Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
What games did you enjoy on it?
I thought it was Nintendo's best software lineup since the SNES.
Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
What games did you enjoy on it?
I thought it was Nintendo's best software lineup since the SNES.
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>Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
I had fun with a few games, but over all it was pretty mediocre.
>What games did you enjoy on it?
Mario Kart 8, Smash 4, 3D Would, bit of Splatoon, Mario Maker, and VC stuff.
>I thought it was Nintendo's best software lineup since the SNES.
I bought it only to play MK8, SMM and BotW, so I 100% happy with it.
>Having a wii u to no enjoy bayo2 and w101
In the end my Wii U became a Splatoon machine.
So Splatoon.
Don't like hack n slash. Bayonetta is sexy, but I won't buy a game because of a sexy girl, even if she hits to many of my kinks.
What games would you like ported to Switch?
>Bayonetta 1+2
>Wonderful 101
>no yoshi's wolly world
>no tropical freeze
Fuck I forgot about Woolly World The 3DS port makes me think it's not gonna happen though.
Yoshi is pretty boring.
I'll likely buy Donkey Kong at some point.
I just wanted a good Metroid Game and a Mainline Kirby Game, fucking sue me.
>no captain toad
I played Bayonetta, Pikmin, Smash, and Mario Kart but got burned out on all of those. Also bought Mario Maker and Xenoblade but lost interest in each after a week. Splatoon is the only game that I keep playing it for.
After a while, all I played on my my Wii U were Animal Crossing and Xenoblade X
>Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
>What games did you enjoy on it?
Hyrule Warriors Co-op
Mario Maker
Bayonetta 1 + 2
Breath of the Wild
I honestly play more on my Wii U than on my PS4
I enjoyed it for 2-3 hours, then I got bored and my crushing loneliness and lack of human contact comes back.
yeah its pretty good
>super mario 3d world
>Donkey Kong TF
>bayo 2
>mario maker
>Star Fox 0
>nice games for kids like Yoshi WW, Cap Toad, and Kirby RC
There were a lot of really disappointing exclusives though. Pikmin 3, FE#, and Fatal Frame 5 come to mind among others
>Pikmin 3
nigga Pikmin 3 is the best game in the series and one of the most fun games this generation
W101 still probably the most fun game I've ever played.
>finally played all of this for free
>everything boring as fuck
Did nintenbro really enjoy this kind of garbage?
who /runbow/ here
Always looked too boring for me
>best software lineup
>Ultra Smash
>Starfox Zero
>Hashtag FE
>Mario Party 10
>Rainbow Curse
>no F-Zero, Animal Crossing, or 3D Kirby
You must be high.
But I thought it was okay. I used mine mainly as a big Virtual Console arcade machine, but I did enjoy Xenoblade X, Sm4sh, Pikmin 3, and Hyrule Warriors immensely. I just hope Nintendo doesn't make the same mistakes with the Switch and makes a fun little arcade machine alongside building it into a first-party powerhouse, kind of like Xbox 360 was. The Switch launch was abyssmal, but 360 never started with Halo 3 neither.
Nice cherry picking
captain toad
amiibo festival
mario tennis
fatal frame
mario kart 8
paper mario
star fox zero
sonic lost world
yoshi wool world
super mario 3d world
Is Pikmin 3 more like the first or second game?
I really did.
I had SM3D, MK8, DKTF, Rayman Legends (second console I'd bought it for), Smash Bros, Wind Waker, 2D Mario game and BotW.
That is a better line-up than the best games you'd expect from most consoles at the end of their life.
It's a shame they didn't market it better. Literally all they needed for success was better marketing and $50 off the launch price. Would have done very well.
I like my Wii U but I have been massively disappointed by:
No interesting uses of the gamepad outside of nintendoland
No real Animal Crossing game just amiibo shit
4 player mode in Maro Kart, 2 players is fine
Zelda delays, bullshots, forced Switch parity
Favorite games are MK8 and DKCTF, haven't played BOTW yet.
Yeah I liked it a lot.
Plenty of games that felt like they were tailored for me.
All those 2D platformers, Platinum games and Monster Hunter.
It also made me realize that I shouldnt bother with Mario Kart and Smash Bros anymore at this point.
I'm over those.
i enjoyed it but it mostly just collected dust. not sure if the 300 dollars was worth it
>shouldnt bother with Mario Kart
I've had enough of them.
I know that they are still great but I'm done with it.
>Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
>What games did you enjoy on it?
Dude, it is like 3 consoles in one. What not to enjoy about it?
Gonna buy it and play all then gaems from wii and gamecube.
>Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
No I honestly regret buying it.
>What games did you enjoy on it?
I played Sm4sh for ten minutes and then never touched it ever again.
How easy is it to install homebrew on a WiiU these days? I might do that some day.
>devils turd
It still amazes me that people on Sup Forums were actually saying that this game was good when it came out.
What a fucking shitshow
very easy. i hacked mine last week and before doing this i regretted buying this shit. now im playing it everyday, though im mainly playing gamecube games on it now. check out the pastebin over at /hbg/ to get started.
>people this retarded exist
>people with different opinions than mine exist
Shocking, I know.
It had a pretty weak line up of first party games.
Mostly pi related, but also some MK 8, Mario Maker ans Smash 4
No, you missed the point you fucking nigger.
Who buys a system that has no games that interest him on it?
Idiotic as fuck.
I expected them to release an actual 3D Mario and a Pokemon game on it.
They released an actual 3D mario and you're a massive FUCKTARD for buying a system for a game thats not even announced.
Jesus Christ the idiots here.
SNES was and always will be in a class of its own. Great first and third party games.
>Who buys a system that has no games
I second this, but again, Nintendo still exists...
Dong freeze is an amazing game
Im assuming youve never played a snes of ever seen one if you think the wiiu is just as good. Dk was the only good first party game. Xcx has a combat system worse than its sound track. Mario doesnt exist thoug it was better than galsxy trash. Mario party and smash were both worst versions. The only point of a wiiu is platnum. Mario kart did nothing new all stars was more "anti gravity" because you actually went upside down
It wasn't great, but it certainly wasn't bad. Tropical Freeze, Bayonetta 2, Pikmin 3, Smash 4, MK8, 3D World. Some games on it like ZombiU or Kirby and the Rainbow Curse are very underrated, too.
>They released an actual 3D mario
They didn't.
>buying a system for a game thats not even announced
Yeah I'm sure everyone out there is just now buying their PS3s and totally didn't during its life circle in anticipation of certain games.
If people do it then they are RETARDED just like you.
Fucktards bought PS3s for Kingdom Heart 3, Final Fantasy 15 and Last Guardian.
They are just as stupid as you are.
Also 3D World objectively best 3D Mario.
Every time this when it comes to Devil's Third.
>retards will eventually just pirate it or emulate it
>it won't have the online component so they'll further believe the game was trash
To hell with these shit taste kids.
It was "ok" but I definitely lost interest once it became clear that, ONCE AGAIN they only wanted to force more gimmicks in their games from a certain point. I got the better games for it but I'm still salty I didn't get my mainstay series (animal crossing, a 2D metroid, f-zero) and that Smash was as dumbed down as ever.
The big shocker that really actually angered me was them dumbing down Mario kart 8. Only holding one item, intentionally putting coin in the roulette JUST so you get hit more, quick track reset (but with no boost, unless im timing it wrong) AND buffing shell shell tracking ON TOP OF the chaotic RNG of having 12 racers at once? I had so much buyers remorse I actually bought the DLC season pass in an attempt to compensate because Mario karts usually one of my continual go-to games on Nintendo platforms to stretch out he longevity of the platform. Not this time though.
I cant even stand to play MK8, not even for 200cc. Much like modern smash they managed to successfully over casualize it. It genuinely sickens me. While they are fixing one of those issues with the switch rehash of it (allowing you to hold more than 1 item) its not enough to justify another $60 purchase, they should be giving WiiU buyers a fucking discount but GOTTA BE JEWTENDO.
I will not buy switch until they offer a non gimmick pro controller that lowers the price, until it has the games I want that are actually GOOD, they fix the consoles hardware issues and lower the price because it is NOT worth $300.
>It still amazes me that people on Sup Forums were actually saying that this game was good when it came out.
Those people actually played it, faggot.
They played the actual well designed and quite awesome online multiplayer for more than 2 hours, which means they unlocked clan wars and everything else.
You do know that the Devil's Third even allowed you to design your own bases aka make your own levels and then do clan matches inside of them?
If Devil's Third would have been released on Piss3 + 360-and-walk-away, no one would have complained at all, but nope it's a WiiU game, so let's shit on it, although we have never played it at all.
I mean wow, people called the frame rate bad, which I find funny, because it works just fine. I know tons of PS3 games with way worse frame rates like Politically Correct of Us and other shite, which even got 10/10 despite the horrible frame rates. It's definitely the best Unreal Engine 3 game I have ever played. That's probably not saying much, because well most Unreal Engine 3 games are shite, but whatevs.
And you know, the game uses Unreal Engine 3, had even user generated levels and there was not a single patch. The game simply worked fine, no freezing, no crashes.
Welcome to the modern Nintendo fanbase. Not Mario? It's garbage.
I enjoyed it about as much as my N64. It had the fast racing, Zelda masterpiece and, unlike the N64, a few RPGs.
Planet Robobot was hype as fuck. I would've bought a console port if it happened, though. Star Dream in HD would've been glorious.
Mario Kart has always been aimed at casuals what the fuck are you on
>I thought it was Nintendo's best software lineup since the SNES.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I will never understand how anyone can unironically defend Star Fox Zero.
>don't cherrypick the bad games just cherrypick the good games
fuck off
>I thought it was Nintendo's best software lineup since the SNES.
This is the worst bait I've seen on Sup Forums ever.
Fuck off
Not even him, and a huge Platinum fanboy, Bayonetta 2 is far worse than the first game which is packaged with it, and W101 is an incredibly flawed game like most Kamiya work that isn't Resi 2 or Viewtiful Joe.
I played Devil's Third and I still think it was trash. Kill yourself oatmeal cookie drone
Sir it seems you misspelled Guard. Common mistake, we all know Starfox Zero is the worst game Nintendo's ever published and makes Urban Champion look like a masterpiece.
>Zelda masterpiece
BOTW is a Switch game
>is on Wii U
>has insane performance issues on Switch that aren't on Wii U
it's a Wii U exclusive in the same way Bayonetta 1 used to be a 360 exclusive.
>>it won't have the online component so they'll further believe the game was trash
Its not like they'd ever be able to play online even if they had it on Wii U. The game sold so fucking badly that there was never enough players to start a match. It was a Battleborn-tier flop
Funny how I'm playing it on my Wii U.
>>has insane performance issues on Switch that aren't on Wii U
Bull fucking shit. The game runs better on Switch than Wii U you fucking delusional faggot
Enjoy your 20 FPS towns
>in the same way Bayonetta 1 used to be a 360 exclusive.
Not even a comparable situation since both versions of BOTW came out at the same time unlike Bayonetta
Yes, my second favorite nintendo console after the snes too
People pretend like Woolly World and Hyrule Warriors are Wii U exclusives because they have better performance than their 3DS ports.
Going by this same logic, BOTW should be counted as a Switch game
It might as well be since the Wii U version is a 96 (lol
Isn't Switch version 97?
Here's my final collection, also 3D World Digital.
Overall, it's a fun system, but it's a failure. Just look at OP's pic. Toon Link is for an HD port and Isabelle is nothing but a guest character and shovelware. They should have thrown Donkey Kong in the image instead, but still, there's not much going for the system. I had tons of fun and I'm still using it today for Zelda, but I'm glad I bought the thing refurbished and not day one.
Overall I hated the Wii U and I'd say it's the worst console I've ever owned.
Out of the entire library nothing stuck out to me as "holy shit if I didn't own this, I'd be missing out!"
It didn't have an Ocarina or Perfect Dark like the N64.
It didn't have a Melee or Resident Evil 4 like the Gamecube.
even the fucking Wii has better hidden gems like Pandora's Tower and Madworld to its credit.
Out of the whole library the best game is a goddamn port of a 7 year old 360 game. As for decent exclusives we got a subpar sequel to said 360 game, a good Dynasty Warriors, a semi-fun Mario level maker, a really polished and mechanically deep 2D Mario, and a Smash Bros that still pales compared to Melee and fanmods for Brawl.
Add on top of this unbelievable censorship from NoA that makes me beg for the days when stuff like Golgo 13 and Abadox got released on NES and garbage practices like region locking and season passes and skylanders shit. The Wii U was terrible.
Get Xenoblade X and The Wonderful 101 bro. You can get every game for free now with the brazillian method
That doesn't make it ok to mechanically oversimplify it further, it makes the experience shallow. Casual games can have depth you deflecting delusional fuckbutt.
You shouldn't expect or defend mediocrity just because it has a padded roster of fucking babies and koopalings. Mario kart 8 might have pretty visuals but its by far the game with the least replay value in the series, and I'm far from the only person that thinks this.
>mfw I see Wii U peasants
Just as bad as people who play Bethesda games on consoles.
i agree
>buying a console for one system
Try outsmugging this
>being poor
>They released an actual 3D mario
>Course Clear shit
>actual 3D Mario
I was on the fence about if it was worth it or not until botw. Now I'm really glad I bought it.
The fact that you can emulate 95% of every console ever made on it and play in the shitter is pretty cool aswell
NSMBabbies are the only people who liked 3D World
200cc is casual?
>The fact that you can emulate 95% of every console ever made on it
This sounds like a good thing until you realize that the best SNES, N64, GBA and DS games are completely absent from the virtual console
It's a Wii U and a Switch game. You will have to do some serious mental exercises to think otherwise.
Switch is the definitive version. Only poorfags would play it on Wii U
Theres emulators on it bro. You can also inject roms into virtual console games if thats your thing.
The consoles you cant play on wii u is literally: 3ds, ps2, xbox, ps3, xbox360 (and of course this gen).
Literally the same emulation capabilities as a pc.
>image clearly calls all games real 3D Marios
wow what a fucktard you are
>You can also inject roms into virtual console games if thats your thing.
Have you ever actually tried doing this? VC injections are incredibly unreliable.
>paid half the price
>have games to play after I complete BotW
Fool and his money.
the "Super Mario 3D" games was just an attempt of Nintendo betraying the former 3D Mario audience and replacing it with the people who massively bought NSMB Wii
and that attempt was a real failure, seeing the game sold worse than Sunshine
Or if I wanted to avoid the shitfest that is a console launch. If this wasn't your first you'd do the same.
In most cases you dont need to inject since theres emualtors. For N64 and DS games, like half the library is playable.
You cannot play PS1 games on a Wii U
>>have games to play after I complete BotW
I already played all the Wii U games worth playing lol
Have fun playing old shit