Is this game even possible to beat without cheats?
Is this game even possible to beat without cheats?
If you are no 5 year old, then yes.
It has some of the weirdest difficulty of any game, the speedboat part is probably the hardest
Are you at the part where you have to shoot open a vent, or do you just find the enemies hard?
I can't keep my health up, I need health cheat at least.
stop playing
I had a save of HL2 years ago where i swear i literally could not beat that speedboat part. My friend was playing with zero experience of FPS and as a result I had gone into it with really low health and as far as i could see it was literally impossible to avoid getting hit in certain parts of it.
Wtf this guy is my friend ... are you from Bauru?
are you playing on hard?
Both Half Life games do a great job of bouncing your health reserves around to keep sequences feeling tense, fucking look around for health vials and stop running into barrels of oil.
In regards to health, the game is helping you out far more than you realize. Just keep an eye out for supply crates and health kits.
Normal setting, games tough without cheats imo
This is the people you share a board with.
thank you for giving me a sense of accomplishment and worth
how do you even remember to breathe?
I think the only parts I found difficult the first time I played HL2 was spiders and the tripods fights towards the end of the game, when you're back to the city.
I did not remember there were different settings. Time to replay it.
>it was literally impossible to avoid getting hit in certain parts of it
Some areas require some large maneuvers to avoid getting hit, specially because of the explosives dropped by the helicopter.
He'll drop them on the shortest path to the exit so if you try to leave the area quickly everything drop on your face. And some area he sets on fire are really finicky on where you can go to get burned.
I'll do so, killing enemies from a far away distance might help too.
It looks like you aren't very far in the game at all, unless I'm mistaken. Health might be a bit tight for a while but you'll be fine.
There is 3 difficulty like HL, but like HL it's pretty much just the enemy health and damage (Fucking Strider wastes your health away in a few bullets)
>replay it for the first time in forever a few weeks ago
>train keeps running me over
>like 20 times
>get pissed and look it up
>apparently they changed it so you have to hold turbo for it to work
Back in the day you just pressed it to go fast, why the fuck would they alter that mechanic?
no it's not, you just suck
i love that pistol
Many mechanics of the game were altered with the episodes.
Just started it, never beat it. I remember playing it last decade a bit. I'm aiming to beat it this time.
>>apparently they changed it
Did they make updates on the PS3 version of The Orange Box ?
are you serious...? it's an easy game.
its pointless on hard
hl2 requires a bit of though on hard, you can't run into all situations guns blazing. shotguns in the prison are instakills
You'd kill yourself playing HL1 then
If you ever do, stream it
lmao? I played it on hard. easy. you can even just stand and shoot your way through encounters. are you confusing it with HL1? the hecu soldiers seem to be smarter and do more damage than the combine.
Christ I remember this game blowing me the fuck away when I first played it
This is a new level of autism.
HL2 was easy as shit, i dont remember dying even once during episodes as well.
>this entire thread
HL2 is easy
If there is, I haven't found it yet.
Haha wait till you get to Nova Prospekt
>its pointless on hard
The pistol is fairly effective mid-long range, its headshot make a lot of damage and is relatively precise even while firing rapidly, which make it priceless in Hard against Combines and Zombies if you want to conserve ammo for tougher enemies.
>shotguns in the prison are instakills
They are also the only type of Combine soldiers who will try to rush you out of cover, and holy shit is it effective if you don't focus them.
It's still one of the most immersive games and has some of the best facial animations.
Oh boy, you reminded of an old stream of a drunk guy who lost a bet and had to play amnesia at night alone in headphones, still drunk.
His friends posted link here on Sup Forums and stream quickly got many views, took several hours but boy it was worth it.
After 30 or so minutes drunk guy started losing his shit, he cryed, screamed and ran away from monsters. I swear alcohol must've affected him more and more throughout the game so the guy wasnt sure whats real anymore.
And ho-ly shit he made it. He beat the game in those 3 hours (of course with Sup Forums help and screams afterwards 'I CANT OPEN THE FUCKING COW', kek) and i called him a fucking hero.
That was awesome.
Water looks cool too, but too clean imo for the post-invasion world.
>the hecu soldiers seem to be smarter and do more damage than the combine
The Combines have a much smarter AI than the HECU, but they don't do as much damage and aren't as aggressive, which is kinda sad because for the exception of the Shotgunners, it make them fairly easy to wipe out.
Explore everywhere you go. There are resources hidden around all over the place.
>HURR I gotta prove how tough I am on the internet durrrrrrrrrrrr
Fuck you.
I literally cried during Ravenholm and never finished Highway 17. Literally impossible
Ravenholm still gives me nightmares
Replaying HL2, I forgot how fun Ep 2 was. HL2 itself and Ep 1 feel a little too repetitive and some of its environments too bland. The scripted events can be a bit too predictable in those.
Ep 2, on the other hand, really hit the nail on the head. Stuff like the ambush on that village when going to White Forest, or the Hunters fight after Alyx recovers, or the entire cave section with the Vortigaunt, or even the silo assault where you have to close the Combine breach. This is some of the most fun I've had with video games since I forgot so much of it that it feels like playing it anew.
well, hecu I find smarter in that they seem to be more effective in their job. combine just mostly stand around
Man, me and my friends played thru that game on HARD mode our first time
Hope you're trolling.
hl2: ep2 is easily in the best 5 games ever made for me
Sometimes I doubt my competence in video games after a demoralizing day playing multiplayer stuff and then precious anons like you come around and make me feel better.
>can't beat Half Life 2
>Half of the Citadel is scripted events with Alyx
>Every area have multiple scripted events with Alyx
>Alyx get her shit wrecked within the first few minutes of the game
>Scripted events are a lot more rare after that
Absolutely. The fac that EP2 seems to really be where the entire development of HL2 really came together and excelled being the last game in the series just makes the whole thing even more sad.
>playing through half life 2 on the orange box for the first time as a teenager
>20-year-old game
>still looks better than anything on a console
Developers are fucking lazy.
>this thread
How do these people have trouble with Half Life 2?
>playing HL2 on a console
shiggy diggy
>tfw the only way to get a discussion going about Half Life 2 is to troll, shitpost, and troll trolls
>play ep2 on 360
>trying to launch the bombs with the gravity guy and shooting them before they fall off
When I played it again on pc it was so much easier
i've played it through 6 times over since then on PC
it was just magical when I was younger and appreciating actual gameplay didn't matter so much as the adventure
jesus christ man, I dont even know what to say.... im gonna feel bad when you get to ravenholm
if you get there
If you think it's hard trying to get a decent HL2 discussion, try starting a Portal thread.
no but im in ur mum lel
It was just too spooky.
The screams and the blood made me faint once, at the end before the graveyard and the fast zombos.
The scariest thing I've ever played and I've played a the flood level on Halo.
I need to cheat, but I can't work out how it's literally impossible to find out or something
HECU were design with enclosed arenas in mind.
Combine Soldiers were designed around open arenas, which doesn't fit in 3/4th of HL2 being nothing but corridors.
In the episodes for instance they are a lot more effective because they have a lot more ground to use.
how old are you, son?
You honest to god fainted?
what's ur problem?
Played HL2 long time ago, are there headshot multipliers ? I don't remember there being any...
This isn't even funny anymore, I think you seriously need psychological help.
Fucking casual.
There is, x3 in the head. (also 0.5 in the legs and arms, 1.25 in the guts, 1 in the torso)
I did the same thing man, never had a good enough pc to play games so I was a consolefag for a long time
playing it on console made it soo much easier on pc too, pc games are a literal cakewalk when it comes to shooters
i died a couple times in the helicopter fight, i wont lie
but do people really think hl2 is hard? i'm awful at fps and that blows my mind
>Episode 2 last mission
fuck i never raged so god damn hard at a game before, literally 0 ammo
I fucking finished this game when I was 12 you double nigger.
Git gud
Yes. it's called git gud
This isn't even known for being a difficult game.
Are you guys fucking 12?
Why is anyone responding to this thread? Why am I still on this shit board?
Running the hunters with your muscle car require no ammo
FUCK YOU!!!!!111111111
acquire skill, bro
this isnt a bait, this is Sup Forums in 2017.
Yes. Some people are just easily frightened I suppose. I was not expecting Ravenholm at all
Rude I suppose, but maybe true.
>Why is anyone responding to this thread?
Because it's funny.
>Why am I still on this shit board?
you've only been here a few weeks, user. give it time
You're right, this is Sup Forums in 2017. A bunch of underage gullible retards.
Yes, but why would you ever play without a shotgun that fires 200+ pellets with every shell?
Absolutely. And it's one of those games that I had to force myself to stop playing it because I was having so much fun with it that I didn't want to finish it too fast. You know a game is doing something right when it gets you to do that.
>beat the game
If you really do suck at this, just turn on Easy mode and Autoaim for pussies.
HL2 is easy as shit, there's a fucking health pack around every corner.
I hate to see how you'd handle the first game.
Episodes 1 and 2 are much better paced than the original game. They clearly learned not to break the flow with pointless physics puzzles.
there are general threads that people frequent daily for games like overwatch and league of legends user
its not a bait anymore
no it is very difficult g ame you
Not really surprised
Sorry, but you're one of the gullible retards.
if it helps the fast zombies make the same sound crash bandicoot scientists make when they die