What is the most perfect video game and why will it always be Resident Evil 4...

What is the most perfect video game and why will it always be Resident Evil 4? Its only flaw is that it destroyed the series by being too good.

Massive fucking tits.

It goes downhill after the castle.


Thief: The Dark Project.

Yes OP we get it, it reminds you of simpler times without responsibility

Regeneradors and some parts with the machine-gun guys are actually buretty good. Krauser-battle too.

>this thread again

I am pleased pls continue

>it goes downhill after the village



shit controls.
you can't do a knife only run like the other games.
that's a legitimate flaw.

Yeah, I actually like the Island more than the Castle. The village us far and away the best. That cabin standoff is the height of the game.



not a chance fancypants

come to think about it, not sure why this game is so praised. it doesn't even do anything new for the series. spooky mansions/casltes were in the first, and labs/islands were in CV. hell, they even had swat guys and crazy shootouts.

You got the one where the girl tells him she is underage v& and he drives off without her?

It has the best gunplay out of all the games and is also the most satisfyingly fun. You can go for an all-knife run, an all pistol run, customize your weapons, etc. The freedom is high and the game adapts to your strategies as well making it different every time you play.

>You can go for an all-knife run

you literally can't. I just tried it.


I went into RE4 expecting survival horror and a non-B movie plot and writing so I was disappointed, but that's on me. Game has a lot of merit, but it really does shit the bed after castle.

On a tangentially related note, I thought DMC1 was a legitimate 10/10 and it really has a lot of RE's DNA.

>non B movie plot

not sure what that's supposed to mean.
how does having monsters make something a "B movie"?

I think it's because the gunplay just feels so good. It just felt so solid to play, going back now it still feels so visceral. And even if the Village is the best, the other areas are still pretty good.

Do you mean because of the Salazar fight?

The game doesn't even pretend to take itself seriously, it is the definition of camp. RE4 was my first RE game so I didn't know what I was going into. I was always a Silent Hill guy. I think the differences between the two are crystal clear.

Was Leon saving his virginity for Ada or for Claire?