Here's your joystick bro

Here's your joystick bro

why does she look so embarassed


do want :3

tfw my dick ain't sensitive anymore

That's clearly a feminine penis

>it's another Sup Forums - Trannies & Traps episode

I did bring mine dawg


a KISS on the HEAD of EVERY feminine PENIS!

is that the girl from icarly?

Too bad the hands are manly.

>man looks more like bayonetta than a paid cosplayer

Take me lord

>those obvious man thighs

here's your gamepad bro, sorry I don't have other games

what is she(he) doing with her(his) mouth?

he was drunk

Leave my roommate alone, guys

No worries, at least it's not zelda or some other kiddy shit

She has candy in her mouth.

>Yep, gotta include the hand so everyone knows I'm white
Nice shitpost

late night Sup Forums is a treasure

quality japanese moderators

here's your gaming peripheral man

This, fucking whitesplaining


gross, i wanna throw up now

No way fag


no cock = no fun

Get that nasty shit off my Sup Forums, fag.

>no emotion during climax

mental illness

>tfw you will never top trap eggman

That's a small cock.

here's your joystick bro, mom sold all of my videogames because I skipped school too much

>tfw her dick is still bigger than mine

No it's the girl from parks and rec.

So? He is still cute. i want him so damn bad...


I thought that that's normal

>tfw sub and a huge masochist
>no qt trap to bully and tell me stories of how small my penis is

Dominant traps where are you???

cumming.......... meh....

fucking awful taste what's wrong with you


I'm sorry mom took away your sega, big bro. Maybe I could be your video game tonight...~~~~~~


that is the true face of ultimate ecstasy

>those man feet

That's what I'm talking about fampai!


>tell me stories of how small my penis is
>"Listen up, user. Once upon a time there was a boy who could always be found together with his tiny friend, Mr. Dick"

face isn't fooling anyone and gross moles

>that completely straight face throughout the whole orgasm
kinda spooky desu

That's a man, you blind faggot.


Why is this thread still here, but the CoC thread gets deleted immediately?

I saw her (him) on a tinychat channel, and she passes a lot better now. female voice and everything.

I think he is from Russia. Dont know.
On 2ch i've seen many variations of this vid, but with different silly/epic music.

I need sauce my friend.

i cant wait till youre all electrocuted

wholesome trap family (robin is the dad)

He is just autistic, this is fine.

Where's the stick, bro?

PartialAsian, but this is likely the best video you will find

>those thick squirts
>that adorable expression
Absolutely perfect.

Nip mods.

literally /ourgal/

You stupid fucking useless god damn mods know who is creating these threads.... why not just range ban their entire State/Country? And as a result of that, I fucking guarantee you these "pepe/wojack" threads will cease to even be a thing anymore.

This is why your beloved ((((((traps))))) never show off anything more than below the neck you retarded 3D trap lovers lmao
3D traps are a fucking meme
they don't exist

I'm not fooling anyone into thinking I'm a dude?

Best dad.

Why do you want this?
I do not want you being electrocuted.

Gays will be the first to go on the day of the rope

Italian spotted

she later said that she didn't really want to do it and felt really uncomfortable during.

Cant remember the last time I got to post this image

there aren't any black or brown people here bro, not sure what you're trying to say

looks like young Varg

Shyguygirl :3

>no tits at all
is it just a crossdresser without hrt?


legit what happened to traps who actually tried
nowadays every tag and every picture is just a man with a shave wearing girls clothing

I remember you could get really good convincing traps off of even /soc/ 4 years ago



She's kinda done with vidya but occasionally something will catch her fancy and she'll try it. I know she was messing around with Nioh.

I watched her play BoTW today.

"Cook some food."
"I haven't learned how to cook"
"Shoot some meet with a fire arrow."
"I can't drop- wait, I can hold it."

And then we made spicy meat and mushroom skewers.

Maybe if you're gay but to me it looks like a cute young girl with a smooth little boipus

look. sometimes i get in a depressive mindset. i've been waiting 3 years for something like this—a game that i want to pour my life into, that also aligns with what people want me to do. a surprising harmony.
there's a lot of stress regarding this, because back some months ago my hands did fail me with twilight princess hd and it cast me into a depressive state.
with this potentially happening again, i don't feel very confident about making my dreams come true (succeeding once again, feeling validated by everyone, going on a journey, a new chapter).
so i'm worried. and sometimes my digestive pain also happens, too. it makes me feel like i'm sort of just degrading.
let's take another look at the situation: in my lifetime it's likely that brain to computer interfaces improve significantly. i haven't tried wrist surgery yet. there's also my game project that doesn't require me to kill my hands. so there are things that may work out.
but sometimes i get in a dark mood and throw out quotes like this. sorry for worrying you. i just want to succeed again, feel loved again. i want it so badly.


>He doesn't know

she's been on hrt for a couple months back then. she's pretty passable in the last pics i've seen from her.

stop fapping to men dressed up like girls

This is partialasian/sophie before HRT. she looks a lot better now, but it seems like she disappeared from the internet

90 posts


Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee faggot. Test me, bitch.

I'd grab her but it's 4AM and she's sleeping like a normie.

Look up Surprise it's Steak or something like that.

robin banks just needs to do hc already, since he's already done that one strapon scene he needs to get SESSLER'D

what do i not know?

yeah sure whatever makes you feel better, faggot

Why are you lying on the internet?

This is a pretty good thread.

Pics of her sleeping


>when the fucking bitch who looks most like Bayonetta isn't even a fucking woman

fuck this gay earth