What are some games with characters so charismatic that you would die for them?
What are some games with characters so charismatic that you would die for them?
That is literally the only one
>mfw the brotherhood requires new land
The one and only.
It's ok its not like you faggots have any lives anyway
Its ok its not like you faggots have lives anyway
He's in a game it counts.
no joke, kane is one of the best bad guys in video game history, and it wasn't even a 'character', it was literally an actual person that just did cut scene acting
meaning, he didn't have any powers or edgy superhuman type stuff, he just had amazing fucking charisma/personality
i haven't really honestly gone through recently, but it wouldn't surprise me at all if i went through the games with him again i wouldn't still be blown away at just how good he was for the character he played
desu, i actually got really into the command and conquer games (the earlier ones anyway) because the story things got me hyped to play
underrated series and underrated acting/story telling
So how I get it he is some kind of alien god, who's traveling with from planet to planet Tiberium to harvest it (or even he is a Tiberium's avatar)?
And his plan from the beginning was to create NOD for uniting world by creating GDI or something?
>best bad guy
>I'm going to cause massive world wars so alien's will notice and invade so I can hitch a ride home
one of the best bad guys, not the best ever or anything
and i said early ones, before the retarded overly 'alien' stuff starts up, the story got kind of dumb, from what i saw of red alert 3 the story went kind of memey, although apparently some of the acting in 3 was really good too
Still don't get why they offered Helghasts place on Vekta after:
1)Their failed, but cruel conquer
2)Terror against their own people
3)Destroying their OWN planet by themselves
wouldn't it be much simple say them to fuck off or finish them
Let's pretend C&C4 never happened, because it didn't happen. We're still waiting for a sequel to 3. Man, I hope this hiatus that EA is on will end soon, right fellas?
San Andreas
3 was shit too, though. felt more like a rehash of dawn instead of a sequel to firestorm
in a sense it's true, but the ending of Firestorm was very post-apocalyptic. Can't totally blame them for chosing to tone it down a little.
>tfw my first decade CD is broke so I can't install them on my new PC or play any game past RA1
>don't want to get Origin
I don't think Kain is considered 'bad' though.