Xbox will rise

XBROTHERS. Our time is now

Microsoft's Project Scorpio will pack an internal PSU and 4K game DVR capture.

In Microsoft's efforts to make Project Scorpio a true 4K system, it will also feature HEVC and VP9 codecs for decoding 4K streams for things such Netflix, just like the Xbox One S. It will also leverage HEVC for encoding 2160p, 60 frame-per-second (FPS) video for Game DVR and streaming. Microsoft's Beam streaming service has been running public 4K stream tests for some time, and it's now fair to assume it will not only be PC streamers who will benefit. Project Scorpio's Game DVR will allow you to stream and record clips in 4K resolution with 60FPS, according to our sources, which is a massive, massive step up from the 720p, 30FPS you get on the current Xbox One. With every bit of information we receive about Project Scorpio, the theme of native 4K keeps appearing -- not only for games, but also console features. We now believe Scorpio will sport 4K Game DVR, 4K Blu-ray playback, and 4K streaming apps, but the real showstopper will be the 4K games Microsoft will likely flaunt at E3 2017.

Too bad Xboxs only game is Gaylo.

Remember when the playstation 3 came out and boasted pretty ridiculous stats for the time and it plunged into a sea of [spoilers]NO GAEMS[/spoiler]

How funny it is when things come full circle


>60fps 4k GPU
>internal PSU


Honestly, I am pretty happy with XOS, so I am pretty sure that I won't buy Scorpio if it doesn't show something that will blow my mind. I'll rather pick PS4 pro instead.

>4K meme
>4K for multiplats since it has no first party games
>multiplats which would run on a pc better anyway

One can only hope. I ignored MS this gen since the bone fuckup.


Enjoy spending like $1200 minimum on a fucking console all for Gaylo at a slightly higher resolution.

>make two consoles
>force devs to publish their games to both
>wind up with xbox one games on scorpio
ok. i mean it doesn't take a genius to see where this is going.

>MRW cucks will pay 500$ to play only 4k sport and dude bro shooters on medium to low settings compared to PC

I would expect it to be around 599 US DORRARS meme pricepoint, maybe even more expensive. They COULD sell it for 400-450 if they really wanted to win this gen... Just saying. Too bad there are no Microsoft people here to take notes, just fellow anons.

Looks like it's about the size of a truck.

>says there's no games when the console and games haven't even been announced yet

Try harder

Yea that's the official image. Good eye!

Still smaller than the HUEG

how could a console run any current gen games at 4k/60fps or even 30fps without $1000 in hardware crammed into it? you'd need at least 980ti / 1070 levels of GPU and settings turned down to achieve 4k/30fps.

how can anyone believe this shit?

You mean that isn't the official Xbox Two? Aaw.

4k is not widespread enough to justify a new console generation aimed at 4k, and the resulting price tag.

It's time, my fellow xbots.
We have taken the L for far too long. But our savior Uncle Phil will finally deliver a console that will btfo those nasty sonybros and nintenbros

Microsoft taking a massive loss with each console ala ps3, combined with console optimization and the uwp meme they're trying to push.
Of course, I'll believe it when I see it.

Who cares when the games are shit?

And even that isn't worth buying anymore.

Just buy a Roku or Amazon Fire TV stick.

>Microsoft puts all the Xbox games on PC
>Realize they have better practices than Sony and now nintendo

I enjoy seeing a nice xbox thread, Tired of seeing the same old zelda r gay or horizon r gay threads every 23 minutes

i want it to flop so bad, MS entering the console war was the worst thing to happen to this industry.

xbox r gay

It's got Scalebound buddy

Not to talk Phill is bringing Japanese games to the Xbox.

He is bringing one piece of shit in his mouth not japanese games you cuck

>being this mad


>(((Windows 10))) games


>there are secret exclusives being made by hidden studios...


>playstation 3
>no games
pick one

I mean if you're a weeb,it'll keep you busy for a while.


You have weathered the storms for the past few years and now you will be rewarded with 4K gaming, 11 Teraflop gaming, gaming that will shame the others into suicide.

Our time is now. Stay strong.