>Hear over and over roadhog isn't broken
>number 1 player in korea plays roadhog most
explain this.
>Hear over and over roadhog isn't broken
>number 1 player in korea plays roadhog most
explain this.
Roadhogfags will defend him to death because he's probably one of the easiest characters with the lowest skill ceiling, and that makes them feel good at a video game
He's completely anti-fun. That's the worst part about him.
Yup. Brainless 1-shot kill character for shitters. Completely OP.
>Offense Main Butthurt: The Thread
He also plays D.Va and she fucking sucks.
He's op if the people you play against suck. Otherwise he actually sucks and gets torn up by a lot of chars.
wow you showed them
>SR 3000
I literally dont know how to play the other heroes.
are you implying someone at 5000 SR is playing against people that suck?
Guys I know how to fix him.
His shotgun should poison, it shouldn't kill you in one hit.
Small damage, majority posion damage.
Yep that's what i'm saying.
Obviously not retard. He'd probably still be top with half the cast. Roadhog is only "easy" when your opponents suck. Fact. Then he is easy. Any coordinated team shits on another team with roadhog.
So Hook does no damage pulls target in gives them 50 poison damage over time unless they get it healed back up.
Full on shotgun blast does like 25 damage and 250 poison damage.
Poison damage would be 5 damage a second and can stack up to 15 damage a second on successive hits.
How does this sound guys?
>Number 1 Player in Korea
>"58 games played"
i don't play Overwatch so maybe i'm missing something but why the fuck would someone with so little games played be ranked among the best
how does Blizz calculate this shit
I was just gonna ask that, I refuse to believe someone could be this good at the game with so little games.
If his hook didn't have a ducking 19m range, it might be acceptable.
But as it is on everything other than high level comp, the road hog player flanks and picks off a single fucking person before getting roasted.
It's so fucking annoying because he's a position punisher with a ridiculous instakill range, but he also can't be punished due to his ridiculous health pool/health regeneration.
He can literally absorb a point blank riptire with a single buff - that's just way too survivable.
I also think Widow is antifun, because every time someone starts picking people off with her, you have to change, pick her off enough times to make her change, and then go back to playing.
Same with Torbjorn's turret, something with that much instant lockon should not have that much range.
I think the whole game should be a switch fest.
Characters need more hard counters.
The number is # of games played since the beginning of this season, and we aren't' that far into it yet.
>tfw play roadhog and junk alot and zen on the side cus straya
>tfw both aussies are shitter characters
it aint fair
only junkrat is.
Roadhog is top tier character at the moment, people just bitch about the hook.
In league of legends and Dota you have hook characters, guess what happens when you land a hook in those games.
100% death.
How's Junkrat a shittier doe?
d.va's not bad
>people STILL mad about roadhog
whats next, gonna be mad about zarya?
He is worse than Pharah, and Pharah atm isn't that good.
If you do well with him in your tier though more power to you.
The new junkrat buff seems like it will be good for him though.
Zarya doesn't have a "press button for kill" attack
If you're not completely retarded he's easy to counter by just dodging his bombs, and he'll kill himself in close quarters meaning he's only effective at mid range. He's getting buffed to not take damage from his own bombs anymore so he'll be better at close quarters.