Fire Emblem Heroes

- 4 hours until all current Special Maps are gone (including Launch Celebration)
- 4 hours until Sibling Bonds quests are gone

- New Banner Tomorrow:
Ninian, Karel, Priscilla, Jaffar, Rebecca, and Lucius

- Arena quests, new daily login bonuses coming

- Skill Inheritance patch scheduled for March 16th

- No Voting Gauntlet orbs yet, coming soon

- Ike isn't in the game yet, keep your pants on

Other urls found in this thread:

ike fucking NEVER

> Manakete Dancer

I see all my orbs disappearing trying to pull her.

>still no Joshua

Whoever had that Robin Olivia Camilla ephriam team last thread

You fucking rock. Thanks for the Ursula

so I'm thinking about fun skill-swapped characters, what about this:

Ursula with Odin's weapon(adds bonus stats onto attack), supported by Olivia and Gunthur(or skillswapped equivalents)

that gives her +24 attack to her base, cavarly movement, dance support, and good speed(better buffed). It's a little gimmicky but goddamn if anything could stand up to that

>No greens
Fuck my life, I just want this 4 star Camilla out, she's dragging my team down

dont let her near Eliwood, he'll kill her.

Is this confirmed or something?

is she gonna be weak to Falchion users?

i hope jaffar is good. we need more good neutral units

This wasn't worth the 2 orbs I used to restore stamina but I finally did it.

I heard non-special(e.g falchion) weapons are swappable


>Used a stam potion when I could have just waited 30 minutes

I feel dirty but at least it was only one

You think you 2 had it bad?
I used 10 stam pots

I ended up using four stamina potions to get Ursula.
I've still got like 25 left though, so no big deal.

Count on it.

I wonder if she'll be green, to balance things out.

Who are some other FE Heroes units that are drawn by doujin/hentai artists?

Ursula's is pretty neato

>Please had THIS much trouble with Ursula

Learn to Hector cunts

Most Jap artists have drawn lewds. Here is Nino's


>Using all my orbs trying to get Tharja or Nowi
>game refuses to give them to me

Should I keep trying? I'm at 20 right now and I'm near completing Lunatic, my last source

Maybe you could not be an idiot and wait for them to get a rate up?

>Not old wise Karel
One job IS

Joshua is gonna be the first non shit myrmidon in Heroes that'a nor a lord. Karel won't fix this


>spent like 4 potions and keep failing
>get fucking mad
>look up a guide
>do it easily in 1 go
never again will I trust my own skills


Don't leave us hanging.

I'm just getting them from the JP twitter account.

why is my takumi so bad, guys

It's -ATK +DEF
Which is fucking terrible on Tacomeme


Ah. Sorry about that then.


Hahahaha fucking loser

What the fuck happened here holy shit


and here I thought cordelia was the most hideous thing I've seen.


>How do you want your Rebecca sempai?
>Just Eliweed my shit up
>Say no more
>Pic related happens

Good Lord

she looks nice

I've never drawn a banner unit anyway, only at the very start and that was Camilla rerolling

No worries.
That should be all of them.


I know you wanted this and I'll do it anyway


That's a man baby

If i managed to give him life or death with the skill training shit they're going to implement would he be less trash? or should i just dismiss him and level my Ursula


Riiiiight, and next you'll tell me Sully is a girl. Can't trick me again!

Luscious Lucius strikes again

Now we have a brotherfucker, nice.

Now I see she took the "Blazing" part of Blazing Sword seriously.

They just said that some skills (eg falchion) will not be able to be inherited

>"Am i cute user?"

so why would they mention a weapon as a specific exception if weapons we'rent swappable?

people would stop playing if he was released so soon. so in the mean time, continue to spend as you wait, goy

shoujo as fuck, god damn
I think she looks alright

Why is Priscilla so cute bros

Falchion is a pretty canon specific weapon only to be used by certain people.

Brave Axe + is a different story.

Well, at least I have an excuse to save the orbs they give me until they put up a banner of characters that aren't shit.

Seriously, fucking Rebecca?

Well eliweed would bench you if you weren't a bit blazed, mark was just their hallucination

Um, urh. You're beautiful.

how long before reaver weapons are introduced?

>1 bow user, 1 ninja, 2 staff users
>1 sword
>1 dragon dancer

So we looking at a primarily colorless banner? Feel like I got enough of that last time. Weeks later and I still don't know whether or not I'm happy I pulled 2 Kleins.

From the last thread, surefire Ursula victory.

FRobin soon as she gets 31 attack. A dancer. A noninfantry blue Lance, probably Effie, with 33+ defense and a mage/ranged who can kill the Green Knight in two attacks.

1. Send Robin in to Ursula's range and end turn, she kills on the counterattack.
2. Run Robin to the left, move your ranged to kill the green knight with the dancer to help (He HAS to die this turn or you can't get the Red Horse below 50% or he'll fuck you up with Wings of Mercy). Send Effie forward one space to tank the red horse.
3. Red Horse can't damage Effie, Thieves can't damage Effie. Collect your free win.

The linchpin here is having Robin with 31 Atk (Olivia helps with spur) and having a non infantry lancer with high defense

Did you mean Serra?

Just pick up Minerva, that's what I did, she's great

moe culture was a mistake

I've only pulled on deep devotion and princess banners
Everything else has been filled with landmine staff users and sub par reds and blues

>just pull this particular character with no focus bro

I don't get the fuss, but I didn't hate FemRobin's art either.

yeah thats my point, special things wont be tradable, but the fact that they mentioned a weapon implies they are included along with skills in general


>Julia's body outline in this dress.
So goood

Worked for me bro

The very fact that they brought up Falchion, instead of deconfirming weapons in general, heavily implies that we are vetting inheritable weapons.
And if weapons can be inherited, there's a good chance that offense and support skills can be too, outside of shit like Dance and Aether.
Chrom with Aether and a brave weapon could be scary, speaking of which.

Now this is power leveling!

I've pulled on every banner except the current battling Ursula one, and it's been a mixed bag.

>Legendary heroes netted me Tiki
>Devotion gave me 4 stars for Nowi, Effie and Fem Corrin with the first 2 having good IVs
>Family bonds gave me 3 five stars back to back, Sibling got me 2 Kleins
>Battling ones and Princes were mostly shit

I got Lucy from princesses so that was cool. Really only want Ninian or Karel from this one, maybe Jaffar but I've already got a Kagero.

For all the talk of things you can do with the skill inheritance system I think the real dick move will be just throwing Miracle on everyone.

O fuck can I win?

She only got one leg


Nope that ninja is gonna rape you

The thief is gonna fuck me, right?

>with a Killer weapon
>and Renewal

If you can get past the fully charged armored unit

>Likely limited to staff units.
>4 turn cooldown.
I mean if you could get it on something like Lucina with Brave Sword + Desperate Attacker, it could be scary, but I doubt it.

You fucked up the moment you brought Erika along.

Guide to Ursula right here user. Don't bring so much damn infantry next time.

I mean, that's not really the only way to do it, or even the most budget method.

He's absolutely fucking beautiful.

Which four star character should I upgrade

Minerva is apparently an absolute monster.

The all kind of suck. Minerva I guess? Why did you get rid of your freebies you dummy?

Why did he lose the hood?

Just wait and see what the next banner is... But Catrina is probably your 2nd best unit

I'd say Catria because you already have a 5* Red
That's Sheena

Because you can't see out that shit. Fuck nigga, might as well wear a blindfold.

I haven't gotten rid of anyone 3* or higher, and I don't have Minerva