Meanwhile, in Mother Base Sup Forums

Meanwhile, in Mother Base Sup Forums...

This is the enemy.

And he's on his knees.


Stop it already Spoiled Frog, we haven't seen him in almost 2 years, he's not coming back.

N'Ambe just taught me kikongo last week, pretty cool language

*cough cough*

Who wants to come bully Quiet with me?

No thanks I prefer to keep my teeth intact.
Blazing Bull is still in the medical bay.

Why in the middle of nowhere? Holy fuck, this place smells like fish all the time... And that Quiet girl... Bet she's a fucking emo.

Man, I can't wait for this shifts to end so I can have my dinner date with Laughing Wallaby.

Why the fuck is the animals platform so far away

i just want to see some bears

>tfw have to work with an unsanitary coworker
>keep getting bullied by harrassers
>big boss won't fire them because they have A++ skills

Because there's enough goddamn antics on this base with the one animal in a cage, if anything that quiet woman is lucky people stay away from her or else she'd be living in a cage full of half finished rations while guys stand around and take photos by the bars.

That is to say, if you want to get a job picking up zebra shit to see some animals most people around here have known most of their lives, go ahead.

*muffled d-dog is a wolf in the distance*



Hey guys, just got haze- i mean recruited to mother base. Where's the mess hall? when do we get shore leave? are we paid? seriously i haven't eaten in two days. all people do is walk around

mostly we eat kaz burgers

why are all the doors locked? Where are the black guys? I remember seeing one yesterday but now he is gone.

guys where do you think we should hide the targets on the R&D platform?

Kaz "one man klan" Miller killed them all in his legendary "day of the rope" one day when Venom Snake went out on a mission. When he came back he told him, get this, "they died from speaking ebonics". Venom actually believed him, too. Classic Kaz

gotta love the guy

Why does the first guy that greets me either sound incredibly akward/mad?I havent killed anyone besides a bunch of helicopters for a while now.


how the fuck do i open the doors. ive been outside for 76 days

The doors are just painted on. They're for aesthetics.




why is he just standing there smoking an e-cig for three days

why are we saluting him for three whole days

Lol that Quiet chick is always alone.

So are you supposed to rp here?
What a cool recurring thread we have here.
Very creative replies.
is especially cool. never seen "bully" in that context hehe

I remember this part! *sings along*
(song lyrics are all caps, right?)

haha you're actually bullying her! the absolute madmen (get the reference)

Let me try: I am Hideo Kojima

Choke me Harder boss!

chortled heartily

Just put up a pile on top of the platform and let the wind disperse them, that should do.

They were all sent to the medical section, something about an infection I heard. But I think that's a lie, because the oven has been burning for eight days straight now.

Just like Big Boss desu. He's always surrounded by people but really he is all alone.

Sometimes he goes over to the medical platform, in a corridor where he pinned pictures of the old Motherbase on the wall. He stands there alone in front of a wall, sobbing in the dark. I think he's talking to himself too.

Yeah, I heard that platform was meant for someone special to him on the former MotherBase.

That puppy the Boss brought back is so cute.... I wanna touch his paw pads!

What the fuck, recruit ? Why you have asthma voice ? Seriously, go check with doc



Hideo what will Death Stranding gameplay look like?

G-G-Guys? D-Did somebody take my B-B-B-Big B-Boss decoy or something??

I-I-I mean I-I kept in my pillow just in case something happened at night, r-right? I'd like it back, p-p-please!! I-I-I-I need it for a study!!

Something with babbies in yellow submarines.

Why is the Boss always wandering around the medical bay? He's not visiting anyone, strange...

I've looked around, no one there but coughing africans and that girl

Im gonna ask Laughing Wallaby out, wish me luck.


Some asshole with a rocketlauncher fultoned her and everyone (and everything) on that bay yesterday, sorry man.

Let's stand over Quiet's cage and cum on her and see if her skin absorbs it.

During Metal Gear Solid 1, Kojima would use lego constructed models of the environments and then use a camera to see how the scenes would look from the perspective of the player.

There is going to be a scene where Mad Mikkelsen gets the baby and Norman has to pick between saving the baby or saving Del Taco from being crushed.

Don't you read the warning signs?

She's scary!

Boss! That's an enemy gunship. A single burst from its cannon can rip a man in two.


So is nobody going to talk about that weird looking portal thing near the base of the R&D platform?

?? what are you talking about?


A cannon can kill someone? Thanks, Einstein, i didn't fucking notice.

why? i don't get any channels so i can't, what's goin on?

*casually inspects suspicious noise without radio'ing*

>Norman has to pick
Doesn't look like Norman. Actually it looks like Obongo.


>everyone comes to motherbase Sup Forums excitedly expecting all kinds of crazy shit to happen
>turns out that everyone is a level-headed guy with normal flaws and personalities
>the worst thing that ever happens is an ND or a kitchen fire from someone cooking at night

Guys, do you see that cardboard box over there? I'm sure it wasn't there a second ago.

I miss Hooey

Shit game.

What the fuck are you talking about Blind Badger? Get back in your tower.


Where are all the blacks gone? One night i heard Mr Miller laugh and they were all gone!

All Kikongo members on base please report to the ga- shower block for your mandatory washing slot.

Who keeps putting up all of these anime posters everywhere?
I am confiscating them for reasons.


Bro Im pretty sure I saw boss grab one of those posters

>This town's finished...

oh shit what do i do? i can't beat shit out of him, do i ask him nicely?

>Work for Skullface for several years
>Raped Paz and Chico
>Participated in the assault of the original mother base and killed a good amount of people
>A few years later, Big Boss kidnaps me and forces me to join DD
>mfw he has no idea of what i've done

>tfw collecting 100% disability and I'm only 22
Why does Boss love judo throwing us so much? Does he get off on it or something?