One brother makes a living off of being the only remotely manly gaming youtuber

>one brother makes a living off of being the only remotely manly gaming youtuber
>other is making a living off of what started as a generic DeviantArt-tier furry comic

If you had to be roomates with one and delet the other, which would meet which fate?
And what games would you play with your new roomate?

Delete the youtuber, ask the furry one to draw cute boys.

He's the least manly since he's the most sjw of them all. He's also a manlet, so being buffer than 99% of the youtubers doesn't mean much.

being big doesn't automatically makes you manly. Neither does performing for children or dying your hair a different outlandish color every other month.

He kept his hair dyed for so long because one of his close friends killed himself around the time Mark dyed his hair for some charity event and kept it like that as a reminder of him.

>remotely manly gaming youtuber

you think markiplier is manly?

I'm pretty sure 99% of people will choose Mark over his brother be uses if you suck up to him, he'll probably be a cool roommate that buy stuff for you

Oh lawd jezus my buddy died, better color my hair for a little while for the charities.

Nigga please.

>hapa siblings
>the white-looking one is more successful than the asian-looking one

Hmm.... really makes you think....

What the fuck is their ethnicity? They look like a Flip and a South American spooged into a dirty rag, and out popped these fugly sons of bitches.

I just want someone to play videogames with me

Delete the underage OP.

>the only remotely manly gaming youtuber
Dunkey's a big tough looking Black dude though.

The youtube man gets deleted to spite people I know


People are weird about that stuff. When my dad died in a car accident my brother wanted the steering wheel of his car to remember him by. Grief causes people to make emotionally driven, irrational choices. Can't help it.

iirc Korean and German??

>remotely manly
>calls himself "markimoo" and has pink hair
I'd live with LTG, we'd piss in bottles together and insult fat people all day

Underage detected

Something hurt your feelings?

>charity work
>not manly

Keep it up with the edge mate.

My step father did the same thing, he and his father used to go on road adventures all the time and the steering wheel reminded him of all the good times with him. I would hardly say that's weird or irrational.

Dying your hair pink in remembrance of someone is some straight up faggotry though no matter which way you look at it.

It doesn't make the situation any better and serves no purpose but as a coping mechanism. It just took a different form in Mark's case.

Being humane and being manly are different things. Although I'd even debate the fact of LP's being humane, because they provide kids with surrogate friendship that doesn't get anywhere and teaches them nothing but pain and suffering.
I'm afraid it's wrong to even qualify LPing on youtube as "charity"
Hand over your Katia and get the fuck out.

>e-celeb thread
Please go back to your subreddit you newfag piece of shit

>have to deal with hours of him shouting into the mic vs accidentally finding furry shit he drew

Nigga it's both a coping mechanism and a nice thing you have around for memory. It's the same shit as when weebs buy those animu figurines, you want to be surrounded by things that make you happy and that invokes good memories. If you were human you'd know that.

The furry would be a better roommate because I wouldn't have to listen to him making videos for his "community'. Even if he talked to me about his stupid furry porn comics, I wouldn't care because it's not difficult to just misdirect a conversation or shut it down, as opposed to listening to "HE GUYS THIS IS YOUR BOY HERE WITH ANOTHER VIDEO" every fucking week. And imagine if he has to do several takes because of a mistake? A nightmare.

>no pics supporting the buff manliness claims

Regardless the point I was trying to make in the first place was that the dyed hair had nothing to do with SJW stuff. I don't even watch his videos all that often but I just felt the desire to point that out.

He knows his audience. I can respect him for knowing how to maximize his income

I keep getting the left confused with this similar looking guy who killed his family

But it's the same guy.

>SCARY GAME [autistic screeching]
>*dyes hair*
>whoops turns out dyed hair was just a phase
>remotely manly

he's a faggot with ridiculously good genes
pewdiepie is more manly than he is

>act like a little bitch or a woman that bases all of her actions on emotions
>h-how manly

That can't be all he's done? I was under the assumption he's donated millions of the dollars he gets to charity. And he has met with multiple people through the make a wish foundation and spent the day with them not even playing games.

Take my Katia from my cold, dead hands.

More like half Korean and half Jewish.

>brother is more asianey
>has a weak chin and is a degenerate
what did god mean by this?

I remember there was this whole thing about his accounts getipting hacked and they showed how much money he made offf YouTube. Markiplier's a good guy but it's just obscene how much money he makes. I could never dream of making so much money and he does by simply playing games and a character.

>I was under the assumption he's donated millions of the dollars he gets to charity
How does that make him manly? Again, donating to charity is a humane, honorable (depending on who you ask) deed, but it's not manly.

In fact, you posted old and busted Katia, take her back.

Manly can be interpreted differently. The common usage is of course being physically tough, brave, attractive, etc. Some would considering manliness to act with fortitude and integrity