesn't shove his sexuality in your face.
>Sidequests are a joke
>The game requires you to complete operations in real-time to further the main quest. As someone with a full-time job and a daughter, this is very annoying.
>The main villain is awfully written. Nice premise and potential, but wasted in execution.
I'd say it's a solid 7/10. If you can get it for 20-30, why not.
The final DLC was really good though. The best part about the game is the music. It's a HUGE improvement over DA2 / Origins.
it was alright
I wouldn't bother replaying it tho
its funny that dorian ends up being cool cause his characters baggage is literally "gay and has daddy issues". and his personal quest is "my daddy hates that im gay". mustve happened by accident.
It's boring.
i liked the rococo/baroque aesthetic that was going on in some parts of the game, more video games should do that.
You could be really racist to elves, so 7/10
Everything else was maybe 4-5/10
Played it when it was first cracked, didn't even bother with the DLC
>Cutscene filled waifu sims do well with the Bioware/CDProjekt crowd.
It's not even a waifu sim though, out of the nine party members only one is a semi okay looking girl that you can romance, and even she's like a 6/10. Even DA2 tried harder on that front.
It's not really an anything sim anymore.
You really should be controlling them yourself
There's a thing where you input all the choices you would have made in previous games, so no, actually. You can just read up on all the choices and make them.
I bought it for $10 and uninstalled it the next day.
I never played a Dragon Age game before and I probably never will again.