>be me
>be 5'6
>wear my timberlands to gain 2 inches
>grab neir a tomato
>approach cashier
>243 pound nigger
>looks at me and says "ayo hol'up"
>leans over desk towards me
>points at my feet and says "wut r does?!"
>rest of customers run over
>everyone starts laughing
>329 pound woman chokes on a chicken and falls on a stick of switches, scratching her back
>hear "worldstar" in the background
>cashier looks at me and says "ya gotsa be 6foots for did, white boi" and snatches game out of my hand
>outraged i run to the door
>tripping on a hoverboard i drop my vita
>leave it behind and get on my scooter
>when I get i see purchase notification from psn
>"run like hell"
>check metacritic
>kick my dog and call my dad a faggot for bringing me into this world
Be me
im thinking about buying timberlands winter boots. is it a high quality?
yes it is, you will be happy with the purchase
actually made me kek
Never wore winter boots but this year my gf bought me dark brown ones and they are comfy as fuck
can you post a picture? i think those are the ones im looking for
I know that feel fellow Sonybro. We're just too fucking pathetic to live.
Helly Hansen shits all over Timbs.
Timbos lose shape fast.
Also HH's are waterproof. I go hiking right through streams and always stay dry as a motherfucker.
seems ok to me
>wear timberland to gains 2 inches
Horizon Zero Dawn has good graphi-
>seeing niggers irl
Must suck living in a third world shithole.
>seems ok to me
that's lower than the average 14 yo
>329 pound woman chokes on a chicken and falls on a stick of switches, scratching her back
>those rocks and ocean textures
I've got a pair of Earthkeepers. Very stylish and comfortable.
I had AA off.
Horizon has worse rock textures anyway.
>Be me
>Approach cashier
>Ask them if they have the new BoTW ambiios
>They reply "Are you looking for these for your son? You seem pretty old to be buying ambiio. No we don't, Nintendo only sent us 4 of each of them because they want to keep them artificially rare for some reason"
>Dad drives me home while I cry
>Get home, order them for $70 each off ebay
holy fuck kek
>pssh look at this superior graphics
Its shit user
>nah your game is shit uuuuuuuugh
I miss wearing timbs when I lived in NY with the snow everywhere.
>Not telling Gamestop employees to shut the fuck up
>Not threatening them to beat the shit out of their asses if they made another shit comment like that
My Gamestop always try to sell me amiibos but I always say no because I don't want some stupid accessory.
helly hansen more like hella expensen, that shit is more overpriced than north face
Everyone knows what's going on when short dudes wear their booster boots, don't know why they bother.
Deadass son
They're quite useful B
deadass my dude
>buys children's game but thinks not buying some figures makes him an adult
Do they have Timbs in size 7 that look like they size 11 on the outside? Askin for one of my homeboys, f-senpai.