>Sequel to the best stealth game since Thief 2
>Reviews saying it's better than the first (meaning it's a GOTY contender even up against Yakuza/Ni-Oh/Gravity Rush)
>21:9 support
>Online co-op
>All the video settings you could possibly ask for
>DRM free
>$39.99 MSRP
Have you or do you intend to buy the GOTY today?
Styx: Shards of Darkness is DRM free
Don't these games have a binary player illumination system?
This game has a GOAT trailer too
I bought the game too OP
It's not binary. It's a percentage based on lighting conditions.
>New VA that isn't Letho.
>Rap music.
>DRM free
>not supporting based devs that don't treat you like criminals
>rap music
what the fuck are you talking about?
Steam trailer is cancerous meme rap. Pass.
And the trailer another user linked too is GOAT
Don't let a marketing firm dictate whether you buy a 10/10 game you faggot
Nah, they already blew it. Same with this thread, off to page 10.
I should get around to finishing the first Styx.
I'm tempted to buy this game but the developers are french.
got a valid excuse ?
They are french. I usually don't buy anything from french people. They are disgusting liberal aninals.
they surrender
Cyanide games are hit and miss, and it is rarely the former
>Online co-op
Now that's a shame.
Hope it's not a big focus of the game.
>Reviews saying it's better than the first
That doesn't mean anything, considering the first game was a clunky turd.
When are you shills going to give up on this shitty game?
I still need to finish Of Orcs and Men.
it's better than Overwatch
Did you like the first game? Did you even play it, or did you just watch it on YouTube?
I watch gameplay of Styx games and they just look dull. Same old same old third person takedown centric shit stealth that has been done more times in games than I can remember.
You calling it the best stealth game since thief 2 just makes it an obvious marketeer style OP. Try to be more subtle next time.
Will you play her game, user?
I tried playing the first. It was shit. Clunkiest game I've played in years.
except it wasn't
It's literally the same character with a recolor.
Probably something that a programmer had nothing to do for a small while and build it up.
I thought it was shot during the development of the first one
Is it going to be way different? I really couldn't get into the first one, the AI just acted too stupid, even by stealth game standards.
If it's just tacked on shit that can be ignored I'm okay with it.
It's when you start to feel like you aren't getting even half the experience because you are playing SP that it gets frustrating.
why would you play a stealth game in co op?
It's probably gonna be good and will get no spotlight cause the gayming community is horrible.
Cynide studios are goat devs, shame I don't buy games
>ugly, vulgar goblin character
>'Shards of Darkness'
>dark, gritty medieval timeline
>dark gritty atmosphere/palette
>third person stealth game
Man, there's nothing in this game that appeals to me at all. It's like seeing those historically-based RTS/grand strategy games, or those cheap bargain bin puzzle/hidden object/mystery games you see at Walmart, it's an automatic skip for me. They don't even look interesting or fun.
ask the splinter cell players that. everything is more fun with friends
Could be fun. Something like Monaco but well, not a 1 dollar indie game.
I just hate when they try to merge co-op and single player games that just end up making both game modes feel a bit shit.
Why wouldn't you want to play a stealth game and coordinate heists with your buds? There's also two times the risk so you have to actually communicate.
>pic related was the last good coop game
play with a friend and make perfectly timed coordination without alerting anyone is pretty satisfying.
Splinter Cell CT's Coop is amazing for this reason but their missions were made with that in mind. Styx 2 is not, so it's just gonna be imbalaced as fuck.
automatic pirate
this looks boring as fuck but the french have made some great games, Rayman, Beyond Good & evil, Little Big Adventure 1/2
>ugly, vulgar goblin character
>'Shards of Darkness'
>dark, gritty medieval timeline
>dark gritty atmosphere/palette
>third person stealth game
>gritty and dark
The fuck? It's pretty much a glorified Fable game.
But France is one of the most conservative countries in Europe that isn't basically an autocracy, and they're primed to vote in the shitposting female equivalent of Trump. You're fucking retarded either way
>Little Big Adventure 1/2
my nigga
SP > Co-op.
SP is the only way to enjoy games unless you are into Dota 2 or CS:GO
France is the most liberal and perverted country in europe. They are the fathers of Marxism.
France is one of the most left leaning countries in Europe, they could be blamed for creating the left with the French Revolution
This. France is based as fuck right now. They'll probably be one of Trump's greatest allies once Marine Le Pen is elected.
arkane and eugen are french too
>pic related
seriously? She's going to be the Prime Minister in like a month.
Cyanide is totally redpilled anyways
Looking forward to it, but this is just blatant shilling.
you americans are really retarded it's not just a meme
> voting for women
Fucking yurocucks haha
reminder that hillary won the popular vote
she's the leader of the nationalist party
Does that mean the US is a cuck country since they had a majority vote for a woman?
> yuropeon "nationalists" are betas
So? They're just doing it because their ass is hurting right now, as soon as things improve they'll be back in the red like the good commies they are.
french being conservative, that's a good joke
is there a torrent out yet?
Guess who inspired Karl Marx ? fucking stupid cunt
>falling for the no drm meme
Easy pirate! Can't wait to play this FOR FREE !
releases in a couple of hours.
Gonna buy it next time I'm in town. First one was fun and I like Styx even if he can be a bit grating at times.
As compared to playing it for free anyway?
he's a fucking kraut end of the line
you fucking kraut always put the blame on somebody else
>Gravity Rush
>goty material
Legitimately, this chart is a good example of why going off of straight popular vote would be bad. I certainly don't want California and New England alone making all the decisions for the country.
> They are the fathers of Marxism.
>they could be blamed for creating the left with the French Revolution
I can't comprehend how idiotic these statements are. If Frenchies are all gay leftists that smell like cheese, I guess all Americans truly are fat and incomparably stupid.
Of course it's DRM free. You think Cyanide has money for DRM when it comes to their own property?
>Cyanide games are hit and miss, and it is rarely the former
They're alright. Their games just need a higher budget. Its more of a problem that people are used to high budget and indie shit, with games industry having effectively killed mid-size studios and games. I'm glad to see they're making a comeback.
i have that shit preordered, why isn't it up for download yet?
Nioh, GR2 and Yakuza are literally 10/10 games.
So basically. 90% of America is a shithole since everyone just moved to a few select cities?
I've only played Of Orcs and Men and that was a fucking horrendous game that has a good title and that's it.
I imagine this series is also not good.
>Los Angeles
>not a shithole
dev post giving a "reason" why
>PC master race
>only NieR is getting released on PC
>maybe Ni-Oh
I'm not even a Sonybro but goddamn, I would hate to not have access to a PS4 right now
Nice, sounds like I'll pirate it!
>David's Cage next movie
funny list
Don't you have local politicians or something?
I.E, the party with the most votes get to have their representative as a figurehead of the country, while the municipalities are governed by the party the people in that municipality voted in.
>And people wonder why out of touch business men see Denuvo and think "that's a great idea"
Knack was good and Knack 2 is going to be even better
meh seems like a weird reason.
What can they do differently in less than hours?
Obama proved you dont need to give a shit about local politicians with executive orders being a thing.
Cyanide is actually packing some serious heat right now for a smallish developer.
>Werewolf the Apocalypse
>Call of Cthulhu
>(((out of touch businessmen)))
good goy
I assume you don't live in Burgerland.
Local state governments have a comparatively small fraction of power compared to the federal government, which is ran by the president.
Local politicians haven't mattered for a long time.
You do realize that if I didn't pirate games, DRM wouldn't matter?
But I DO pirate games, because I have limited disposable income and I can't buy shit blind like a good consumer whore. This allows me to put money towards the games I actually like instead of the ones that looked good.
nothing that couldn't have been done with a day 1 patch
>drm free
day 1 pirate for me
when will you fags stop lying to yourselves with this drm-free meme
>that trailer
here, found what they were going for, except done properly and originally
They're also publishing DONTNOD (Life is Strange dev) Vampyr which is a vampire the masquerade bloodlines-inspired RPG
Square Enix japs can't be jews, they can be jewy but they're not jews
this is what they're pointing out in the steam thread.
>a witcher product
Elric would like his everything back
You're thinking about Focus Home Interactive who have seriously become the new go-to publisher for interesting projects.
>SP is the only way to enjoy games unless you are into Dota 2 or CS:GO
I don't even play Dota 2 or CS:GO but this statement is completely bullshit.
Oh shit my bad. But yeah they're a great publisher.
>which is a vampire the masquerade bloodlines-inspired RPG
literally wat
the game is not an RPG, not even close.
It's a story game.
>Yakuza/Ni-Oh/Gravity Rush
>contenders for GOTY
Sonyponîes are this delusional
>not reporting to Soros behind the scene
hehe goyim