>breath of the wild
>splatoon 2
>xenoblade chronicles 2
>super mario odyssey
>Dragon Quest XI
>Disgaea 5
What games are you guys buying in 2017?
Other urls found in this thread:
FE Warriors and Cyberdimension Nep
You can already buy Disgaea 5 user, I think play asia is out of Switch copies though
I spent all my money on alcohol this month, plus the Switch. I have to buy it next month.
Already bought BotW, so from hereon out I will buy:
>Runner 3
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Project Octopath
>Disgaea 5
>Xenoblade 2 if it's coming out
>maybe some other smaller stuff
That's pretty much it. Oh and I've got Yooka-Laylee coming to me on PC, backed that for a steam key.
I'd list more games for the PC and PS4 but I really can't think of anything upcoming in 2017 that I would want.
Just use your alcohol bottles to glass cunts for money. Kill and recycle.
>Breath of the Wild
>Splatoon 2
>Xenloblade 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Disgaea 5
>Fast RMX
>Blaster Master 0
>Pocket Rumble
>Shakedown Hawaii
>Runner 3
The Splatoon 2 Testfire has gone up on the JAP eShop. Expect it to hit the west later today, and then get hype for next weekend!
Etrian Odyssey V
Nier Automata
Oxygen not included
South Park
Northgard (after Early access)
Pit People (after Early access)
Hollow Knight
Dawn of War 3 if it turns out good
None. I usually wait one or 2 years fir a complete edition or a nice sale. I also have quite long backlog and emulators.
>Buying overrated Nintendoshit you can get for free
I pirated Zelda for WiiU, and that's all the new Nintendo stuff I'll probably ever be playing again till they either go 3rd party or properly change their tune. Fuck if I'm ever buying a Switch. You'd have to pay me to get one of those. It's all classic stuff as far as Nintendo stuff goes from here on.
I'll be buying
>Nier Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>Persona 5
>Blazblue Central Fiction
>Resident Evil VII
When they all drop in price.
None, gonna pirate a couple and watch some other games on youtube though.
>he bought a wii u
Yakuza 0
For Honor
Toukiden 2
probably Nier Automata
Hitman season 2 i hope so
Sup Forums lied to me and said it was a good console with many games
...just like they're doing with the Switch now.
Take my advice, don't buy a Switch, and if you did...
>that poor sap, he bought a Switch
>xenoblade chronicles 2
I'll be very surprised if this is out in 2017. And I'm talking about the Japanese version.
I'll be buying
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Fast RMX
>Mario Kart 8 Duluxe
>and maybe XC2
so far the only confirmed game for me is Bannerlord. We will see what else comes along the way though.
>...just like they're doing with the Switch now.
Wii U NEVER had Zelda until it was fucking dead, Switch had it day one, along with XC2, Mario, Splatoon 2, MK8, and Arms all in the same year.
>Yakuza 0
>Persona 5
Yooka Laylie
Death Road to Canada
1/2 Genie Hero
Planet Coaster
Maybe Pulsar Lost Colony
Maybe a Switch and Zelda/Mario/Splatoon this Christmas if said games look good
Will Splatoon 2 also run in 30 fps in docked mode? So far I have yet to see Switch game that is 30 fps
WiiU also wasn't defective at launch, and competing against better consoles that cost less.
I ain't buying the Switch you shill. It's DoA, give it up.
Also, NONE of those games interest me.
I already have MK8 and Zelda and Splatoon.
XCX was fucking garbage, and taught me not to have faith in that franchise or overhype their releases. XC2 isn't anything to be excited for until I see some solid reviews, and even then, it's defo not worth a $300 console, when better RPGs are already available on the other platforms I own.
Arms looks gimmicky as fuck, and Nintendo has taught me they know fuck all about making competent fighters with the latest Smash. If I wanna play something similar and probably better, I already have Pokken and Punch Out Wii.
So congrats, none of your games interest me.
Instead, I'll look forward to getting the games I already listed:
Persona 5
Nier Automata
Resident Evil VII
Gravity Rush 2
You know, games that ACTUALLY push the industry forward. Not overhyped garbage for children that relies on brand loyalty and nostalgia to be notable.
>Also, NONE of those games interest me.
Then why the fuck did you buy a Wii U? A console with nothing but Nintendo games?
>You know, games that ACTUALLY push the industry forward.
Ah, it's a shitpost. Nevermind then.
Because the WiiU didn't only have Nintendo games at launch?
Half my WiiU library is multiplats and 3rd parties.
MonHun 3U
Deus Ex HR Directors Cut
Bayonetta 1 and 2
Rayman Legends
In fact, I'd even go as far as to see my favorite experiences on Wii AND WiiU have been nonNintendo games, something the WiiU fell short of thanks to Nintendo giving it the Axe so soon.
Switch on the other hand, just looking at the launch offers none of this really. So I'll pass, and even then, seeing what they did to the WiiU killed all my faith in the company and their products. After that, you'll be damned if I ever buy a Nintendo console ever again. And this is coming from someone who's owned every console of theirs since the NES. In the past, even if they didn't do so great, they still stuck to their guns and supported their consoles till the end of the generation.
>Nier Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>Persona 5
>Tekken 7
Already have Botw and Nioh.
honestly the only wii third party game I really loved was Resident Evil 4 because it felt like it was made for those motion controls.
What were these great multiplat games?
>seeing what they did to the WiiU killed all my faith in the company
Why? Wii U was a flop but they supported it as much as they could. Creating games for 3DS was simply profitable and Wii U wasn't.
>After that, you'll be damned if I ever buy a Nintendo console ever again
Your loss, I guess
Only god tier game thats coming out in 2017
Muramasa the Demon Blade, No More Heroes 1 and 2, Red Steel 2, the Rainfall RPGS, Sin and Punishment 2, etc... Wii had tons of hidden gems overlooked by hardcore fans, as did the GCN. WiiU had very few of these, because Nintendo didn't give the console time to be adopted by other gamers as a secondary console because it didn't meet their exected Wii/DS levels of success.
>Why? Wii U was a flop but they supported it as much as they could. Creating games for 3DS was simply profitable and Wii U wasn't.
Yet it still sold better than any SEGA console ever, and was outselling the Xbone for the majority of the generation.
No you dumb motherfucker, the WiiU didn't "flop" it failed. It's a whole different thing. It performed very well relative to other consoles, worst for Nintendo, but 13 million is still a number many would kill for and SEGA, Nintendo's fiercest rival struggled to get. It failed to meet Nintendo's expectations of a Wii like success. It failed to retain the Wii audience, which is what it aimed to do, and thus, the Switch is squarely aimed at regaining that Blue Ocean crowd again. Something which made me really dislike Nintendo in the Wii era, and thus, why I'll be passing on them. This isn't the Nintendo I grew up with and loved.
>Your loss, I guess
Oh wow, I get to miss out on pay for overpriced games I'll be able to emulate in 4 years!! Woe is me.
>Switch in general
>Zelda: BotW
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Super Bomberman R
>Sonic Mania LE
>Yooka-Laylee (well, I backed it already in 2015)
>A Rose in the Twilight LE
>Danganronpa V3
This is a good year of gaming for me, last year was such a dull drought.
Toukiden 2 and Dawn of War 3 I suppose. Not else seems interesting to me. Will buy a PS4 later this April for Sengoku Basara 4 though. I miss that series.
Already got BotW. I'll probably pick up a Switch if Splatoon 2 is as good as the first one, maybe Super Mario Odyssey as well. Other than that, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Persona 5. I think that'll be it unless something else compels me to buy a game, like my friends wanting to play something specific with me.
>Wii U was a flop
You must not remember when 3ds came out. It was doing poorly until some decent games came out.
They chose to make their support one sided and the Wii U got left behind. Its why they combined console/handheld this time around. They won't have to divide up their resources.
I hope to god that EDF 5 actually gets released outside of japan, its gone quiet since the announcement.
Tekken 7
Quake Champions
I dropped Dawn of War 3 after the much anticipated multiplayer reveal. I might drop Tekken 7 if I get a real job by then.
I bought a Wii U for TMS and will buy a Switch for SMT5. I'm also buying a PS4 Pro next month to play Persona 5.
Dude, I'm a Nintendo fan but Wii U was a flop. 13 million is nothing in the console market.
>Yet it still sold better than any SEGA console ever
Not really helping your case here considering SEGA is dead, y'know.
>This isn't the Nintendo I grew up with and loved.
It's funny because I feel the complete opposite. BotW has more in common with the original Zelda. Super Mario Odyssey is much more like SM64 than the Galaxy games for example, something Nintendo also openly acknowledged which is nice. I never cared about their handhelds before because they were too weak, and this is their strongest handheld on the market but you can also play it on your monitor and as a huge bonus you get ALL Nintendo console for the price of one. Not to mention the huge support it will get from Japan since it's a handheld, and potential third party support.
>the Switch is squarely aimed at regaining that Blue Ocean crowd again
Not at all. It combines the strengths of the past consoles into one package. Don't like motion controls? Use your controllers.
You got a switch to play those games! Nintenbro! Nintenbro!
Splatoon 2
Mario Odyssey
Maybe Zelda
injustice 2
>breath of the wild
>splatoon 2
>persona 5
>RDR 2
pretty good year.
>Etrian Odyssey V
can i even fuck this semen thief?
Whatever $100 supporter pack GGG releases for PoE 3.0 if that counts as buying a game. If not, then I guess I'm not buying any games this year.
>>Nigger of the 97
>>Splatoon sequel (port)
>>Tales of Xenofederationforce
>>Super Mario 06
>>more weebgarbage
So far my haul this year
>Gravity Rush 2
>Near A Tomato
>Switch with Zelda
>Atelier Firis
next in queue
>Yakuza 0
also on a list
>Fast RMX
>Yooka Layle
>Splatoon 2
>portable Disgaea if there is a way to import saves from PS4
>Mario Kart
>Crash N-Sane
>Persona 5
>portable Setsune I like physical releases and Vita one didn't get physical in the west, but Switch one from Japan has English subs included so I might import that now
and maybe some older games for my other systems (3DS, Vita, X360) to expand my collection.
I haven't paid that much attention to what is coming out this year, actually.
Already got Danganronpa V3.
Will probably get BoTW, Odyssey, Xenoblade2, DQXI too.
Other than that see what interesting JRPGs come out. Considering Blue Reflection which is out at the end of the month.
So far, I bought:
>Dishonored 2
>NieR Mastorbata
>Rainbow Six Siege
>GR Wildlands
I regret half those purchases, and I don't see any reason to buy anything else in the future.
Even fucking now considering she's from Etrian Odyssey/Untold.
Already Bought
>Yakuza 0
>Nier Automata
Going to buy
>Sonic Mania
>Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 Remix
>Splatoon 2
>Mario Odyssey
>Project Sonic 2017
>Red Dead Redemption 2
You see all these games,Sup Forums? I get to play all of them because I'm not some idiot who limits themselves to one platform.
>Persona 5
>Fire Emblem Echoes
>Sonic Mania
>Splatoon 2
>Xenoblade 2
>Super Mario Odyssey
>South Park: The Fractured But Whole
That's probably it for now.
South Park
Berserk (if it goes to 75% this year)
Oh and Dragon Quest Heroes 2
Crackdown 3
Red Dead Redemption 2
Yooka Laylee
I might get a switch at christmas is the price drops to around £200
Rising Storm 2 if I end up enjoying it.
Don't drag Yoko Taro into your shitposting bait you fuck
> he's a poorfag
Past and future;
Nier Automata,
Breath of the Wild
Toukiden 2
Persona 5
Resident Evil 7
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Earth Defense Force 5
Gravity Rush 2
Destiny 2
2017 is fuckin great so far
Call of Duty 2017
Literally all I care about.
Fire Emblem Echoes
Fire Emblem warriors
N. Sane Trilogy
Mountainblade 2, Red dead 2, New Dynasty Warriors
Thats it
>tfw 97% of Sup Forums are consolechildren nowdays
How far we have fallen
So far I bought
>Project Diva FT DLC
>Yakuza 0
>Project Diva X
>KH 1.5 + 2.5
>Persona 5
I'll probably grab shit like Nier autism, HZD and RDR2 later this year but I feel like most interesting stuff was already released early this year.
On wishlist is
>tittyfall 2
>watch dogs 2
>ds3 dlc
>elite dangerous
But as a turbo jew I don't pay more than €13 for a vidya so maybe once in 2018 on a sale somewhere.
You mean new releases?
>Persona 5
that's the only one I'm definitely buying, might also get Horizon zero dawn
Seriously, I've gotten
>RCR: Underground
>Slime Rancher (on the sale)
>Nier Automata
Not sure if I plan on actually spending money on other things, but who knows.
>elite dangerous
Enjoy being highly entertained for an hour.
>BotW once I got my own switch once they make save states transferable
>ARMS if above = true
>Spla2n if above = true
>Gravity Rush 2
Already bought:
>For Honor
What I've bought so far:
>Nier Automata
>Gravity Rush 2
>Tales of Berseria
>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Super Robot Wars V
>Hollow Knight
>Atelier Firis
Of those the only one I've been disappointed with so far is Firis. It runs like poop on both PC and PS4. No idea how Gust shit the optimization so bad this time.
Stuff I plan to buy:
>Persona 5
>Toukiden 2
>Breath of the Wild if I can find someone selling a cheap Wii U or Switch but it's pretty doubtful at this point
It's been a pretty good year so far.
xenoblade 2
mario oddysey
tekken 7
FE Warriors
if that.
Ravioli ravioli, I wanna fuck that squid loli
Sonic Mania, three versions of Tekken 7, Splatoon 2, Project Sonic 2017, NFS 2017, maybe Mario Odyssey, maybe FlatOut 4.
I also am owed a copy of Yooka-Laylee. I'd say Shenmue III but there's no chance in hell that's coming out this year.
Splatoon 2
FE Warriors
Maybe FE Echoes: SoV
Mayyyybe Super Mario Odyssey
Save states transferable...to what?
>Already bought:
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Fast RMX
Grand Theft Auto: V
>Will buy:
Dawn of War III
Mario Odyssey
Yooka Laylee
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Splatoon 2
Battlechasers: Nightwar
Mass Effect: Andromeda (if it's not shit)
Seek help user. Remember a psychologist is bound by professional confidentiality. They can help you work through these problematic sexual urges.
Why come to Sup Forums
welcome to Sup Forums
Ace Combat 7 and maybe Nier
>next "big" game coming is FE15
Christ I mean BotW is nice and all but I don't really see it lasting me almost three months.
What do you guys intend to do in the meanwhile? Any PC game worth getting? Any indie which is not total shit?
My switch. I'm playing on my gf's switch and BotW got me so hooked I don't want to ask anymore and wait until she and her little brother are finished.
I already got a lot of stuff though and don't feel like starting over.
Why the fuck do you even play vidya if you have a gf? How much entertainment could you possibly need?
Are you implying having a gf will keep you entertained 24/7 or are you one of those people who drops all his friends and hobbies because of his gf?