What the hell is the Switch's IR camera for?

What the hell is the Switch's IR camera for?

it's not nintendo without a pointless gimmick

Justifying its price

This. So much this. I'm sad we will never see another gamecube from them, just shitty Wii clones

It's actually an IR vent to keep the ice cubes frozen.

The entire concept of the Switch is already a gimmick.



>see another gamecube
I do think Wii U qualifies as an utter failure :^)


If the Switch was just a regular handheld it could be more powerful and cheaper, but Nintendo be Nintendo.

Still has more games than XBONE.

More useful than H D R U M B L E though

it would be neat if it was just a handheld replacement

dock is a pure meme

hd rumble is weaker than regular rumble

ir camera is just a shitty web cam with no real use

gotta add pointless shit to charge nintenretards a $4,000,000,000 premium on Nintenyer produckts :^_

If Zelda is a 10/10 perfect game and Zelda doesn't use the IR camera or the HD rumble can we agree that those are gimmicks which would only detract from perfection.

Shame it used the motion controls.


no it doesn't, and Zelda doesn't count since you can play it on the Wii U / emulate it.

I have and still do stand by the Wiimote, the GamePad, and the 3D screen, but even I'm scratching my as to what this thing is supposed to do. It can't even serve as an IR pointer; at least that would give it a point considering how genuinely useful the IR on the Wii was.

I remember arguing with tards a couple weeks ago

They were literally eating the shit out of nintendo's asshole and were convinced how much better HD rumble is

Because there is HD in front of the word rumble

>I'm sad we will never see another gamecube from them
But they made the WiiU.

It's used by Japanese NSA to spy on you.

Latent AR capabilities.


For games like Just Dance I'm guessing

If it's perfect and used motion controls, then doesn't that mean it proved motion can be useful?

Or are you angry that it did prove that?

>Or are you angry that it did prove that?
I'm angry reviewers overlooked it.

>Motion control shrine puzzle
>I'm playing in Switch handheld mode
>To solve the puzzle I need to turn the screen upside down
>Force to solve it blind

That's the NSJ, dummy.

National Security Jagency?

I could imagine it's there to make the device act like a wiimote should a developer feel there's a need for it?

those puzzles were one of the few things that I really didn't like about the game. The rest was OK though, since motion controls could be disabled for other things.


xbox people don't read threads they are actually playing games

The A in NSA doesn't stand for America, retard.

they are going to spy on your dick

Is HD Rumble literally just haptic feedback?

How does this pertain to the topic at hand?

t. LD poster

its like babby mode haptic. the point of haptic is that you can run your finger across a surface and it feels different depending where your finger is. you should be able to run your finger across it and feel guitar strings, but a joycon wouldnt know where your finger is, it would assume the entire surface is "sensation of guitar string"

Rock paper scissors of course

I don't know what you're talking about, everytime I touch my controller I can feel my money slipping out of my wallet in a realistic way.

I played a not-Zelda game which decided it would be fun to use the HD rumble at full strength for several seconds, the controls are actually uncomfortable to hold while this happens.

I haven't seen anything related to precise sensation emulation though.