It's an Envy room with no damage upgrades episode

>It's an Envy room with no damage upgrades episode

>big horn with no bombs

>it's a first room in the run is a super envy fight episode

> it's a Husk boss with soy milk

Is afterbirth plus still shit? I'm on piss4 so I won't find out for a while

>It's a first pill is a speed down as maggy episode

>it's a keeper run where you only find health up items episodes

>It's a Breadmund puts out DLC to make his game less fun episode

>it's a gluttony drops

>it's a you try to commentate like a northern lion but run out of stuff to say and it gets awkwardly quite while playing and recording isaac with only 12 views and $0 per month patreon

I'm still playing rebirth and I feel like that's the golden age of Isaac. I haven't played the new DLCs but it seems like all they did was remix old content (take an old enemy but make it shoot a bullet and call it a new enemy, or just make a permanent dunce cap effect) and it seems like there is now some power creep where the game is impossible/incredibly unfun unless you get damage upgrades ASAP

Confirm or deny my fears

Would any of you say Afterbirth is worth buying? I was playing Rebirth up till now. I've got all the achievments in Isaac: Eternal Edition, and everything except Lost unlocks in Rebirth. I kind of want to get Afterbirth, but refused so far because Edmund thinks it's a good idea to make important balances only in DLC (Holy Mantle for Lost).
Out of principle I didn't wanna buy it. But I am really itching to have new content by now.

Afterbirth is just this. Afterbirth+ is not.
Sucks you have to get afterbirth to get A+

>Playing as Maggy

>It's a reset for half an hour and still don't get mutant spider episode

If this game didn't nerf everything that's good and didn't have 50% useless items it would have been GOTYAY and not just addictive af

>it's a mega fatty with buffed HP on the first floor episode

This feels true honestly. This is why I really appreciate Antibirth though since it introduced more interesting items and concepts than Afterbirth for the most part.

Hold R.

>it's a could have beaten mega satan if only I had a couple extra soul hearts episode

>getting hit during mega satan

>It's a fucking mushroom homing champion spider cave 1/3 floor when you only have half a heart left

Most enemies have been nerfed and Greedier mode has been made easier.

>not going real platinum god

This is great.

Only get Afterbirth if you have done 100% of everything in Rebirth, barring The Lost unlocks, which you say you have. Never get Afterbirth+.

I forgot to add: Bullshit rooms like the Blastocyst hell or spiders + shrooms on Caves have been either removed or made easier.

>Tiny Planet
>but it has good synergies with-

How have they changed greedier mode? I might buy the DLC again

>not beating the Aprils Fool challenge
she starts with a speed up pill now

All I want is Antibirth, with the good/interesting items and synergies from AB and AB+ added, but without the shitty enemies and bosses. Rag Man and Big Horn can suck my cock

Don't you mean 10/10?

Seriously I don't think there is a case where tiny planet is actually helpful, I mean it's only good, sometimes, only if you are already overpowered.

>No damage ups

It is no longer so unfairly difficult. Both the waves and the final boss himself have been adjusted so you do not have to restart until you get an incredible item.

Beating Greedier on release to unlock everything was hell.

>hit an item reroll room a few floors in
>get tiny planet with some ridiculously broken synergies

Brimstone's interaction with it comes to mind...but I've never gotten them both on the same run.

Brimstone for me is already guaranteed successful run.

Tiny Planet will turn a powerful run into a super powered run.

But yeah, it's a high end item. Something that will make the game winnable with The Lost.

This is what Afterbirth was for me, it made me greatly regret my purchase. I had a hard time having fun with it and it's a shame since some of the new stuff is actually good (like the synergies), but it's raped by all unfun stuff. All the shit it had is why I didn't even bother getting Afterbirth+ and even uninstalled the Afterbirth DLC.

Tell me about it, I refunded the DLC but the files stayed there so I get to enjoy it as it was on release. Sisters Vis usually means dead run

>Decide to do an Eden run
>Start with Abbadon

Sisters Vis means certain death.

Sisters Vis after their first nerf means
challenging fight ahead.

Sisters Vis after their second nerf means not very difficult fight ahead.

Well, you made them completely bland now, but at least they are f--

Another nerf, Ed? Now they are a joke.

>it's a ludovico technique on Azazel first floor

I just beat mom's heart for the tenth time in Afterbirth+, why is this version a mistake?

Mistake is the wrong word. Ed has run out of creativity and so the expansion offers little content that is interesting. It used to be extremely unfair on launch but they have since fixed it.

>Mom's heart

Wow what a big guy

I'm new, just got the game fairly recently. Didn't know if I was missing out by playing the newest version.

Afterbirth+ is so much worse than Afterbirth. Portals are the most unbalanced shit and the new bosses and boss variants are complete garbage. I finished Afterbirth and had some fun with it, but I'm so tired of all this "content". I really liked Antibirth though. It really shows what you can do if you don't openly despise your playerbase.

>it's a Marked from curse of the unknown and Wiz Shot episode

>It's a reroll into QuadShot+Eve's Mascara+Brimstone episode

They should've left Flooded Brownie and OG Vis

This is unironically my favorite game, but Ed wants to change that

Redpill me on Edmund's relationship with this game and it's fans

It's between rare and well done

It's mine too. Can easily start it up and get about an hour or two of fun, even after 1,000,000%
He's really fucked it up though, constantly taking whatever ounce of fun is left

is that an Afterbirth+ boss?

why would anybody play that when we have Antibirth

Are there any plans to make Antibirth compatible with Afterbirth?

I don't give a fuck about Afterbirth+, but I really liked Greed and Lilith as characters

Ed wanted to make something completely different. He was trying to make a very tactical game, but people liked it because of the variability more than the challenge and Ed doesn't like that.

>I really liked Greed and Lilith as characters
You are a man of poor taste.

I just want some of the synergies Afterbirth added

Lillith is fun, I don't plan on blocking Keeper anytime soon though

Why is the void floor so lazy? Why are the new bosses so not fun? Does Ed know why we like Isaac

What makes a good Isaac boss?

>Why are the new bosses so not fun
Because Ed thinks health scaling is a good idea while simultaneously being worse at health scaling than Oblivion-era Bethesda.
Instead of averaging Ultra Greed's health around your performance vs. the clock throughout the entire run, it's based off a shit tier boss right before the real fight, throwing all your effort out the window in favor of a DPS race

Challenging but not because of boss armor or undodgeable attacks, fun mechanics that aren't shared by many others, hard to dodge but satisfying if you do, item based on boss, and finally a good visual concept

>click video

Moves that are actually telegraphed.
A lot of different patterns
Moves that feel satisfying to dodge.
Good soundtrack.
Delirium has none of these.
Most of the Antibirth bosses have all of then.

what's wrong with Lilith

Do console versions of Isaac have the Daily Challenges?

So how's antibirth?


Better than afterbirth?


I just got this game a month a go. I don't think I've had this fun with a game in a while. All I have to say so far is

>it's a bosses only drop health up items episode