What are the best fighting games on the PS4?

What are the best fighting games on the PS4?

Last Blade 2

Street Fighter IV

Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

megadimension neptunia vii

Play Ragna's game

Lethal League

Burning Azul: Middle Fabrication

King of Fighters or Guilty Gear.

Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator has a great tutorial to introduce you to the whole genre
Skullgirls 2nd Encore's tutorial is kind of great too
Both these games have a small playerbase where most of them will stomp you
You will need to do some work on getting fun matches

add these people to have a lot of fun playing
>your fun friends
>people you have fun stomping
>people who you have close matches with

Join the discords for advice

what is the best post more hot slutty blondes on the ps4



The type of bitches who wpuld cuck you with a nigger while you're too busy playing video games.

ignore everyone who says skullgirls they can not be trusted for anything

Breasts.. I mean Guilty Gear

SFV, yes SFV

Do not forget about Mark of the Wolves and Arcsys' games (Revelator and Central Fiction). And when we are at it, maybe add Marvel 3.

Could have just called them coal burners. That rolls off the tongue more.

The BEST game is Guilty Gear Revelator. No question.

The game you're most likely to actually find people playing, though, is SFV.

ignore this user
skullgirls is good

fake boobs

real boobs

real boobs are so much better than those ballon sacks, I dont know how guys can get off to that dumb bimbo look


Gameplay-wise, it's a happy medium between GG and SF.

As much shit as it gets SFV is probably your best bet
Street Fighting games in general are good for introducing the genre. You could play SF4 if you don't care about being several years behind.

>he doesn't fap to bimbos