How do you convince plebians that this game doesn't look good at all? How do we make this TORtanic 2?

How do you convince plebians that this game doesn't look good at all? How do we make this TORtanic 2?

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Why do you care? You are butthurt about something.

No, I'm not buying this piece of trash.

I don't because why the fuck would I care if someone likes a shitty game?

You need a hobby. Perhaps playing games?

You must have a real shitty life you you actully care what shitty games other people like/dislike

Convince me to cancel my pre-order.
Nice of you to shill for a game you don't like, seems pretty retarded lol.

No i'm just a normalfag with facebook that cringes at anyone saying it'll be GOTY

You can't because the marketing and brand recognition is too strong.

Also wanting another TORtanic instead of a great games just shows what a fucking underage faggot you are.

I mean i have time for 1, maybe 2 games to play through a month, grad school taught me to pick my games wisely, so I guess I kinda wanna be that guy that tells people there are better games out there.

TORtanic memes are also fun

Then go back there and stay instead of shitting up the board with your "le TORTanic 2 meme" shit.

I don't think Bioware makes good games and I don't think the market should be encouraging that kind of thing

Holy shit you sound autistic as fuck. Kill yourself, thanks.

>tfw we cant play as the dad

havent peordered yet though. waiting for origin access so i can play it myself.

Best dad dies an hour in.

Well tough shit, normies don't care.

They'll probably only play the first 10 hours over two weeks time and then jump to the next AAA release.

I got a boner watching the Multiplayer thing they put out today so I went and preordered it like a goy

Why don't you find a game you enjoy

But it will be GOTY. EA pays enough for that



>retards still dont think pic related is 100% true even with threads like these

You are an useless asshole.

What a cool mom. 10/10 would visit for Christmas every year.

You can't force something to be the next TORtanic. A game will either be shit, or it will be good, but that's completely based on the devs and not you.

Stop acting like you have any control over the trends of vidya and just let games get made. Eventually, another TORtanic will happen regardless of your input.

how is so much of this game already spoiled?

Wait this origin access shit means you can play the game before it has officially launched?

So you can basically play ME:A for a week for 4 bucks, which is more than enough to finish the game?

>How do we make this TORtanic 2?

You can't just will a game into being awful, you autist.

Limited 10 hour trial. I'm just gonna play a shit ton of multiplayer on like Friday.

in this case the boat is made by the same people who made the tortanic, though
they have a history of making defective ships

PCGamer is playing through the first 2 hours as we speak or it just ended.

It will be sufficiently OK to be deemed GOTY by paid gaming journos. I expect this game to be 6.5/10 space opera

That gif is so fucking cute. Moms are the best.

>How do we make this TORtanic 2?
you go back to rabbit where you belong.