First Pewdiepie and now Jontron
Why are they being slandered for having different opinions all of a sudden??
First Pewdiepie and now Jontron
Why are they being slandered for having different opinions all of a sudden??
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not vidya
fuck off
I think it has more to do with throwing racist meme "facts" out with no sources to back them up
Their audience is a bunch of underage crybabies
They don't know how to handle the fact that people will disagree with them
Pewdiepie was making jokes, he is not actually alt-right.
Jontron is 100% a Sup Forumstard though.
>we want the gamergate crowd
Should tell you a lot about the kind of feebs who hang off ecelebs
Jontron seems like a guy who realized how terrible sjws are in gaming and was taken advantage of by Sup Forumstards that dragged him too far right
Because we were too gay to chase out parasites like antia sarkessian when we had the chance.
>gets btfo for 2 hours
how do you come back from that
Liberals used to rule the world. It's only two months into Trump's administration, but it's gonna be a while before the brainwashing wears off and we can have normal vidya again where having a gay character isn't the biggest news about the game.
Oh no, the SJWs are upset. They're so influential that they literally lost the presidency to a reality TV host.
Nothing to worry about.
>sees pdp succeed by being obnoxious and edgy
>tries to one up him in being obnoxious and edgy
>crashes and burns
Jon's alright, but he was never terribly bright.
Because the Jews set it all up!
SJWs are nazis
Jontron Sup Forums tweets was before the Pewdiepie hitler shit
Wow you can't even keep up with your e-celeb news properly.
he slandered himself by being a fucking retard
our guy destiny killed him
No, people are completely ignoring how bad at forming an argument Jontron is and going straight for his having taboo opinions.
>Jontron says white americans should be demonized for wanting to preserve their culture or celebrate being american
>gets shit on by everyone
i dont understand
Absolutely this. He's a prime example of how the alt-right gained traction through the constant bashing of SJWs. It's almost ironic in a way that people are being radicalized like this and yet they can't see how their actions are radicalizing Muslims in the middle east.
jon won the debate by a long shot though
It's really funny listening to what is essentially Sup Forums get btfo because all they know are memes and feeling based opinions with no idea how to actually have a discussion because they live inside of a hugbox all day.
He made the mistake of thinking anyone gives a fuck about what he thinks
Nobody goes to the circus to hear the clown's political views
These people are clowns, they should stick to entertainment or get the fuck out of the limelight
people start seeing that the new "alt-right" or whatever the spergs call themselves is getting more and more populat and its basically the new counter-culture with a raising number of supporters.
people start exploiting them and have a "guaranteed" based of viewership this way
you retards are getting "jewed" once again
>lolol based Jon btfo sjw feminazis
>ourguy mirite fellow 4channers?
Do jontronners even know what ingratiating tools they are?
why does jontron believe he is white
he said "rip my career" at the end not even he thinks that
>leftist delusion
8 years fagboi
Being white is a crime nowadays
My problem with Jon is that he's saying stupid shit withot actually thinking about it, not that it might be rather controversial
>tfw only one youtuber I cared enough to even bother learning their name
>not even subscribed to them
Pewdie's simple a victim of the kike media
Jontron is just an idiot who if he actually prepared well for the debate would of BFTO destiny. instead he fucked himself.
Yeah really, how can people not realize they are being pandered to?
There's a lot of weak people out there who need some faggot like jontron to cup their balls
>george weedman under bad tier
he was joking
are you autistic? can you not pick up on humor?
jon did btfo destiny
he literally left him so badly btfo he didnt have a comeback at the end
Because their opinions are are a lined with the liberal agenda, I knew it was going to happen sooner or later we try to avoid politics but eventually they will start coming up even in our video games
can you provide a single source that proves women and nonwhites (niggers especially) aren't subhuman?
>American Government under Obama
>American people
>Not right leaning centrists with some slight liberal social acceptances
Gotta love the American right vs left dichotomy where no one knows exactly what liberal or conservative is and just uses it as an easy way to label someone they disagree with.
By the way, we're all forgetting while the left wants more peoples inclusion into games, the right wants violence, sexuality, and video games in general banned as they were a scapegoat. But I bet most of you were in diapers in the 2000s.
Any publicity is good publicity. Besides, a bunch of butthurt redditors aren't really going to do anything. Besides, this isn't really anything new. He has been saying shit like this for three years, and people are suddenly surprised when a leftist tries to debate him.
Not slander if it's true, OP
>don't talk bad about islam you're going to make them become terrorists!
ooh my god.
Youtube "celebrities" deserve this.
He clearly lost that debate.
Are you actually this dumb or are you just saying that he won because you share a similar point of view?
What do you consider human? If anything blacks are more pure human than whites typically as they are pure homo sapien sapien, and whites have some neaderthal in them. if anything white people are subhuman, by definition. But the ultimate point here is that it's a silly argument to make, and populations are a better way of identifying people rather than some abstract confusing way of doing it by "races".
why is a black man paying reparations
This is not a Sup Forums thread libtards, you are the problem if you started the political discussion.
get the fuck out /qa/ and stop making false flag threads.
>>jontron is 100% a Sup Forumstard
This meme needs to stop
One facet of your political opinion does not define what you are, and even then you can have different reasoning or understanding to develop a coherent opinion. Sup Forums is very much defined in part by actual racism and part conservatism. Jontron may agree with them but for very different reasons. Sup Forums want's to "defend" white people or "defend" their nation. Jon is plainly stating that a nation is defined by it's people and if you change that, you change the nation, and pretending it doesn't is lunacy. From my understanding he wants to preserve American values, not necessarily the people, and that is drastically different from how Sup Forums would approach that problem. Anyone who acts like Jon on Sup Forums is called a jew and told to fuck off
destiny's own cucked twitch chat overwhelmingly voted for Jon winning in the strawpoll
8 years bitch
>People posting online are making muslims terrorists
It couldn't possibly be their savage religious beliefs or anything lmfao
That's not how debates work, dumbass. There are no winners or losers in debates, just a sharing of ideas. Who even started this win/loss debate meme?
jontron has way more fanbase than destiny tho
>Why are they being slandered
Jontron is an alt right retard. Pewds made some jokes. Big difference honky
>tfw we going to breed out pawgs
Are whites the only group of people not allowed to protect their culture?
they invented peanutbutter
rip white boi
>It's really funny listening to what is essentially Sup Forums get btfo because all they know are memes and feeling based opinions with no idea how to actually have a discussion because they live inside of a hugbox all day.
But actual Sup Forumstards blow Sup Forums the fuck out all day, it's all you guys ever cry about.
I didn't know we had so many liberal trolls. Jon while bit articulate I'd still right that USA quality will drop under shitskins s
>can't see how their actions are radicalizing Muslims in the middle east.
you seem to insist that people have no sense of agency.
this kind of paternalistic nonsense is what is destroying liberalism from the inside out, driving people out and into path of peace-loving trucks that din du nuffin #notallmuslims.
Gamergaters never.fucking leave do they?
Remember when Jim shit down Destiny's throat?
The left propagating a culture where yelling loudly over your opposition and not letting them talk is "winning" debates.