ITT: Games that lots of people try but very few finish
Pic related. I assume it's because it's pretty hard and the save spots are infrequent. It's a shame though, Vagrant Story is easily one of the best JRPGs out there.
ITT: Games that lots of people try but very few finish
Pic related. I assume it's because it's pretty hard and the save spots are infrequent. It's a shame though, Vagrant Story is easily one of the best JRPGs out there.
>pretty hard
More like tedious with the menu fuckery.
>inb4 a bunch of memers come in and start shitting on the game
The game is not hard. Enemies have a pretty difficult time actually killing you, because you can heal yourself in different ways several times until they can attack again. The only exceptions are the occasionally one-shot magic and skills, especially of the last boss.
Most horseshit final boss ever with his half-second window to bring up the menu and heal/buff or get one-shotted
Yeah I guess it's not that hard overall. But the fact that you can get one shotted by normal enemies, which can set you back a huge amount thanks to the save system, is extremely annoying
played it felt very clauster phobic i think my clausterphobia comes that game
I tried playing this game when I was extremely young. Like 9 years idk. A friend recomended this game to me. Since I was kinda stupid I had a hard time getting the timings right, and the weapon durability system was beyound my grasp. When I told my friend that I didn't like it he invited me over to watch him play. He had even less idea than I had, he was oblivious to the wapon durability thing, every fight took hours since he would do 1 damage at a time.
>because it's pretty hard and the save spots are infrequent
That means its a shit jRPG you autist
i played the game years later on an emulator trust me the timings are hard yeah that game isn't hard but the setting always creeped me out but the mechanics are real fun tho shame they never made a game like that
Wew, you're friend was a tryhard hipster when you were just kids?
Why is it so brown? It makes Morrowind and Gears of War look vibrant in comparison.
I completed it but I'm pretty sure I played it wrong. Every boss fight I'd just build up a huge chain while doing chip damage, eventually you start doing massive damage.
I completed it for the first time a couple months ago, had a lot of fun and enjoyed the story/atmosphere.
but I did cheat the final boss with phantom pain spam
>it's pretty hard
On the contrary. There's obviously a deep equipment and combat system there, but you hardly have to delve into it because the game is easy as hell no matter what you do. I wish it would actually force you to focus more on the affinities and elements and whatnot.
Maybe if you suck ass at them. All it really means is that it's easier to get frustrated. It's one of the best looking games on the console, has probably the best overall presentation, its story is fantastic, and the battle system is so unique and well done
it's shitty attempt to make roguelike without randomly generated levels.
Thanks for the warning. I guess I'm gonna need those savestates on PC.
This thread basically just because a Vagrant Story discussion I'm ok with that
Metal Gear Solid may have done the ultra cinematic presentation thing first, but god damn did Vagrant Story ever perfect it. I barely even notice the PS1 era graphics in the cutscenes, it's just so engrossing
I stopped at the first dungeon honestly
Dark Souls 2 for sure.
Ive started this game like 5 times but never finished it.
Where do you get hung up? DS2 is unironically one of my favorite games, probably above Bloodborne. I guess if you are into world consistency it wouldn't be the best but still, the character building is fun.
Fans of Undertale go into it expecting the original "le quirky humor" game. And they get that, but they don't expect 40 hours of it. Must be like 90% of the people who start this these days don't finish it.
Save points are frequent enough. Don't know what OP is on about.
First reply is more accurate. It's a game where you need multiple weapons for different types of enemies, but changing equipment requires fucking around through a few slow menus.
Frequent enough by old school JRPG standards sure, it's definitely manageable. But they are far enough apart that it's easy to be frustrated, especially with random enemies that can kill in one hit. It's even worse if you're used to be spoiled by saving anytime by modern RPGs.