>Chad Warden was 10 years ago on this day
>Chad Warden was 10 years ago on this day
come on now
>2007 was 10 years ago
take me baco
heh hah heh ahah
man I seen him walkin around wit a dildo
man I don't want no dildo
I want to shoot some niggas
Literally who?
Please be bait
Please be bait
Please be bait
Please be bait
Nintendo switch? More like Nintendo BITCH
how was he so right bros?
>Gears of war? more like TEARS of war
And more he's a functional adult with a career what have you done in these last ten years
Motherfuckin CHAD warden
Devil May run up on a nigga
shove it up yo own ass
Gees Wo, mo like tees woa.
>that was 4 years ago
Nintendo Switch?
Switch that shit off, nigga!
>chad now has a family and a stable career while you still browse Sup Forums and not much has changed.
Ummm... Who is this guy?
Wait is it the guy from the silvagunner videos? XD
gay niggas
>sony is still king
Looking back, he was right.
PS3 did have better games then Wii and 360.
Never doubt Chad Daddy
I don't give a fuck about that flip nigger
i follow that guy on twitter, he's till around
>Actually being this new
He looks great.
Sony ALWAYS wins baby
>tfw can't remember anything that happened between now and then because you've literally done nothing
NEETdom has it's merits but this is getting sad now
I wonder if he still wipes his ass with $600
Can't wait for DmRUoaN: Devil may Run Up on a Nigga
>going bald is literally all it takes for people to be just'd these days
I don't get it? How is something completely out of someones control an indicator of their current life situation?
are the people posting this just insecure?
what kind of poor bitch ass cardboard box is he living out of?
$600 aint shit to Chad Warden
t. baldy
>tfw you've been here for over 10 years and videogames are still shit
Where is he now?
>10 years ago
I want to get off Mr Bones wild ride.
hairline gettin high
no lie
you know this
I aint trynna play my games wit no deal dough
>People grow up
c wizzy
chad daddy
go by meny different name, big papi
hairlet detected
There's been glimmers of hope along the way though.
Playing dark souls for the first time, Deus Ex Human revolution, Witcher III, Zelda Breath of the Wild. The best is yet to come.
Errybody knows sony got da bes GAEMS
>Sup Forums has been shit for an entire decade and I still keep coming back
yeah he sacrificed himself to save the anime memes
High end job making big bucks
he just has a big forhead for that huge brain of his
>Deus Ex Human revolution
Nice try sneaking some garbage in their that's a perfect example of everything wrong with modern games.
What? That game was based though. I certainly felt relieved when I first played it, it was around Skyrim and all that shit.
Nintendo switch that shit off, nigga.
Let's be honest, Chad was wrong (at the time). PS3 didn't surpass 360 until 2009
Dumbed down level design, cover system, non-working mirrors, etc. Human Revolution is terrible.
gay niggas
go fuck yourself kid
Memes that went by many different names
Pure kino
>they need to copy how to get good games
words to live by chaddaddy
>Chad has a wife and kids now
>you're still playing vidya
What's your excuse
>Game is called Super Smash Brothers
>no brothers in the game
video games are fun
Oh wait video games are shit. I have no excuse
can't win 'em all, unless you ballin'
I'm not ballin'
>not doing both
You're supposed to smash your real life brothers
>MFW He did the video to troll people but ending up being completely right
Meme magic is funny
>"...Stressin' ABAP. As. a-balla. as. a-possible."
>been here since I was 14
>24 now
>realize I was the little fucker that Im arguing with today on this board
Endless cycle. We are here forever.
>10 years later
>Sony is still the best
Is he /ourguy/?
>chad daddy got his live together
>you're still NEET
We fly high
no lie
you know this
Used to watchYouTube poops of this guy for days.
Legend of Gaylo, PSTriple, Xbox Circle. Those were the days.
Did he get deported yet?
>there are people who were 8 years at this time
>they are allowed to vote
Take me baaaaaaaaack
EXPOSED newfangled newfag
beyond ABAP baby
Still ABAP
He ain't no Mexican, but he's from H-town and has seen his share of illegal Mexican niggas.
Nintendo Wiii? Shiiiieeeeee
Wario ware shove it up your own ass game