*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*



cute boys hmu

I'ts not that hard to out-box a meth head.

I throw some cocaine to the side and watch him dive on it

>I need your clothes, your boots and your boipuccy

the most shocking thing to me is that he's wearing that silly shirt

Yeah, except for the whole dulled sensation of pain and heightened aggressiveness thing. Have you ever actually seen someone fully torqed out picking a fight? It's like a goddamn gorilla, if you don't somehow manage to destroy it on the first punch just run.

*unleash katana*
*telports behind you*
*whisper* nothing personal, kiddo
*cut off head*

*has cocaine withdrawals*

Cocaine withdrawal and Trump winning election happening at the same time fucked his brain hard. You can read the dementia on his twitter.

A second Shogo is being made, info's right over there

> just run

Nigga, that's called foot work. Keep that angry potato on the outside and jab him down.

*call him a nazi*


I feel bad for him, I really do. He got buttfucked so hard by Cops and Ninja Warriors that he turned to coke.


*turns around*

Can i have a video or a quick rundown on this guy ?

I use Le Gadsden Flag 311 Freedom Man.

Sounds good for a normal person. Not so good for someone who has so much stimulant in their system that they'll angry potato until you're taxed.

I make fun of his stutter until he has a nervous breakdown and crawls up into fetal position to cry the night away.

>t.never seen amphetamines

you underestimate the power of drugs user.
Stamina and speed regulations go out the window, as does pain regulation.
In short it's not so easy for them to get tired or you to hurt them


knock outs aren't based on toughness, it's a neurological response because the strike disrupts nerve signals and the system reboots
properly placed strikes to nerve bundles, which is where they are intended to go, will drop anyone. Their ability to feel the pain from it wont make a difference

haha can I save this image?

its all yours my friend


thanks Lori

Piss off mate I'm taking a fap.

>Adam fucks trannies for petty cash
>uses the name "Christian"

Is he /ourguy/?

No issue here Danny! Cheers~

wow i didnt know cosmo did porn

Adam Sessler has become a jew merchant who uses his extra shekels to fund his cocaine habit while he """trains""" to fight nazis. Since being laid off from his job after his addiction was discovered, he's had to succumb to fucking literal 1/10 trannies for spare cash.

I dont keep up on my racism whats 88 mean?