I, too, played it on emulator

I, too, played it on emulator.

what I don't get it how have fights been fucked over by 60fps?

I don't see the point in replaying the first when it's just a much simpler and not as fun version of the second. Why the fuck do they keep re-releasing this shit.

Some of the spells, abilities and environmental hazards already updated at 60fps. Now they run at 120fps and twice the speed.

Bosses move at double the speed.

Don't expect for any of these to get fixed. When Square released the "Pro" patch for both World of Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy XV, it fucked both of those games up.

What's sad is that casual players won't even understand why the superbosses are impossible in the PS4 port.

>Data Larxene

Some kid that sounds like this balls just dropped told them so in a youtube video.

>nearly impossible
The port is shit, but let's not exagerrate here. Clearly the physics and shit are fucked, but speedrun strats not working is not the same as a boss being nearly impossible. Vexen is the worst offender, but he is perfectly beatable.

We'll see.

Aqua Hearts/0.2 got a patch.

>worrying about shit only subhuman speedrunners care about
Why haven't you killed yourself yet OP?

I saw the Data Vexen video someone posted, his Data bar goes overdrive almost instantly, jesus h christ

Why don't you just git gud?

>Higher FPS = More difficulty

>Xion's left arm is cut off
That's the real tragedy here


It's like thats the out of frame bit on the original image and they didnt bother to fix it

It's probably because certain physics effects are tied to the framerate, which means they move at double the speed when you double the framerate.

Sounds like a fun challenge.
>mfw Lingering Will at double speed.

>BBS Final world is fucked due to 60FPS

No it's not. It's the precise opposite, it's the first time that world has been fucking working as intended, the previous versions all had weird glitches due to load time problems. This version doesn't.

The impression I get is that most of the physics changes due to fps changes are pretty speedrun specific, and wouldn't be noticed by most players.

the ps4 has a fucking record button show your proofs

60fps is shit meme

I forget, who are we talking about again?

Literally just a problem for autistic speedrunners.

None of these are a problem for regular players.

I wouldn't say "crashes when you try to save" is something that affects speedrunners.

Not really.
I mean Vexen sure.
But really the Seph fight is only harder if you don't just hug the edge of the arena he'll its easier to cheese with strikeraid now.

The other complaints are legit tho