Has a video game character ever made you want a gf, Sup Forums? Like a real one?
Has a video game character ever made you want a gf, Sup Forums? Like a real one?
no gfs are memes.
Yes, how do I stop liking girls? I know I will never get one because I'm too retarded and i never go out.
>how do I stop liking girls? I
learn to love girly bois.
How so?
We've all tried, friend. You don't wanna be a MGTOW, it doesn't work out.
Get one, fall in love with her, and have her break your heart by cheating on you or leaving you after a few years.
This happens to most of us in our teens, if you miss that chance to learn how to hate women, I'm not sure you get another one. I guess all you can do is trust us and take our word for it.
That's too gay for me
>That's too gay for me
it's not tho
Well, uh, technically uh, nah
I love Reisen!
>Get one, fall in love with her, and have her break your heart by cheating on you
fuck, how did you know
Well, Fuuka made me want to meet her and be her boyfriend, if that counts.
It's the standard love life of the majority of western guys.
In a way I'm envious of the Japanese who learn to see love as a fantasy at a young age and don't have to go through the heartbreak to realize it.
Only normalfags want a girlfriend.
Hanako from cripple fucking VN
They're even sluttier
this is true, but unfortunately they are much harder to find, and are usually taken. =(
that's what makes 'em so great
Go to /fit/ and start working out + eating right + balancing life style. Do this for three years, and I guarantee you you'll become thoroughly unimpressed by casual females and therefore stop liking them (and the females of similar work ethic, aesthetics, and dedication are rare enough you'll effectively never run into one)
>plays vidya everyday
>tfw no gf
>finally have a gf
>going out on dates regularly
>I wish I was home playing vidya
i think it was quiet
This happened with me and my fiancee, there is always time to learn how awful people can be.
Happened to me too, sometimes i was with her and wish i would instead be at home playing vidya
I can't tell if i'm inmature or if she didn't let me have fun aswell
>get gf
>she plays vidya with you
>not retarded at it
>watches anime with you
>fuck at the end of the day
Every now and then. It's a very desperate and pathetic feeling.
No, but every time I think about real life girlfriend I also think about how I'd have less money to spend on myself and how I'd have less time to spend on video games. The last thing I need in my life is someone who cuts into my gaming time any more than work already does.
No, not even real woman make me want a gf.
MGTOW works just fine for me, but then again, I'm pushing 40, have been married once, and had my share of girls and relationships.
If you're in your 20's or something, I doubt your hormones will let you alone enough for you to be able to do it happily.
we need Adam/Eve costumes for him
Redpill me on MGTOW, isnt it just as bad as feminism, but for men?
That moment when 9S was so far gone he attaches a spare 2B arm onto himself and embraces MURDER MODE
>now everyone in their 20s has teen hormones too
Is this meme just going to keep going? In 5 years will everyone in their 30s be raging teen hormones too?
Reminder to never go 3D
>work out
>get a job
>start going outside more
>start being more social
>finally get a gf
>enjoy her company and free sex
>eventually she'll break your heart and leave you feeling even worse than before
>do whatever you want and play vidya
Not sure if its worth it, m8.
>Watch the up-rise of a robot religion and it's downfall into utter madness within the span of a minute
>2B's face when
What does MGTOW have to do with feminism? It's just a lifestyle choice based on cost/benefit analysis. It's not an ideology.
boys shouldn't be allowed to have legs this cute
I think im assexual now.
Nah. Feminism is all about accruing more power and benefits from the system.
MGTOW is basically just saying "Leave me the fuck alone already."
>tfw suddenly have gf to play sex and have video games with
literally played nier together the night i bought it. life is too good at the moment, getting worried
I wanna throw up
Don't worry, I'm sure you guys will have a happy ending.
>people think those are good looking slim girls
Those are fucking whales with no proper hygiene.
It is the same with fat male NEETS.
People who don't eat healthy and don't shower, etc. are gross by default . Doesn't matter if you are a female/male.
Nice try, you ain't fooling me!
Tifa Lockhart.
i got a GF the day before Nier came out and for our first date my GF wore a black skirt, high heels, and a black midrif shirt, she also has hair that looks just like toobie. she even has toobies ass thicc too
I used to have a gf but I broke up with her and I regret it every day. I've been trying to contact her for months to no avail.
I wish she'd just talk to me again, I miss F a lot.
>work out
>have decent paying job
>drop a ton of money on new, better looking clothes and shoes
>girl still hasnt come up to me yet
>still no GF
Girls want you to chase them bruh. Not the other way around.
>subjecting myself to humiliation and rejection
if someone liked me or the way i looked they'd come up to me and approach me
the only conclusion i can draw from this is that i'm ugly or something
>i don't want to get rejected so i don't try
>but women need to try even if they can get rejected
Double standard at its finest.
2B just makes me wish android companion bots were real.
You got it wrong OP. Most video game characters caused that people don't want a gf.
you probably are average. they have no reason to approach you. you might find success if you approach them, but they have no real reason to approach anyone and put themselves on the line for rejection unless its some super chad they are lusting over.
Considering he's the one with the most to offer in that scenario, yeah.
No but they have made me want to be the gf
>expecting people to subject themselves to humiliation and rejection
try it dude
It's not assured that the girl that approaches him will not also have a lot to offer.
I have no standards and wouldnt reject anyone that came up to me, I'm just tired of being lonely and want to be happy. But women are so selective that if you arent 100% chad they'll humiliate you for even daring to ask them out. I also havent heard any woman getting rejected ever if they asked someone out.
yeah thats the problem
i bust my ass constantly to try and get a gf and fix this problem and nothing changes
Stop believing everything /r9k/ says about women. Not every women is a 8 out of 10 or more.
Normal looking girls have the same problem s with approaching as we have.
I reject girls all the time
>oh cool, lite-sim game about pop star management. That's pretty unique
>fall in love instead
I'm unprofessional
what do they even have to be scared of
They're most often the selectors and this is why they can afford to be picky. There's no way they can have this problem because men dont require stacy to be happy. They'll only show basic human decency to Chad.
No, since I'll never find a real chick that can compete with them and tolerate me.
Women seem to get away with it.
Reading this is pure /r9k/ propaganda.
And i can tell you always tried to get bitchy girls and never had proper contact to women.
Women are different creatures like men are. There are faggots, assholes, cool chill dudes, anime basement faggots.
And that applies to women as well.
>Holy shit really? The world is not black and white? Woooooooah
Stop thinking to much, stop believing bitter virgins and don't go for girls with the nose in the sky.
you could be my gf(male) user!
>that feel feel the Mad Dog will never eat you
Luka made me realize real girls would never be good enough.
No, real girls are fucking disgusting in my opinion.
Hmm maybe~
A character from a VN I played did. I got depressed for a solid month that she wasn't real.
Can we hug it still hurts
It's white day!
For those of you who's special one is Japanese, did you prepare something for today?
Working as the manager of a young, rising pop star and then wanting to cuddle her wombs out sounds pretty unprofessional to me