It was confirmed by Trey Parker and Matt Stone in an interview with Aisha Tyler that he will appear in South Park: The...

>It was confirmed by Trey Parker and Matt Stone in an interview with Aisha Tyler that he will appear in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and that the New Kid will have to get his mother into Heaven.
Uh, ain't that a bit low, even for a South Park videogame?


People who watch South Park are beyond help, just let them enjoy their yokes.


google returns nothing

>south park making a joke at a celebrity in poor taste


In a game where the title is a literal ass joke.

The only reason I played the first game was the Paper Mario battle system, looking at the new one it seems to be something completely different, so I guess I'll be sitting it out.

They said this on-stage at E3 like last year

>le south park hate thread

Wasn't Kanye making a game about that exact same thing?

Will they play the Gay Fish song at some point? Hope so.

That, or he stops to call Kim and make sure she isn't a Hobbit.

Are you triggered?

>Uh, ain't that a bit low
It's fucking South Park

It depends whether the joke is in poor taste or not. Kanye really fucking cared about his mother

Who fucking cares?
Not even trying to be edgy, Kanye is just a piece of shit person

And? Kanye is a massive fucking tool that plays at being intelligent and a philanthropist. Who gives a fuck.

They're making fun of his mother, not him.

So is his wife. And their entire extended family.

Yeah, and Manbearpig was almost ten years ago. What an idiot Al Gore was to think climate change was real.

South Park has always been fundamentally reactionary; those pushing for change are wrong no matter what change they push for. Nothing is a bigger crime to Matt and Trey than Giving a Shit. Their ideology is apathetic-libertarian; whether you're on the left or the right, if you're asking me to change my behavior, you suck.

As it stands, the political left tends to push for more progress than the political right does; as it stands, Matt and Trey admit they dislike conservatives and "really fucking hate" liberals. It isn't about left or right; it's about change versus comfort. If you're trying to change something, they think you're annoying. And they think you're lame, because caring about stuff is lame.

It's the same attitude that establishes "u mad" and "butthurt" as the ultimate trump cards in internet arguments: caring is for losers, and if you become personally invested in politics you're part of the problem. Uncritical, detached acceptance of the status quo is the only morally upright posture, and those who draw a distinction between is and ought are all smug bullies, outlandish freaks, and/or closed-minded zealots.

It's a show that teaches its audience to become lazy and self-satisfied, that praises them for being uncritically accepting of their own biases, and that provides them with an endless buffet of thought-terminating cliches suitable for shutting down all manner of challenges to their comfort zones.

South Park is a place where you never have to have your assumptions challenged. It's a place where you're always right, you shouldn't bother to think, and the people asking you to change your mind are annoying busybodies and prigs who should just shut up and leave you alone.
South Park is, if you'll excuse the expression...a "safe space"

No not at all. Are you 5?

Hey, Reddit!

Hi Sup Forums, Kanye only has one good album and even then it's a 6/10 at its absolute peak

Why should i care about some dumb rapper nobody listens to anymore

>i've been here ten minutes
>everything i don't like is reddit

Please fucking end yourself mate, you've gone far enough

>What an idiot Al Gore was to think climate change was real.
Didn't he claim that the ice caps would be entirely gone now (they're thicker) and that all of Manhattan and most of the seaboard cities would now be under water (lmao)?

>>everything i don't like is reddit
Who are you quoting though?

Hey, how do you know NYC isn't actually under water and Atlantis 2.0? Do you live there?

>being this mad because nobody cares about your good fight in politics shit

>I don't listen to this music, so no one else does
Basement dweller with no human interaction for over a decade or preschool-tier solipsist?

Something something SJW. Something something Trump/Hillary.

Something something cuck, cuckery, cuckold.

Reference to more SJW shit.

There, I just saved you faggots 450+ posts of trash.


I played stick of truth for the good paper mario combat and classic South Park humor and references. I'm not looking forward to the fractured but whole, the combat system is some grid turn-based thing with action command combos. Looks kinda shite plus the modern south park humor has been pretty bad.

>he listens to kanye past graduation
kill you are self my man

I've never seen so much butt hurt in one post. The show sucks, but you dont have to be a fucking nerd about it. Wow, you dislike something that everyone dislikes. groundbreaking stuff

Early 2000's climate change predictions were fucked. A lot of it was them attempting to make money off scare tactics. Climate change is still the biggest problem we face this century

Get a job.

Spotted the J. Cole fan.

>they're thicker

Kanye is the biggest fuckhead in the music industry right now, which is saying something.

>At the bar drinking
>Shooting the breeze talking about old movies and shit
>dipshit peeps up
>"'member chewbacca, hahahahahahaha"
>everyone starts laughing

What the fuck happened to this country.

About the celebrity though.
Whatever you think of Kanye his mom never did anything that would warrant mocking her death.

Like they mocked Michael Jackson's death, but not him getting beat by his dad.

Just seems needlessly malicious.

don't ever remember him saying we would be waterworld now, but the idea of coastal cities slowly being taken by the sea is based on data we have. most of the population lives in areas like this, which is why people make a big deal about it. if you live in a developed country, you don't have anything to worry about.

You don't get the reference. Kanye himself made a game where you guide his mom to heaven or something, this spoofs that.

If memory serves Gore's movie suggested 2100 for a lot of the particularly bad shit. However, that early in time I do not believe the ability for the ocean to act as a carbon buffer was fully understood. That being said, ocean acidification scares me far more than a faster-than-normal warming period.

nah i think rap is shit today, in general

Oh please. The o-zone layer is fixing itself and will be fine in a few years.

Are you serious?

>world war
>world wide economic crisis

None of these are as important as "climate change" to you?

Fucking millennials

Copypastas but good nonetheless.

There's got to be a less heavy-handed way to spoof that.

Oh wait
>South Park
>less heavy-handed
My bad.

>actually listening to (c)rap and not being a nigger
Hows that cultural appropriation and misaligned internalized xenophobic racism treating you white folk?

I live on the Outer Banks of NC and I'm pretty terrified of the sea level thing. The sheer level of denial in this state over it is astounding and they're pushing harder and harder for hardened structures being built along the coastline to 'take care of' stormwater and rising sea levels. But anyone who knows fucking anything about the basic physics of water, sand, and wind knows that hardened structures like groins and jetties are fucking worthless and make your beach look like ass. Just look at New Jersey.

>inb4 the faggots with the exact attitude you're commenting on "u mad lmao" you

The whole al gore thing was actually about how the man purposely blew shit out of proportion.hell, I remember alot of climate scientist having a wtf moment after watching his shitty movie.
He basically made his own monster thus manbearpig became a thing

Shut up Boco. Aside from a few shitty countries CFCs are by and large gotten rid of. There's plenty of genuine climate things to be afraid of.

This is the best description of South Park I've ever seen. Well done.

>I remember alot of climate scientist having a wtf moment after watching his shitty movie.
No you didn't because that didn't occur.

We live in a post-meme, post-ironic era. Nothing has any meaning anymore than to flare our neurons up for a brief moment of stimulation before we go back to our sad existence.

>Collapse or major restructuring of the actual environment you live on and supports your existence
>Not important

user where do you think you get your food from?

Like what? Not doubting you, just curious.

>his mom never did anything that would warrant mocking her death.
She birthed Kanye.


I was waaaaaaaay too late.

>any of that shit disappearing in this century

How fucking gullible are you?


I do not recall "alot" of scientists having a wtf moment and your anecdotal evidence means nothing. Gore was just trying to break shit down for the laymen and despite his efforts being a bit preachy I can respect what he did and why he did it.

Go back to 2009 you unfunny nu-male.

Those arn't going to absolutely fuck the planet we live on you mongrel.

>world war
Wont happen

>economic crisis
Won't effect first world countries nearly as bad as people like to think.

Minor scale attacks affecting a couple thousand people at most, very sporadically

Global warming is a fucking extinction level event, on par with a tech singularity and a fucking large asteroid just played out over a longer period of time

Watch the Throne was alright...
Goddamn I miss Dropout/Late tier Kanye so fucking much.

Nu males (you) are the ones getting offended by south park doing something they've done since the 90s

Neither of you recall shit because you were fucking idiot children back then.

>world war won't happen

Lmao I wonder how many dumbass hippies said this in the past?

My grand father remembers people saying this shit before ww2

>we just went through the war to end all wars, no way it will happen again!

Again, fucking millennials.

Why do you idiots insist on ignoring facts. Is the global scientific community warning you of it not good enough? God you people are as bad as flat earth fucks

I'm getting offended by them going for the absolute lowest hanging fruit. But that's something they've always done, eh? I don't watch this shit show.

>Climate change is a partisan issue
>Keeping the planet clean is a partisan issue
>Providing the best possible environment for future generations is a partisan issue
I utterly fucking hate people sometimes. I can't wait to see these denialists twenty years from now after Antarctica has broken huge chunks off due to the heat- will they cry and scream "B-BUT IT'S NATURAL!" then?

Yeah but you see people listened to him

if this isn't copypasta, get a life
if it is, well done, look at all those (You)s

>actually thinking a world war will happen

Honestly adorable.

>Global warming is a fucking extinction level event
>on par with a large asteroid

Do you seriously believe this? Do you think Earth can become Venus?

You mean the same fucks like Al Gore, who predicted we would all have gills now and polar bears would be extinct?

No, I'm more worried about fucking politicians starting wars, setting up regimes, and faggots like you trying to shut down basic human rights.

Fuck the planet, it was here a long time before we came along, itll be here a long time after we kill each other like dumbasses, while we were too busy being worried about Bambi and the fucking fish.

Not only that, but the reduced rate by which the ozone layer thins out above Antarctica is credited to the CFC ban.

After his first 3 albums plus everything he produced, he is allowed to be as arrogant as he is.
I would be.

You're 100% right.

Literally nothing worse than pompous baby boomers and gen x'ers. Despite rampant increases in military tech, a large scale war between world powers hasn't happened since fucking 1945. We are past the point where mobilizing large scale forces like that is possible. War is devolving into proxy wars and small squad based skirmishes.

There will never be another world war

MBDTF upset you, huh?

Typical "rap" fan.

Ocean Acidification, Boco. Oceans act as natural buffers for carbon dioxide due to the sheer volumes of calcium carbonate within them. The problem of course is that dissolved calcium carbonate is crucial in the development of sea shells and skeletons for many many ocean creatures, such as pteropods, bivalves, foraminifera, etc. Many of these animals are either a major part of the food chain or are important in maintaining the balance of calcium carbonate recycling back into the water supply.

When carbon dioxide mixes with ocean water, it creates carbonic acid, which is the same shit you know as carbonation in sodas. It's a mild acid, but it's strong enough to have an affect on sea shell or skeletal development. Calcium Carbonate in ocean water acts as a buffer, but once it is used to neutralize an acid it becomes bicarbonate which is not as easily used by ocean life.

The concern is that ocean acidification could have a major domino effect. Less calcium carbonate means more acid which means less mollusk and other organisms which leads to food chain collapse. With less calcium carbonate in the water the ocean's acidity levels continue to rise, and as the ocean cannot hold as much carbon dioxide the levels of CO2 in the air begin to increase even more.

>something like that will happen!

>stupid science bitches itt

No they aren't. They are making fun of him through his mother. He's still the butt of the joke.

yes, they will say exactly that.
or, even worse, they will say that this is Jesus coming with The Rapture because we are too nice to the homogays.

considering this is making you so mad you wrote a fucking college thesis I think you need a safe space nigga

THIS. I actually live in NYC and it really is almost completely underwater now. We live on the tops of skyscrapers, which are only a few feet above sea level these days. I have to take a fucking gondola to work and yet you people act like global warming isn't a real thing.

Except the newest seasons they've gone full liberal... without realising more than half they're fanbase is conservative. A lot of people liked Cartman's racism unironically, and you know "people who get their kicks from acting like idiots will soon be outnumbered by actual idiots"

Ozone has barely fuck all to do with global warming.

What's the situation here?

You are not a smart man.

Oh my. That does sound bad.

You are so fucking retarded.

We haven't had another war because of nukes, you dumb shit.

As soon as this nuclear stand off ends, however it does, it's back to swinging sticks, like the mindless apes we, are.

But believe what you want. You're a fucking millennial, who has probably never seen any conflict in his life, living in his mother's basement.

>Al Gore now represents the entire global scientific community of 2017
>global warming only affects animals not OUR ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET WHICH WE RELY ON TO LIVE

Jesus christ, go back to your fucking compound in the woods yelling "the gubmint takin our rights away"

Literally no one said anything about your "basic human rights" you dumb faggot

>There will never be another world war

>They need to pander to conservatives, fuck whatever they may want to do, fuck their vision and intentions!

Hmmm... really... activates... my avacados... hmmmmmmm

you guys are such fucking newfags holy shit