Why is he liked again?

Why is he liked again?

Hates saren die to how free from rules and corrupt he is, joins up with somebody to be free from rules, never disobeys his commander or is given a chance to. Pretty much doesn't matter
Suicidal mission to go against omega gangs alone. Drops his crusade the second shepard shows up
Helping the turian military (a group with very strict rules) to make sure citizens are safe, drops it instantly to join shepard.

He has nothing going on his life except shepard. Even a krogan bouncer has more going on in his life than to run off with shepard every time he shows up.

Other urls found in this thread:


He's a different character in every game, because Bioware could never settle on a factor to make him insteresting and settled on just turning him into a sidekick. Same with Tali.

Walking Codex entry
Hard as nails, but incompetent leader.
>Later in ME2/ME3
Softhearted Waifu.

>Hard as nails, but incompetent leader.
Garrus is GOAT as fireteam leader in the suicide mission, though

There's no real situations for him to disobey, except maybe Saleon? But ultimately Garrus is a softy, he wants things done "right" and "fast", Paragon Shepard tends to do both.
Was always going to be a temporary situation, either he'd die or he'd have to go and do something that helped more people, as Shepard's situation lets him.
Everything about the Reaper War is retarded, don't bother.

I mean you're mostly right, the reason most people love him is that he's the ideal buddy cop character if you want to have the spotlight, as opposed to, say, Wrex who you have to compete with, or Kaiden, if you're a gay.
There were enough Turians around that Garrus didn't really need to fill in your codex though, unlike Tali.
I don't think Garrus even had that many lines on the ship, iirc.

I was talking about Tali.

It's actually really neat how she was established as a shitty leader before the suicide mission.

You are looking at Garrus from different angle.

Saren was free from the rules BY the rules. He hated that he was constantly facing dead end because of C-Sec's regulations and papers.

In ME2 he wasn't alone with his suicidal mission, but 1)he lost his entire team 2)Reapers are kind of more important

Same goes to ME3, drop saving millions now to try to safe everything.

your stupid

As much as I like Tali I enjoyed how Shadowbroker rubbed the Haelstrom thing in her face.
She had it pretty rough.
I'd put Zaeed up one.
Thane stays where he is even if I like him more than Javik and Vega. Why'd you let him job, Bioware?

>Drops his crusade the second shepard shows up
You mean was a dead man walking after one of his squaddies backstabbed him and would not have made it out alive had shepard not swooped in to save the day

Here's a non-retarded version for you


>What even is character development/growth?

>Zaeed that far back
t. Kai Leng.

I wanted Mass Effect 4 with Major Kirrahe in the squad.

"Character development" is when a character with established beliefs and personality are changed when they interact with the people around them, not just shitted out haphazardly like Bioware does.

Very few of the squadmates in Mass Effect get an actual arc. What most get are wide arbitrary changes from game to game.

in ME1, at his heart Garrus is a C-Sec officer. He didn't like people not playing by the rules, and when he tried to spectre status that was one of the things that bit him in the ass. By the time you get to him he's disillusioned with his place at the Citadel, and is questioning his own values. As you do his compaion mission in the game you can mold him into either being more independent and flexible (as far as the rules go) and make him someone who really could be a spectre, or reaffirm his ideals in the rule of law and he'd want to stick with being C-Sec.

They dropped that whole idea in ME2 and decided he wanted to be Batman, which really stung because I pushed him for C-Sec.

>hates saren die to how free from rules

Garrus is a cuck.

Good. Your this post. This isn't actual poster. He's busy solving the captcha.

So you figured out my ruse on Sup Forums. You're not as unintelligent as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire thread is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of user needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last chapter. It ends with your butthurt.


>Implying I didn't plan for you to post exactly like this
You walked into my trap and this handsome ninja just slapped your companion's asses offscreen rendering them totally useless.

What do you do? After this post, because you've been rendered totally useless regardless of how well you did in that previous post
Just thinking about how he tanked all those insta kill Infiltrator/Widow shots makes me mad.

But the only reason he didnt get into spectres was his dad that forced him to go csec, he fucking hated the job.

>People who created Kai Leng think he's cool
>He has his own novel
>People who created him are working on ME Andromeda right now

Nice fake picture

>Literally a sex doll for Shepard
Can someone storytime me how she happened? Not American, but I heard it's related to game journamism.

Should i bother recluiting morinth instead of samara? How different is she?

He likes his job, and feels it's important. Others comment that he's a little idealistic about it.

He hates the red tape that lets people get away. That's why he's interested in following Shep.

>No Andromeda alien race revealed so far made up of nothinpersonnelkid cyber ninjas who piss in cereal
I hope they're the ancient evil.
You put more effort into that image than the devs did with her.
Yeah, she's some games journalist.
She's a joke, and the joke is that she spends the rest of the game pretending to be Samara.

She's a typical Stacy cunt. Samara has an actually interesting personality, keep her always

My best guess is that EA and Bioware wanted a sort of ARG thing by putting an actual game journalist into the game as a journalist.

Thane's final fight involves getting stabbed by Kai Leng via cutscene magic turning the tables on him for once

Only the dead can know peace from ME3's ending

Mass Effect suffers from a lot of inspiration decay. It was nice back when Bioware wanted to make their own Star Trek game and guys like Chris L'Etoile were around to make sure the lore made sense, but ever since as early as ME2 the writers have been cruising on "rule of cool" plot where anything can be thrown out the window at any time, as long as it leaves space for a quip, or a setpiece, or making X writer's Mary Sue look as impervious and badass as possible.

ME3 and Andromeda aren't even "Mass Effect", they're like Mass Effect fanfiction.

Why does everyone always leave out the only God Tier girl?

Tali is literally already in that picture, user.

One that just happens to work at IGN " 10/10 it was all a dream" Publications

Chobot wishes she was as thicc as Diana

Because then people would have to acknowledge Steve was a thing.
>Hey Shep, I prefer men.
>I don't.
>[Renegade points added]

The best thing you can do in ME3 is drive Kelly to suicide via a bottle of cyanide

Just imagine if Whatever-Her-Name-Is was as passible cute as Chobot, instead of horrfyingly doll like.

Is she the one that fucked varren?

I'll take horrifying and doll-like

I can't speak for everyone, but he reminds me of my uncle.

He was a a very pragmatic New York detective.

He was shot in the leg during a very difficult case with a psycopath that nearly killed him, and killed his partner. I consider my uncle a great and honorable man.

The ME3 Citadel DLC was the best in the entire series too.

With what I've read of it, I'm glad I skipped it.

Morinth is for the most retardedly-stupid renegades only, the game spends all of Samara's loyalty quest showcasing that you are a stupid retard for thinking this is another squadmate you can muh dicc into sanity

I thought it was a lot of fun. It didn't just add another corridor for you to run through and kill stuff. The dialogue was much more light hearted and comedic. It was a nice sendoff to the characters in a way.

It's alright but I'm still mad that legion isn't part of it.

I'm just speaking from what I remember from ME1 many, many years ago. I liked him because he was a Turian mostly. The only other Turians you met up to that point were bad ass spectres. I remember him being a tough, loyal bro. He was also a space cop.

Is this a meme?

Haven't been able to play these games since my 360 died a few years back but I recently got a PS3 to play some games I missed back then and the ME trilogy is only $4.50 right now on PSN.
Downloading now and so excited.

>The ME3 Citadel DLC was the best in the entire series too.



I really dont want to dick anyone, i was just wondering if morinth had some unique dialogue/powers/whatever.

I fucking hate Tali.


Nope. it was all the scare in Great Falls. His partner was killed by that asshole and he was shot in the femur. Nobody talks about it in our family but I think he's the one that took the kill shot.

I wouldn't be upset about killing that crazy prick but knowing my partner was dead? That'd be some shit.

We know about that guy for years.

This is why Tali isn't the best girl...

>The ME3 Citadel DLC was the best in the entire series too
The """humor""" showcased is taking ME community memes and lolrandom in-jokes, then memeing them harder with Bioware flair, and the overarching mission with Shep 2.0 is just balls-out stupid, ESPECIALLY since they try to play it both straight AND silly with the mentioned humor. The party itself and banter in the entertainment district continues the humor, with a sappy ending that the player will half-expect Shep to end with "our friendship really was a MASS EFFECT" as you stare into space

It's nice you get some time with you're waifu in a nice apartment, i.e. something that should've been in the base game like Extended Cut, but the tone and placement in the story is so OUT of place, where you - the player - will ask yourself if they REALLY just said that multiple times

>Polygon: "Many people believe that Citadel will serve as a character-driven buffer between the main story of Mass Effect 3, as one of the more common complaints is that there weren't enough moments where you engaged your crew like prior games, thus leaving a lot of relationships and storylines unfinished or untouched. The trailers make it look like it'll have a lighter narrative than the main game, will this be reflected with the dialogue and writing?


She has those things, and some of the other characters notice that her disguise isn't perfect, but she's not as good as Samara.
Might be worth a run with her though, if only so you can get pre coitus Critical Mission Failure.
Bioware devs basically forgot about her in 3 and made her a semi-generic Banshee in the Earth battle, like how you can fight Legion if you give him to Cerberus or if you fail to save Jack in time early in 3.

It waa a nice set of missions but the quip density broke MCU levels. You'd almost expect Shepard to go uncle Dante cuhrayzee any moment from now.

Me1 had boring side quests that took forever with no dialogue

Me2 only has main quest and companion quests

His whole point is that he wanted to be Batman but was always destined to be Robin. He's always in your shadow, never quite able to reach Shepard's level, but always doing his best and supporting you despite this. He's not perfect, and he knows it, and it bugs him, but he works hard to be the best he can be despite this. He's not some deep intricate character with onion layers or anything, but he's a good guy that never once did anything to wrong you and had believable reasons for everything he did. Garrus a good boy.

Suh Dude
>ME2 Loyalty mission
>ME2 after the loyalty mission
Oh ummm yeah gotta go and umm Yeah gotta calibrate these guns i stand here 24/7 calibrating these guns.
>muh home
>muh dad
>muh mom
>m-muh feels

>with a sappy ending that the player will half-expect Shep to end with "our friendship really was a MASS EFFECT" as you stare into space

I kekked, great post user

>I didn't even play Garrus' ME1 quest: The Post

This guy gets it.