So Switch is saving video games right?

So Switch is saving video games right?



Who the fuck told you that?!

Sup Forums did

No its juat another alterative to mainstream AAA garbage

What the fuck, idiot? Get a PC and dump all your console shit.
>Gaben pays me to post here

Sup Forums who?! Where does he live?! I want names, mother fucker!

consoles only make vidya worse.

on the 4chanz

Who is this Sup Forums?

You just wanted to post feet.

I want to massage those feet.

I want serious conversation about the switch and how versatile and crucial it's success is

It's just a nice addition that immature retards can't stop shit talking about.

Tell a fellow pantyhose connoisseur the artist please. I cannot find it.


this is a good thread

You are the real MVP.
Have a good day user


As much as the Wii U did.

I have a suspicion that yomu likes feet and pantyhose

Why are these images so huge? Not that I'm complaining or anything.

>shittposting with yomu images

kill yourself nintendog

So you can zoom in on the important parts

Post moar feet, pls.

Teh switch will be dead in 3 years tops and will sell more than xbone but less than half ps4.

>naked feet
Disgusting. Post feet in stockings/pantyhose.

>not liking footpussy

wow youre fucking gay. just for that im gonna post something vidya related and ruin this thread

>no d-pad

It's like some people don't care

Goddamn EVERYTHING this guys draws is exquisite.
Wtf he's my favourite artist now

Nintendo is a toy company.

Pantyhose covered feet > naked feet
This is common sense

the pantyhoes are a plus
but as usual it's footfag shit



Who else is jerking off in here?

man this manga went in a weird direction

Thinking about the feeling and noise those things would make is making my skin crawl and I fucking hate it. Fuck you for posting that.

How would you enjoy a pair of girl's feet, anons?

With my tongue

I'm not a footfag but my wiener just tingled
send help

Whats the name? I know I've read it partially before but both my memory and reverse image search are failing me.

It's too late user, you cannot be saved

since we're already breaking like every rule on this thread I can tell you it's Houkago Play while keeping a clean conscience

pantyhoes fucking suck
get some actual taste before posting a garbage fetish like this

>a flop saving video gaems
Switshit can't save herself HUEHUE

>pantyhoes fucking suck
WOAH Who let the tasteless loser in here

Feet are for tickling and nothing more.

You guys are faggots.

Footfags are the cringies of tge bunch. Just as bad as fagposters

I wish this artist wouldnt draw these dumb faces

Is Maken-KI worth reading?

>proceeds to post shadshit

western art is disgusting

Just go read his h-manga

Thanks amigo.


I love Shad.
His art is so shit and everything is so ridiculous i can always get a good laugh.

Me too user. I can't find this shit attractive, but its funny enough to be valueable.

This thread is really sexy. I'm going to fap at work, after my lunch break though. So keep posting to build up enough material.

Is it even possible to hate pantyhose?
Even gays love them. You have to be on a new level of degeneracy to hate them.



He's a hacker known as Anonymous.



>thread still up
mods confirmed for pantyhose lovers?

following this thread

>man this manga went in a weird direction

50%+ was dedicated to the female MC and a good 25% was always about her feet.

So how did your foot fetish start? My mom got me into feet, because of her own foot fetish. Looking back at it, it should have been obvious she always liked having her feet pampered. My dad hates feet though so she would always turn to me for foot rubs and massages. It just escalated from there.

