Overrated or underrated?

Overrated or underrated?

Overrated, now fuck off.

Naw, it's adequately rated.

1 & 2 are still and always will be better. Fallout died when they went first person.

on Sup Forums - overrated
outside of Sup Forums - underrated

highly overrated

The best 3D cRPG americans ever made.

Why come nobody has made an rpg as good as new vegas? It's been like, a decade since it was released.

Name me an RPG that gives you the amount of freedom and choices as New Vegas from this decade.


New vegas was the best of series.


Overrated, anyone who says otherwise is retarded.

Any rpg.

Anyone who says new vegas is overrated is literally todd howard.

Fuck off, toddler. fallout 3 is inferior and so is fallout 4. Not even the normies liked that shit pile.

Despite Alpha's shitty gameplay, the story and choices were great! Obsidian said they'll love to do a sequel but it's up to Sega.

Dragon age 2 isn't even a better game than new vegas. Try again.

>download New Vegas because of the faggot threads here
>game crashes every 6 seconds
>disgusting sudden framerate drops everywhere even though i'm playing on a 1070
>5 minute long unskippable intro with a bunch of literally whos before you get shot in the face by Chandler from Friends
>excessively """deep""" character creation with a shit load of dials but it doesn't matter because your character will look like an ugly thumb with hair anyways
>wake up in hospital
>le epic 10 minute long psychological evaluation character creation even though he just lets you change it to what you want at the end anyways
>go outside
>see le quirky cowboy meme robot
>use starting grenade launcher and throwing spears to kill it
>it just goes unconscious instead of dying Skyrim-style
>it gets back up and kills me
>get to the bar
>meet stupid redhaired faggot girl with dog
>she gives me a varmint rifle to shoot bottles with even though you start with like 20 different guns with more damage
>can't even shoot the bottles correctly because the iron sight in this game is fucking retarded and the damage is RNG, have to walk up right in front of them to end the forced tutorial
>go back in bar
>see big intimidating gangster black man with aggressive tone threatening poor little female bartender
>like any sane person would, i shoot him in the face and kill him
>he actually goes down this time instead of going unconscious
>leave town
>instantly get one shotted and spawn camped by a pack of deathclaws

great game yep. Saged this shit fucking thread

Name them, faggot.

>being this bad

Copypasta fags should be banned.

>obsidiot mad that his precious developer WILL NEVER work on another fallout again after their hilarious fuck up with the metacritic.
Stay mad because there is nothing you can do about it :)

see :)

Now you know the Sup Forums meme :)

>tfw you will never play nv for the first time again

Rated just right

normies loved that shit pile m8

>tfw playing it for the first time right now
>absolutely love it after only having played some of 3 and 4
inb4 shill

>"Ur so fukin mad XD!!!"

Looks like the kids are out of school early.

>OP dare to question the best game of all time
BTFO, you don't deserve to be on Sup Forums.

no school today on the east coast

>normies loved that shit pile
lol no they didn't you stupid fuck
>b-but it sold gorillions
Of course it sold, fallout is a brand name now. People bought that shit on hype and what happened just a couple months later? No one gave a fuck because the game was shit even my normie standards.

On Sup Forums? Overrated as fuck
Everyone always pretend F3 and F4 are shit while FNV is a godsend but they're actually very close.

Fallout 4.

>F3 and F4 are shit while FNV is a godsend
That's pretty accurate tho

Because everyone lives on the east coast. Anyways, I hope they clear the roads by tomorrow so the autist can go back to being useless at school as usual before they inevitably drop out.


>yes (but really no)

Are you seriously trying to tell me normies didn't like Fallout 4? Are you actually retarded?
Normies praised that shit for months after it came out.

Next you'll try to tell me normies didn't love Skyrim.

Writing isn't everything in a game

Fallout 4's diologue choices:

Try again, mate.



overrated, just as morrowind was. But it's still an amazing rpg and a fantastic reinterpretation of the Fallout 2 atmosphere.


it's adequately rated. Usually when you see discussion of Fallout, it's brought up often enough as a favorite.

>To casuals

Who cares what they think?

In a game based on roleplaying, it is.

You realize most of the complaints in this pic hold true for FNV too, right?

It's a good game but it's absolutely on par with 3 and 4. It's not in the same tier as the classic games.

New Vegas is also losing a lot of goodwill on Sup Forums because of the 24/7 "dude epic quote spoilers New Vegas thread XD" generals that won't go away. I can only assume some e-celeb is playing New Vegas now and that's why the younger crowd has such an interest in the game right now, similar to that annoying wave of "ISOLATED XD" VtmB threads we had a while back.

>writing is everything in an RPG
might as well stop talking right now we just have vastly different opinions

People talked about that game for years after it released. You couldn't go five minutes without seeing some viral meme shit about it. Meanwhile, people went quit on fallout 4.

>ur todd howard, this game is 111/10 perfectico

When will people like you just neck yourself? The Legion is a shit cartoony faction that is only sophisticated because of Caesar himself. Legion City wouldn't save it, and even if it never got off the ground because of "Evil Beth", it could have been addressed in DLC. But it didn't, so cartoony, evil faction it remains.

And if you reply with a image or a post saying how I'm Todd Howard, I sincerely, honest to god wish you get hit by a bus this week, because i've had enough of this circle jerking bullshit. Fallout 3 and 4 were fun enough games to have fun with. Stop being such a miserable brat and just enjoy things.


New Vegas dialogue:
>Yes (but you get xp)
>Tell me more before I say yes or no

Much better.

>Fallout 3 and 4 were fun enough games
Yes, todd, your games were fun, but they were also very shallow. There's a reason why New vegas is still talked about while fallout 3 is rarely mentioned on it's own.

Gameplay mechanics and atmosphere are also very important, but writing should also be top priority when developing an RPG. Look at Alpha Protocol, the gameplay is bad but the thinknhay saved the game was writing and choices it gave you. It gathered a cult following because of what the game achieved and many others didn't.

Nice. Got anymore of those?

Has anyone seen what happens if you refuse the vault tec man at the beginning of fallout 4? The wife always overrules the husband no matter if your character is male or female. Why are bethesda such betas?
Not to mention your son is also always black. it's a fallout with a premade background for the character and you're only allowed to roleplay as a cuckold.

It's true FNV has improved a lot gameplay wise (like weapon mods) but I can't say it "fixed many of the gameplay related flaws".
Again, except writing wise, it isn't really so different

At least in New Vegas there's more than four dialogue options max.

Yeah instead you might get a whopping 3 or 2 dialogue options, much better.

The "gameplay related flaws" mean stats and mechanics. Accuracy was unfucked and damage threshold was good mechanic.

New Vegas diologues are more sophisticated than that. I know I sound pretentious. New Vegas gives you the option to get around different problems with the diologue alone. It's not as black and white as yes and no.

>Yes, todd
Kek please let a bus hit this man. He's the reason my gaming hobby is slowly dying. Because If I'm not sucking NV's dick all the time then I'm "le ebin todd lelelel."

Yeah, Fallout 3 and 4 were FUN


You know, that feeling you get when you ENJOY something?

shh baby

>b-but it's fun
New vegas is also fun, and is also a better game.

how does the camera view changing kill a series? its a superficial element

What's better guys:
>Playing vanilla NV for the first time.
>Playing NV the second time after autistically installing and tweaking 140 mods?

overrated on Sup Forums
underrated by normies

Playing with sawyer's mod, obviously.

Josh is a really werid dude.

He's a cool dude, you mean.

Overrated, more similar to Fallout 3 than most people would dare to admit

The plot is good but consoles made it worse than it could've been, it really feels dumb to hear about all these great cities and casino city and it's just 4 houses or a single street with 3 "casinos"

>Putting "b-but" to make me sound weak and stupid.

Look mate. I get it ok. People here got burned by too many bad purchases to the point where they almost shoot any AAA game on sight. No one should be given todd memes whenever someone makes ANY legit criticism of New Vegas EVER. On this board, you are almost not allowed to, otherwise "ur tod hjehehehe". It's not a good counter point, nor a defense. It's just a shitty fucking meme meant only to jerk themselves off, because this board only exists to establish some bullshit "superiority" between Sup Forums anons, and the rest of gaming, solely based on how "hardcore and casual" a player is.

This place is why my enjoyment if gaming as a long time hobby is dying. Because I got banned from other place long ago, and this is my only source of gaming anything now, and it's awful.

Why is Todd the worst? He's more emotionally stable than Randy, more honest than Peter or Sean, more financially responsible than Tim Schafer, and more on time than Gabe EVER will. He's not a messiah of gaming, but Todd is AT LEAST, making REAL fucking video games that appeal to my personal tastes that I can enjoy. In terms of devs and the west, he's the only dev I can say is good without feeling like busting a guy laughing. He is the ONLY person aside from random Indie game whos that I can look at and trust with just making video games. Not obnoxious games, not scam games, not broken garbage. Just games I can sit and enjoy.

tl;dr: Fuck Sup Forums. Just fuck this entire place to the ground.

>He gives a good, honest, thoughtful answer to a troll
>You implicitly make fun of triggers, because you're an edgy thirteen year old
Shouldn't you be in school? Fucking dumbass.

>that wall of text
Look mate, I'm not reading all that shit so let me just skip to the point.

F3 was a fun game for what it was but it was still shit.
NV is a fun game and is also a good game.

not an argument

Of course it's not an argument, you retard. I didn't even read your essay of a post. Get rekt, m8.

___ __ ________

Who's the best revolver

Ranger Sequoia of course

and I'm not even an NCRfag
although That Gun is good too if you want to count that as a revolver.


I love the game, but it's a broken mess that never should have shipped out.

If obsidian actually knew how to test their shit and fix bugs, the game might actually be good.

totally 100% disregarded


Holy shit...

There is no way someone like this exists. You have to be role playing.

>If obsidian
Quality assurance was handled by bethesda. Blame them if you want to blame anyone.

>Forced to rush by Bethesda
>This is somehow Obsidian's fault

They should have limited their scope and focused more on the key mechanics they wanted

Obsidian are terrible when it comes to missing deadlines, infamous for it even

You know obsisdian's reputation on contract work. Now you should look up zenimax's reputation on working with contract devs. Highlight include arkane and human head studios.

I'm in a shit mood and I'm just legit tired of circle jerking, and people thinking posting Todd memes is a good way to chase out anyone that has legit criticism.


Sup Forums is infested with obsidicucks

This. It hurts more when you remember that New Vegas is like 90% Fallout 3 stuff. Plus anything like the Legion City COULD have been addressed post Launch with DLC. But nah we need to have our anti-climatic showdown with Ulysses.

>I am literally mad
wew fucking lad

Underrated, at least outside Sup Forums.

Look up a true gameplay video, it's either a fatty or a 10 year old kid explaining how to kill the legendary bloatfly using the weakest sniper without getting your shit pushed in immediately, gaymur grills and normalfags didn't bother with this one yet they latched onto 3 and 4 like they were paid to do it.

This to a T. Like New Vegas is one thing. But people here worship it.

Do you have a source for all these smugs?

You're not allowed to make the not an argument argument considering your argument is quite literally "It's fun&comfy m8 why do you hate fun xD"
You have LITERALLY no arguments.


>gaymur grills and normalfags didn't bother with this one

Just how delusional are you guys?
You just want your favorite game to be a niche game for elites so badly.
FNV is well-known and appreciated in the real world. Before Fo4 it was the most played and modded Fallout game, and many "normies" prefer it.
In fact bashing Fo4 and praising FNV has become an easy way to seem "hardcore".

A bit of both.

The people who circlejerk this game go way overboard and ignore obvious flaws, which is honestly native to any fandom.

The people who go out of their way to talk shit on this game often come off as people who started on Fallout 3 or feel the need to fight the circlejerk out of a contrarian need.

This is ignoring the obvious trolls and falseflaggers who populate the discussions of anything with a notable following

>Go north, die
>Go east, die
>Go any direction but south, die
>Can't do a bunch of quests because i said the wrong thing

Feel that freedom.

My normie friend who prefers Fallout 3 thought FO4 was a fucking atrocity.

>You're not allowed


>>Go north, die
>>Go east, die
>>Go any direction but south, die

git gud

>Can't do a bunch of quests because i said the wrong thing

freedom to quickload