Why do people defend this shit?
Why do people defend this shit?
Because it has genuinely become a good game.
Because people have terrible taste and standards, people who play Ubisoft games are some of the worst among those people.
i couldn't understand either
>buy the game half off
>play all the single player missions to get renown
>unlock a decent number of operators
>try to find a game
>can't even fucking connect
>finally get into a game
>get kicked for being low level
I have fun playing it. Overwatch, on the other hand, I grew bored off and I don't like playing dust 2 24/7. Except when Hibana gadget doesn't work, which is like literally 25% of the time. That shit triggers the fuck out of me every time and I wish a slow, lethal cancer on every living Ubishit employee. I also get pretty triggered when some shitter with shit aim lands a random headshot on me.
incremental leveling and microtransactions designed to foster loyalty to the game, when it's been on a steady decline for half a year
also the meta is painfully unfun
What's the meta for this game? I just pick operators I have fun playing and who's weapons and gadgets fit the map best
fast operators, peaking, and sprinting
80% of perks are useless because slow ops get bodied before they can even use them
inb4 git gud
Why did he tape his gas mask? Does it give you extra tactics?
git gud
garbage game only paid shills play it
>when it's been on a steady decline for half a year
It's because Overwatch requires less personal skill , while games like CS or RS:S a single good player can wipe the entire enemy team.
>slowly peek/strafe corner
>shoot enemy
>enemy slowly peeks/strafes corner
>get shot
Literally the only thing that ever happens in this fucking game. Its only saving grace is doing dumb shit with friends.
>slow peaking
git gud
Because it's good.
Now check my Rainbow Six
a huge mistake in this game, you need to go fast and abuse the shitty netcode
Nigger the game went from around 8k-10k players daily to around 30-40k.
It's far from being on a decline.
>more people = better
wew lad
guess I should buy the game for ps4 while I'm at it
hence the strafe pls learn 2 read
It actually doesn't have a shitty netcode, it just has a lot of BRs playing on NA servers and with peakers advantage being a thing it becomes a problem.
Literally this. Fuck Brazilians. I'm sick of them shitting up my games.
In a game that requires so much communication it's fucking infuriating to have these fuckers on our team since we can't understand each other outside of pings.
>Implying that It isn't popular on Ps4
Wew lad
I think his implication was that since PS4 has more players than the PC version the PS4 version would be superior to that of the PC under the argument of "more players = better game".
Game is more popular on the PC though.
>playing shooters on consoles
theyre autistic
>every rainbow operator is some dumb shit from another agency
>everything depends on peeker advantage through .00005cm gaps or holes
>netcode doesn't show people around corners
>recoil patterns
>no weapon sway
>have to use goodboypoints to buy operators unless you want to grind for 30 years
>two season passes that cost $50 in total
>hundreds of dollars of cosmetics
wow i like levelcapgaming now wtf
Dude gasmasks are a great way to protect your eyes and lungs.
Reminder that Siege was barely supported on PC at launch. It wouldn't exist as it does today with continued support were it not for consoles. Think about that next time.
Yeah but they get stinky if you don't clean them regularly.
literally the only thing bad about it is the matchmaking and netcode. if they ever fix that it'll be the best multiplayer game of all time.
It's another generic FPS that is trying to steal CSGOs thunder with that 5v5 shit.
People defend it because of its destruction gimmick.
No, it really does have terrible netcode, it's just exacerbated by high pingers, virtually no cap on lag compensation, 3 speed OPs etc. Ubisoft bought out Quazal's Net-Z networking suite that was designed for 4 player co-op games and decided it was a good idea to use it in all of their PVP games. It's a fucking abomination.
Almost all of the operators look absolutely fucking retarded.
It's one of the best new online shooters I've played. The last multiplayer game that released that I enjoyed this much was Natural Selection 2.
Can't stop, won't stop hue hue hue
but they did happen ubishill
>that one operator that literally wallhacks in a game full of walls that are easily penetrated by gunfire
fuck this gay ass game
Sure it did buddy!
SAS are fine except for Mute's duct tape.
lol mad ubishill
>People unironically play this shitty and laggy version of hide and seek.
>more people than recently released For Honor
fucking ubishit
>literally the best mp shooter right now
never change your shitty taste Sup Forums i don't like plebs in my games
The only characters that look ok imho 2bqhwy
>Mute sans the retarded tape
>Rook/maybe Doc too
>Fuze looks like an airshitter but at least he's tacticool
>Blackbeard but the deagle is really dumb
I feel like they grabbed these designers off the street and never bothered to even look at a picture of the units.
Or maybe people defend it because they genuinely like it. You seem to have some stick up your butt about it, though. Give me actual reasons instead of that "hurr durr they copied CS" garbage.
Why not just play CSGO? Practically the same game and it's cheaper.
Valkyrie pisses me off more than anything else.
>i am le strong wxxxn look at my big scary bicep ,':^y
>i also have a deagle even though i'd probably shatter my wrist and hit myself in the face if i tried to use it
>also i'm a seal even though a woman would literally never make it through the most basic pft
You can tell right off the bat that this kid is a virgin.
user, he is probably the autist that has been shitposting Siege threads since the release, it really won't matter what argument you make, he will just ignore it and shitpost anyway
Why do people defend this shit?
Because the game is fun?
No one defends the game not playing like an interactive movie.
Yeah, it's good
Cheap as fuck on cdkeys, and the pc community is generally pretty cool. Play the situations, do some hard terroist hunts, and then jump into multiplayer and get assblasted for a bit, then get into the groove and enjoy the best shooter released in recent years
Cod and battlefield are both trash now, and its more fun than overwatch personally
You have never seen how women behave in the field. They're dangerous enough as it is in normal infantry, if they suck their way through buds they're definitely going to get someone killed. Women do not have the physical capacity to get through that program, only two out of a class of 40 managed to even make it through rasp and that was to female standards which is kiddy shit compared to buds.
There are also plenty of horror stories about female ncos being cunts and making life hell, nding, wearing bright colors and generally being giant bullet magnets and so on. They don't have the spatial awareness for the job.
too piss off cunts like u loser.
What should piss you off is her original name was going to be Hollywood. Ya know, because the cameras. Somewhere along the line Ubisoft just gave up on making sure the operator's names matched their ability.
I have a few hundred hours in it, and it's true to an extent. It comes down to twitch and flick, map knowledge and your ability to get the drop on someone.
However, a coordinated team using their operator's gadgets in synergy with one another is second to none. It's also taken for granted when gadgets are used to perfect effectiveness.
the operator is "Mute", a defensive operator that uses device that mute attacker's electrical devices
the lack of memes in this thread disgusts me
I dont know I like it. You must be a shitter
I gotchu man
Yeah what's next, you're gonna say that using tripod mounted WW2 LMGs for hostage situations is actually a bad idea in real life
Camping: The game
>no cinematic bs
>the microtransactions are fair
yeah I don't give a fuck if people like this game or not. at least it's a fucking video game and not the movie or P2W bs.
Blackboard looks stupid kys
I don't get it.
"I peek windows with low powered weapons and get fucked by Bucks and booty-blasted by Blackbeards".
He looks like a legit navy seal dumbass
literally beat me to it
>RS3 remaster never ever
>RS3 wont even get a shitty remake
>instead we get this generic hero shooter cawadooty search and destory normie bullshit for kids to foam at the mouth over
>Kicked for being a low level
Yeah I really doubt that happened. I've played for months and have never gotten kicked, even as a low level. If it did happen, its because you joined up with 4 clan members or something
did you play the game?
There are actually a ton of people on PS4, I switched from PC just to get trophies and haven't stopped
No he doesn't. This dumb faggot and his airsoft looking setup looks cringeworthy. Also
>US special forces in rainbow six
It's like they absolutely have zero regard for lore.
Jager players have a tendency to break down windows and fire on the Attackers after the drone phase
>You'll never be THIS FUCKING MAD ubisoft made a decent shooter.
If you're angry because of the company that made a product instead of the product yourself you should honestly hang yourself for being so mentally deficient, I'm better than you, your nostalgiafaggot games will be forgotten in the passage of time.
people who talk shit about this game really hate fun
Damn that's some good bait, almost fell for it. Here's your (You), well earned.
>Decent shooter
good joke, I like it
It reminds me of a more tactical CSGO/1.6.
As in there is more walling involved on maps. Operators are more like MOBA heros each with a skill and different set of weapons that can drastically change the way you play.
I went to Siege from CS:GO. I'm actually having fun again, I'd forgotten what that felt like
I bought it when it was 20 dollars and I've been having crap load of fun, finally leveled up to play ranked games.
Already have a 5 win streak, 5 more to get ranked pretty excited even casual is fun as hell.
God damn, is this really what the consoles are like?
I don't. I always feel like its such a dick move, even though its a winning tactic. In my experience its usually bandit or cav that do a lot of the spawn peaking
xbros tourney footage