Iji Version 1.7

There's a new version of Iji out.


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The hell?

What changed about it?

In bullet points:

>ported to Game Maker 7.0 for modern compatability
>two new endings
>non-lethal "Passive Nanoweapons"
>overhauled text and graphics
>faster walking speed
>more dialogue modifiers
>a new stat upgrade interface
>extended cracking/interacting range
>additional tweaks probably

>two new endings
>new non-lethal weapons

Goddammit, I've already played this game enough.

and I'm still ready for more

>game comes out
>reading indiegames blog comments
>hey guys did you notice you can beat most of the game, minus bosses of course, by just skipping them? lmao im going to do a "pacifist" run next time as a joke

>new update
>hey i added an ending in case you actually wanted to beat it as a joke not killing everyone

>lol this shit is fucking retarded

>8 years later
>the meme is real

>new endings requires 270-300+ kills

Oh boy.

A fucking shitload of things, including it being able to run at an actual decent speed on non-macs.

>game sound/music is garbled
>dev's current solution is to try a different computer


>old version runs like shit on computers past XP
>new version has bugs on modern computers instead

>non-lethal "Passive Nanoweapons"
Haven't played yet, but read that they're the normal weapons but made 'non-lethal'; is that as lame as it sounds? Part of what made the pacifist run good was you had to fucking work for it and couldn't shoot anything other than Reflecting stuff and combining weapons to find ways around enemies (i.e. Asha fight 2).

>Killing an enemy with a reflected projectile now counts as a kill again.

Guess what
You can't even reflect shit anymore.
Reflected shots count as kills for Iji again.

for what purpose

I guess they finally decided that pacifist genocide runs were just a little too off message.


Because there are Passive Nanoweapons now.

>7 years between updates

Is he ever going to make an actual new game?

Well that makes pacifist a bit more of an issue when I can't reflect back at the problem niggers in a room.

He works for a software company now, so he's released new games as part of that, and he's released several new personal project games after Iji.

What the fuck, man?

he's made a bunch as well as actual for-sale ones with the company he works at but nobody gives a shit about them no matter how many Iji references he throws in

>it hasn't actually been seven years, has it?
>check last modified date on the 1.6exe
>seven years almost to the day
>1.5 is from 2009

I think I need to go sit down.

I can't read. I guess it isn't as awful as I thought it would be.

Still though why wait this long to finally put out an update for something I can't imagine many people were asking for.

>Robot Elf

Chill. As far as I was aware he'd only done a few mini games.

Are they good?

Haven't you ever did anything because you wanted to?
Jesus christ, user.
I can't imagine anyone was asking for Iji to be made in the first place, but he just up and made it. It's kinda the same deal with this update.

Most of the wait was him rewriting the entire game in a newer version of Game Maker because the one he used was kludged together and ran like fucking shit on any computer running Vista or newer when it had to draw polygons on screen instead of sprites (a number of special effects as well as the entire final boss).

What I want to know is what effects I've been losing this whole time by playing in windowed mode.

Jesus christ I played this ages ago and now I want to play it again.

>Combined the various Cyborg stations into a new one that lets you level all stats from the HUD.
>this comic user made about 10000 years ago isn't relevant anymore

I suppose, yeah. I'm not mad at all about this guy putting something out again 7 years after the fact or anything. I'll probably end up playing again to see the new genocide ending. I really liked Iji. Just seems odd with how much time has passed.
I always seemed to have it run okay until the final boss, and at that point it would run at about 10-15 fps.

>Removed "waste of time" chat from Sector 7 since it's now trivial to reach.


>once turned off all the graphical settings and fought Tor
>everything was so fast I got completely slaughtered
The only way I could beat the game was because of the FPS drop.

I'm talking about his games with his company. The games on that page past Iji are what I meant by "a few mini games".

So are the non-lethal weapons just variations of the normal ones?

Guess what?
-Tweaked various timings in the Tor fight, making him faster overall.

oh my god noooooooooo

Yeah, variations of the base 8, generally knocking down enemies and there's even one that absorbs Nano without killing the enemy.

Which is total bullshit if you ask me and kind of takes away from the draw of a pacifist run, that being it's hard as balls due to the lack of Nano you get, and fittingly staying pacifist in a situation like that would be increasingly stupid/difficult. Not to mention on the hardest difficulties you can't actually finish a run totally pacifist because you don't have enough points to combine the weapons you need.

>muh pacifist runs

Are any of you fuckers going for the 300+ kills ending right now?


Fuck off graper, kill runs are shit

My first playthrough I went full murderborg and had 300ish+ kills and the bad ending to boot, even though I immediately realized how to not get the shit ending I kept going anyway to see what would happen.

It was sad and I was very sad and never did another non-pacifist run.

>download for the update is called iji2
don't taunt me like this

Oh shit the HQ music download is updated for 1.7 too apparently. Wonder what was changed?

>try to launch
>it immediately crashes
th-thanks for the update, dan

>he added an ending slide showing the surviving tasen if they're not wiped out in sector 9
the pulse linker doesn't do you much good, the only way you'll get any nano worth anything is if you shoot at an annihilator, and if you can siphon nano from one of them without getting murdered horribly you've earned it
and that's before you consider that it chews through ammo like nobody's business

Volume levels, mostly.
HQ For Stronger Bones still doesn't have that intro that's present in the default files.

>-Halved the volume of all sound and music, so it no longer clips whenever a sound plays.

So presumably if you want to listen to it outside of the game, get the 1.6 download so you don't have to turn your music player all the way up. Why he didn't just halve the volume ingame, I don't know- either way, if you want the lossless original files I'm not sure if the artists' Bandcamp page is even still around or if it has the downloads.

Huh, you're right. The FLAC version doesn't either.

Man the default version sounds like SHIT in comparison though.

Gonna start me an Extreme Murder playthrough.
This is gonna be horrible.

wew lad
Haven't thought about this game in years

>Sup Forums now defends pixelshit indie "games"
what went so wrong?

>listening to For Stronger Bones to compare
>a minute in hit with a sudden nostalgia burst of playing so many years ago listening to that track and immediately deciding this ugly-as-sin, clunky one-man indie game was gonna be in my top 10 forever
This is the freshest hell.

>copyright still says 2004-2010

this one's a good one and has always been a good one. better than a lot of shit and it's free

you'd know that if you'd played it

decent, at the very least
MURI was neat but way too short, haven't played princess remedy but it's also free, and i've heard good things about ittle dew
dan mentioned one of the problems is that greenlight made it impossible to find any good indie games through the sea of shovelware garbage

Do you think DeceasedCrab's going to make a video about it?

People who jump to spam memes because they need to fit into the hivemind, and the fail like retards on a thread about a old and respected game?

Nice meme.


hidden gem really

here is one of the best songs in the game


>faster walking speed
Picked up

this is one of the few indie games that is good. It's free and well done.

plasma cannon is the ultimate weapon devastator a shit

What did reallyjoel's dad think about this?

he already unlocked the null driver

Wow! How many appendages did he need to use?

he needed 1 arm to use the power glove, so 1

I wish he was my dad.

I don't want to play this but I want to know the story. Can someone please spoil a nigga?

Go back to youtube, pussylips.

I'm going to go for it. Genocide Iji is cute, even if it's objectively bad and results in worse ending for her.

You must be at least 18 to post on this site.

I don't follow e-celebs.

I'm 26. I tried to play years ago but lost interest early on. I honestly don't have the time, or the desire to add yet another game to the growing pile of backlog hell. I've been very curious in the depth of the story, though.

lol have fun killing Annihilators with it

(I know you're not really supposed to kill those but I still do that on a kill run because fuck the aliens)

You are Iji.
You are visiting your brother one day at work with your little sister when suddenly bright lights fill the sky.
You wake up to an empty room and your brother's voice on the intercom system. Aliens attacked, and your brother as well as a few other scientists have augmented you with their unique nanotechnology.

How the rest of the plot plays out is up to you.

I got the one where she and her brother are the only people left on Earth.
It made me question how there were so many kids at the end. Did they use alien tech to synthesize her DNA and make more Ijis?

Don't fix what isn't broken, man, the current passive shit was fine.

unless that's one of the new endings, there are other survivors out there

It's not even implied that they're the last two people on the planet. If Iji and her brother survived, then other people did too.

I always thought it was very gamey how the kills made by reflected projectiles didn't count as kills. You could slaughter pretty much everybody with a projectile weapon and the game would still consider you a saint. I'm happy it's changed. I want to try the new passive weapons, they seem cool and add more to the pacifist playthrough than timing your reflection.

Iji and Dan are the last humans left alive in the research base. There are other survivors, the alpha strike killed most humans but not all of them.