It's DEX+INT pairs up with STR+VIT episode

>it's DEX+INT pairs up with STR+VIT episode



You see how far Jack threw that Scotsman at the family reunion? Jack is pretty STR, too.

Jack is everything; STR, DEX, INT, VIT, etc.

except LUCK


Is the anti-kazuma

Def vs Charisma

>tfw jack is a quality build
>tfw when scottsman is a tank

He had the Gods save his ass several times and he's destined to go back in time no matter what, so I wouldn't call his Luck score bad either.

what kind of retard gets dex and int



>That episode where Scotsman saves Jack from sirens by tracking them down and getting jacks memories back

Scotsman has good INT

>STR+VIT build
Abhorrent scrub, it is 2 parts strength, 1 part vitality, 1 part endurance.

A ranger with imbue spells?

disgusting. just disgusting. who thought it would be ok to have a class with no risk but all the reward


What class would use a combination of DEX and VIT?

Inb4 Spearmen


DEX to swipe shit, lockpick, and disarm traps.
VIT to survive the backlash when it doesn't work.
Doesn't need combat stats because you only have one to double dip on treasure.


bomb defuser


source on this image?

This manga is one hell of a ride.



Every faggot on Sup Forums thinks they are basically Naofumi when they are just an ugly more autistic Spear Hero.

Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari

enjoy the trainwreck

Magic Archer that shoots all sorts of magic lasers.

you cant be more autistic then end-game Spear hero



He did it by being DEX and using the scot's weight against him.
Did you see how far he threw the rock when he had to rely purely on strength?

Ra only helped after being directly summoned.










Nah, that's Vitality / Perception.


i somehow never watched samurai jack as a kid
is it really as good as Sup Forums says it is?


yes it is and you should watch it

it's fun.

really cinematic cartoon compared to all of his other shows.

No. Its the same shit every episode. Its the teen titans go of the 2000's


I came here to prove Dex+Int can be good, stayed for sexy Alien Doggo.

>she thinks of an open mouth
>stick dick in it
>electric blowjob

>same shit every episode

fuck, now I want a ghost blowjob parody of this


Jack is more WIS than INT.

There's only 51 twenty-two minute episodes so you could leisurely watch all of it in a month or less.


Wait really what's he do?

Tax Accountant


I believe he has a mental breakdown and starts seeing every woman as a pig, each only speaking in oinks

I liked it as a kid.
I love it as an adult now.

And the new season looks good.

Wow that is like super autistic. Nice to see though because so far he's just been a dumb bland normie faggot.

>foolish samurai

pick one

Stop I've already told myself never to FAP to cartoon characters ever again do to Gumball with Nicole Jesus help me please

Also he become obseced with Firo

I turn off my useless thoughts and look over the room once more.

Every corner of the room is sprinkled with Filo Rial feathers, and the bed… no, that’s a Firo stuffed doll (Filo Rial form) that had a Firo stuffed doll (Human Form) on top.

Using these two, could he…

No, thinking about it is dangerous. I don’t need to look into it that deeply.

The doll’s stuffing seems to be Firo’s molted feathers.

Uu… The whole room smells of Filo Rial. Why has the Yandere hater become the Yandere?

I try opening one of the books.

For some reason, I hear a high pitched squeal from behind me.

Inside, sketches of Firo were closely packed together.

And I open another book… It seems to be an Ero Doujin based on Firo.

Why does he even have one for her bird form? And his skill is amazing.

The male character in these is Motoyasu? No, there are tentacle ones as well…

This. 90% of it is a filler.



any magic swordsman? Dex gives you offense and defense so you don't need to buy much strength. Doesn't make sense for jack tho because he is STR DEX

What are you fucking gay?

Post yfw

>They're just nuts 'n bolts
>They're just nuts 'n bolts

>They're just nuts and bolts...just nuts and bolts...
Jack is going to go nuclear and I'm not ready for it


Samurai Jack isn't the greatest thing ever but this is shit bait.

t. Glen Murakami

Because things with Western or French cartoons is that I can't look at it sexualized then I do with Sup Forums shit You know?

It just feels very off putting
I've jacked off to so much AWOGumball(series) stuff and Wakfu to the point where it just felt wrong for some reason

In the old series didn't he slice up aliens and monsters and shit all the time?

>Jack has been brutally killing people for 50+ years

>tfw INT character

Is the Scotsman the biggest bro of all time?

>doesn't hesitate to abandon his vacation when he finds Jack brainwashed, risking life and limb
>Doesn't get jealous of Jack's superior skill
>treats Jack to a beer after every adveture they have, even inviting him over for haggis

Seeing him all old in the new show is going to hurt so fucking much

Yes but never any real humans. He only stuns them or knocks them out.

The only real person he killed was someone who wanted to die in battle to enter valhalla.

stop using this cutie for your horrible new age reaction images

>Doesn't get jealous

Nigga he gets really jealous sometimes, do you remember that competition they had over who was going to row them off the island?


>do you remember that competition they had over who was going to row them off the island?

And he accepted his loss after like 50 matches. He's stubborn, but the dude still accepted his loss rather then being a "pshhh I'll beat you one day Jack" faggot

>magic sword
>not STR+INT

Who wins?

Does anyone have that one list of great Samurai Jack episodes?

I've been watching through the first season again for the new season, but I'm considering just going for some of the better episodes to get through it quicker. I do remember watching each one a long time ago, but I thought it'd be better to speed things along.

>Its the teen titans go of the 2000's

So Teen Titans?

100% without a doubt ends in a team-up

Thats literally being competitive. He just wants to outclass him not envying his skill or some shit.

>all those animations by that one dude with Nicole

>A man who has mastered nearly every fighting style since he was a kid
>Fought in the future and is able to block bullets with his sword
>Defeats armies regularly throughout the entire show


>Somefaggot elf that spins around with his sword when you hold the attack button.

Fucking retard, think before you post this shit.

was the new episode good?

Sorry Jack but Link can go back to the past.