Zelda ranking thread

We had a fun thread about this last night so let's do it again.

Rate the series and banter with other anons about how their taste is shit


My only complaint was that the first half was a bit too easy, but it was a great return to form for the handheld Zelda's after the DS ones were so abysmal.

You guys have to play OoS/OoA again. They're definitely in the Triforce Tier. Don't put them in a tier they do not belong to.

is ALBW really that good?

It's a pretty decent Remake of LttP. Not as good as the original, but I dug it.

Replace Minish Cap with ALTTP and Breath of the Wild with Majora's Mask and you might actually become credible, OP.

>Minish Cap

Your first Zelda, I'm guessing?

I'll have to sit on Breath of the Wild for a bit longer to really judge where I put it in relation to the others, but my top 5 are
>Link's Awakening
>Wind Waker
>OoT\MM (I go back and forth between which of the two I prefer)
>Link to the Past

spirit tracks is one of my favorite zelda's.

>with Majora's Mask
Too divisive for that spot.
The game has great atmosphere but its really tedious to play and there was no reason it had to be a zelda game. It would have worked better as a new franchise.
It was the first zelda game I didnt bother finishing because the game started giving me headaches in how constrained it was and how tedious and chore-ish it was to go back in time and have all your progress nullified.
Really unsatisfying experience.
If you're into that, that's cool.
But it's not nearly as good as lttp or botw.

Minnish Cap is overrated as all fuck. Tri Force Heroes, on the other hand, is an underrated gem. Also, fuck ranking games within a series. Just be glad that your favorite series is still alive and well.

Spirit Tracks is solid, I never got the hate [/spoiler]I'd at least but it in pretty good tier[/spoiler]

Having completed all of the shrines in BOTW and otherwise having played it for 130+ hours, I'd say it's probably great tier for me, not triforce tier.

And SS is pretty good tier. Those dungeons and bosses were definitely good.

Triforce tier for me would be: MM, OoT, Link's Awakening, and Oracle of Ages

Phantom hourglass is the only one I'd consider truly bad.

Pretty terrible list needs lots of changes

>Divisiveness affects your opinion

What the fuck, user.

Phantom Hourglass was pretty good.
Spirit Tracks was indeed shit.

Too bad it's unplayable on 3ds

Put oracle and links awakening together in that triforce spot

The real question is "who is the best Link"?

I think you need to look up what "tri" means, chief. That's going to be a hard choice for you: MM or OoT.

>And SS is pretty good tier
I could not disagree more.

MM is basically an OOT expansion pack. They both stay, friend.

MM is not as good as everyone's nostalgia is telling them.

>Minish Cap triforce tier
>but Oracles in pretty good tier
You are objectively, OBJECTIVELY wrong and gay.

>minish cap is one of the greats
Come on, my man. You're not even trying with this bait.

>MM is basically an OOT expansion pack
"Basically" is irrelevant. It was sold as a different game, it's a different game.

>Two of the top 3 games were made by capcom.
Really makes me think.

(excluding BotW because I haven't played yet)



Fixed it for you.

>Triforce Tier
Majoras Mask
Twilight Princess
A Link To The Past

>Great Tier
Breath of The Wild
Ocarina Of Time
The Legend Of Zelda(NES)
A Link Between Worlds
Link's Awakening
Minish Cap

Pretty Good Tier
Oracle Of Ages/Seasons
Four Swords Adventures
Spirit tracks

I Didn't Even Bother Finishing Tier
Phantom Hourglass
Skyward Sword

Nice try. No.

C'mon, man, you gotta pick.

For me it's OoT but it's not an easy decision.

If you just play Minish Cap for the main story its all good fun, but the side quests in that game all awful and its pretty much impossible to 100% of the game unless you enjoy mindless cranking out figurines.

>Links awakening
>not ascended god tier
your list is shit

>get to the spirit train dimension?
>have to use invicibility stars to kill demon trains
That's when i stopped playing.

stop falseflagging

Minnish cap is pretty good tier, bump up Link to the Past in it's Place. You also forgot the three CDI games, understandable really. You could call it Phillips tier.

I liked both DS Zeldas.

I've only played a couple.

Minish Cap, Breath of The Wild
Skyward Sword, Oracle of Seasons/Ages

How are the rest of the games? Particularly, OoT, MM and TP?

That's some amazingly shit taste

OoT and MM both have dated combat but otherwise pretty solid. TP is WW but not cellshaded.

WTF Minish Cap was shit tier and easy as ass.

OoT is a classic that set the foundation for the series it's only now breaking, MM is a great off shoot, and TP is either OoT 2 or 1.5 depending on who you ask. It's a good game, but it's the one series detractors point to when saying "Zelda games are all the same, hurr durr".

Minish cap is skyward sword tier. Also Link's Adventure below Wind Waker, MM, LBW, and OoT fucking kill yourself.

Triforce tier
The Legend of Zelda
Adventure of Link
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
A Link Between Worlds
Breath of the Wild

Great tier
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks

Pretty Good
Wind Waker
Minish Cap
Twilight Princess
Triforce Heroes

Bad tier
Skyward Sword

It does nothing fancy, but is enjoyable game with absolutely no tedious or boring sections. Return to non-linearity was a great idea.

Swap ALBW and TP and I agree 100%

Minish Cap is extremely mediocre and ALBW is riddled with crippling design flaws.

It's amazing, but not god tier by any means.

ALTTP, LA, and the original are my favorites.

I haven't played BotW yet. I doubt I'll love it, but at least it tried to stir things up a little.

Twilight Princess would be great if it allowed it's own ideas to flourish (like the spinner that has no use outside Arbiter's Grounds) instead of being too afraid of leaving OoT's shadow. Also too handholdy and cinematic, but a good game nevertheless.

If the original is your favorite it might surprise you. It does a great job with that exact same sense of exploration and wonder.

Playing through BotW right noe and having a blast, otherwise ALttP, OoT,MM,4SA, and TP are the only other Zeldas I like.

I'd say ALttP and MM are the competition to BotW right now.

>minish cap
>Link's Awakening
>as top 3

Triforce Tier:
TP (basically being OOT 2.0)

Great Tier:

Pretty Good Tier:
Four swords
Minish Cap

Mediocre Tier:
Zelda 2

Objective List

Ocarina of Time, A Link to the Past

Link's Awakening, Majora;s Mask

Wind Waker, The Legend of Zelda

Four Swords, Link Between worlds, Breath of the Wild

Seasons, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword

Everything else

Where is link between worlds

In great tier, between MM and WW

Triforce tier for me would be the oracle games and BOTW.if I can count the Oracles as one package then ALttP would take a spot


>Skyward Sword
>not bad

BotW is the strongest and most talented, it's not even a contest, but he is probably just a adrenaline junkie after the memory loss considering how most people play.


OoT/MM had the hardest life.

SS is the best at being thirsty.

But the best is I COULD EAT A OCTOROK!





> but he is probably just a adrenaline junkie after the memory loss considering how most people play.
I like to imagine him like the Doom marine in the newest game; he's just beyond giving a fuck, and wants to pick some ass.
>Ganon won't give up without a fight, but that's exactly what you're looking for, isn't it?

very different meaning.

It really isn't. It has some shit sections, but the good certainly outweighs the bad no matter how you look at it.

I'll have to disagree on that.

Really the only reason things went to shit was that Link wasn't allowed to do his thing. Now he has nothing holding him back.

Minish cap was great and comfy though.

In what way? The dungeons were good by zelda standards. The bosses were good with some being fantastic. The story was adequate and not too overbearing.

It's a game with a lot of shit filler content, but the main offerings are all there and remain the focus most of the time.

>A link to the past
>Majora's mask
>Twilight princess

>Spirit tracks
>Skyward sword
>Ocarina of time

>The legend of zelda
>Phantom hourglass
>A link between worlds

>Triforce heroes
>four swords

>guy without a destiny.
>the guy who retrieve the triforce of courage, defeated ganondorf for good, found a whole new continent and built a new hyrule kingdom is a guy without a destiny

>Zelda 2
>"Pretty Good"

How to know a list is complete garbage. Zelda 2 is a mixture of the worst aspects of JRPGs of its era and sidescrolling action games without capturing any of their strenghts. It is trash and the only terrible zelda game (besides the CD-I ones).

Why is the Minish Cap so ignored? It has the best atmosphere of any zelda game other than MM, great music, characters, and world building. I would love to see it translated to 3D. Also Vaati was a much more interesting villain than any incarnation of Ganon

>It is trash

you are trash
Zelda 2 is best Zelda

>Too divisive for that spot.
Are you retarded?

>The game has great atmosphere but its really tedious to play and there was no reason it had to be a zelda game. It would have worked better as a new franchise.
Yes, you are.

Majora's Mask is the best Zelda.
Kind of disappointed with BotW to be honest, it's not that great.

It's the most linear Zelda game that actively discourages the player from exploring, the forest and volcano are just corridors with Motion+ minigames. And then you have to repeat those sections fucking three times. Not to mention the unbearable handholding and controls.

I actually agree with this except i'd swap mm and minish

I mean how he does that shit under his own power when explicitly NOT being a standard "Link-Soul" reincarnation.


LTTP > MM > OO > BOTW > ZELDA > WW > TP > SS > Zelda 2

never played the gameboy crap

link's awakening is worth it

Yeah but it was never prophecized, plus he's not even technically a reincarnation of the hero.

A great way to tell if someone is a nu-male is if they say their favorite Zelda is MM

>Minish Cap

not an argument

if you like lttp then you will like link's awakening

>above pretty good tier

Is Minish Cap worth playing?

Also I got burnt out on Oracle of Ages for some reason, might be tired of Zelda all together. ALttP, Awakening, and WW are all pretty top tier IMO. OoT > MM

Do you have to argue facts?

It does nothing new and excels at nothing. It's worth a playthrough but the most unnecessary Zelda game to exist.

Easiest way to know if someone is a retard is when they unironically use terms like 'nu-male'

>triggered nu-males

Twilight princess and ALtP were pretty straightforward well rounded games with enough shit to do. ALtP actually rewards exploration and the world isn't slog to traverse(Wind waker and skyward sword). TP's darker tone stays consistent and the locations, enemies, and lore adds to the overall atmosphere and really gives you the sense of traversing a deep and complex world with an actual history to it. ALtP changes up the item formula and boss encounters have enough difficulty to be engaging. Your turn.

I agree with this list.

It's quite good, but it seems too short.
The Oracles are my favorites, mostly because I'm a sucker for New Game+.

Is it really difficult to think that some people like the change in storytelling as well as the imagery, characters, and sound design to accompany it? It's also has decent progression and never really feels like a slog to playthrough.

i actually likeskyward sword

not an argument

Am i one of the few people that actually enjoyed the ds zelda games? Except triforce heroes never bothered to play that.