Lads, I just realized something

Lads, I just realized something

The PS3 literally outlasted the fucking Wii U

It literally lasted for two generations while the Wii U fucking died mid-generation

What the fuck?

Other urls found in this thread:

PS3 had games

>all those threads about the WIi U outselling the PS4 by millions


In any case, the Wii U does have games, user. I guess 3rd party is more important than this place realizes.

PS1 lasted from 1994-2006
PS2 from 2000-2013

PS3 probably has a couple of years left in it tops if history repeats itself.

>have the world in the palm of your hand 2006-2010
>2 sets of hardware and all in-house software for each cannot stop fucking selling
>become a top brand

>despite this, apparently invest in and do absolutely fucking nothing with this success
>make a fraction of the games you made over a decade ago
>lose 180 million customers the following generation

how did they fuck this all up so bad

granted theyre trending up now pretty good

It's hard to get people to move accounts and start over on a new online platform, unless the old one dies or just fucks up horribly.
This is why the WiiU didn't take off, online was shit and multiplats were only there at launch and maybe one year in.

Too many dividend payments and not enough investing in new game development studios.

Vidya is bigger than ever but the lowest common denominator is normalfag as fuck. These days a console could legitimately float by multiplat support.

I don't know man, the switch seems to be heading in the same direction. I haven't heard shit about 3rd party support and its launch lineup is truly barren.

why spend money when you're making money without spending anything

Sony systems tends to last at least a decade in terms of either 1st or 3rd party support

>Persona 4 came out in 2009, 3 years later after the PS3 launch

Gonna translate this to English:

>I don't own a Wii U or Switch and I'm missing out on BOTW

Also Sony putting out FIFA every year doesn't count as "outlasting"

The majority of games that release are third party.

No one wants to buy a system just for Mario, Smash, and Zelda.

Remember how much Sup Forumsintendogaf shilled for this piece of shit only to get BTFO a few months after the PS4 launched?

Good times.


>Then watching fanboys get humilated for 4 years with I-I-I-IT WILL BE THIS GAME THAT SAVES THE WII U
>Then watching them be convinced that even though Wii U was a trainwreck SWITCH WILL DO WAY BETTER

>I don't own a Wii U or Switch and I'm missing out on BOTW
But he owns a PC :^)
>Also Sony putting out FIFA every year doesn't count as "outlasting"
Yeah I remember FIFA Berseria for the PS3?

Because most of those "customers" were one-shot non-gamers who bought it just for Wii Sports/Wii Fit

That's not strange. The PS3 had actual games coming out years after the PS4 was on the market. Mostly Japanese support to be fair.

WiiU is a wasteland.

This is the only reason Xbox is still alive

Because WiicUck had no games.


Drones continue to say they don't care or want third parties and then make thread after thread trying to figure out why Nintendo's system isn't selling as if it's some form of rocket science.

Third parties fucking sell to gaming's, unfortunately, most powerful demographic: the casuals. Casuals and normalfags are the driving force for all console sales, not the basement dwelling Sup Forums faggot that scoffs at anything not graced by Nintendo's touch. Maybe when they realize this and try and remedy the situation their systems will sell again. But I'm starting to get the feeling it's probably too late Nintendo to ever recapture what they once had.

The WiiU was Nintendo's Saturn.

>Then watching fanboys get humilated for 4 years with I-I-I-IT WILL BE THIS GAME THAT SAVES THE PS3
>Then watching them be convinced that even though PS3 was a trainwreck PS4 WILL DO WAY BETTER

target audience is casuals, release a console for casuals call it WiiU instead of something new casuals think its a wii fit - like addon and don't buy it.

>> literally the thread

I know you're a millennial and all, but expand your vocabulary a little.

Even in the old days 3rd party was important. Nintendo not having GTA on the Gamecube cost them.

PS3 not only outlasted the Wii but also the Wii U.

Wii U also hasn't received a system update in more than a year. Not even a little update to fix the piracy exploits people have been doing or stop pirates from playing online. Nintendo just stopped caring at all.

>I guess 3rd party is more important than this place realizes.
Its almost like most people are not going to buy an entire new console mid generation just for 5 games. Unless its the wii which people based purely on motion controls hype.

>shitty name
>no advertising
>first year drought
>3rd parties abandon the WiiU
>Iwata dies
The WiiU didn't stand a chance even with great first party titles

not like the true hardcore gamers that buy a PS4 just for FIFA and CoD

how old is Sup Forums?

Third party's always important. It was important when Nintendo strongarmed it in the 3rd gen, maintained it in the 4th, and almost completely lost it all to Sony in the 5th.

>X will save wiiu Y will save the wiiu
>still dead

>PS3: 80M by 2013, Averaging around 11.4M per year
>Wii U: 13.56M by 2016. averaging around 3.39M per year
I think it's adorable how you think they are anywhere near the same ballpark

Please they stopped caring well over a year ago.

With PC gaming on the rise and 3rd party games mostly being multiplats that's becoming less and less an issue

Those are present every generation at least. The people who made the Wii a success left after playing wii sports for an hour.

But I have a wii u, user. Just face it, it fucking tanked. Be glad it has games and the fact that your system will be worth more money than you paid for it.


>the PS3 is getting Persona in 5 in 2017
>11 fucking years after its launch

>PS2 from 2000 to 2013

So wait a second lad

the PS3 outlasted the fucking PS2?

I didn't even realize.

>never ever they said
>no games they said

Jesus christ this was the fucking worst. 2014-2015 was fucking unbearable on here. All those fucking "why haven't you bought a wii u yet?" threads as well.

wii-u fucked up big time.

its audience (12 year olds) thought it was the same as the wii and it was just a fucking table that was being marketed to them.

only a few of them bought it because they still had the wii and they didnt want a shitty tablet that you couldnt take anywhere.

older than you can possibly imagine

That didnt work out for the Wii U. The switch is looking like it will sell better, but it has better support anyways.

PS3 super slim is still a great buy IMO. But I don't see any new games coming out. The last I saw was a downscaled, shitty port of Resogun and Odin Sphere HD, which is a great remake, but not a testament to the system's power or anything.

sony realized that you actually have to make shit for an audience

with nintendo their senior designers crawl further and further up their own assholes, making shit that appeals to them and no-one else

PS2 lasted forever and a day

The last major game I think of coming out for PS3 is Persona 5

They never got 3rd party developers back on-board after the N64/PS1 days.

the wii u had a shit ton of bigger problems than not having the latest assassin's creed.

The older models have piracy and native PS2 support although I dont know how reliable they are.

Goes both ways.

I bought a PS4 so I can play pretty much everything for 399.
My PC gaming friend can buy Japanese games on Steam now.

Frankly I'm glad exclusives are dying. I had to buy a 360 and PS3 last gen.

I know a friend who is literally hoarding launch model PS3s for this reason. Personally I'd rather not have a system that sounds like a jet engine trying to take off.

I remember this bullshit as well. People fucking insisting that when Smash and Mario Kart released that the console would be saved.

They also banked on random trash like Bayo 2 and W101 that would miraculously sell "millions" of consoles despite the fact nobody wanted to buy them. It was hilarious and sad to see them in so much fucking denial.

WiiU had a lot of other issues going for it sadly
It's an amazing console but all people could bitch about is the gamepad when that's what made it great

>ps3 had games

>Wii online services have been cut
>PS3 still going strong
Nintendo is pretty fucked up when it comes to online services, now they want money for online.

This is why the Vita is so strange to me. I don't get why everyone, the hardcore drones, Sony themselves, even Sup Forums shitposters, abandoned it.
>muh memory card
nobody talks about the fucking 80 dollar controller, 90 dollar dock, and equal vita price-to-digitalgamecount ratio like it's an unspeakable evil.
Someone please fucking tell me what it did wrong.

It had more games than the Wii U

>tfw my launch PS3 yellow lighted
>call sony support
>((we)) don't service that model anymore but we can send you a super slim
>oh that's great i was thinking i'd have to buy a new one
>oh, you still have to buy it. credit card number please?

It had nothing but problems, bad online, horrible controller, horrible to develop for with nintendo providing no support and the list goes on.

Congratulations, you fell for the false flagging.

You're officially retarded.

Wii services was out of their hands thanks to the company handling it being sold, though PS3 has had several games online get pulled for no reason

The question is: Is Nintendo back on the right track with the Switch. Give one shitposting answer and one real answer.


Shitposting: No
Real: No

the gamepad is really, REALLY dumb. the only reason i ever take it off the dock is because you can't fast travel in Xenoblade without it. even then i just sit it on the table and use the pro controller for everything.

off tv play is kind of cool, except the range sucks so much you can pretty much only play it in the room that it's plugged in to the TV anyway, which kind of defeats the purpose.


Shitpost: No
Real post: No

Sonyiggers and PCbros will always waste their money on shitty products


>The PS3 literally outlasted the fucking Wii U

translation: not using hardware that is outdated before its even released, not shunning 3rd parties and not relying on gimmicky shit like wagglan and ayyyyyyboos, is good for sales in the long term
>not screwing your customers in the short term to make up for sales, is good in the long term

whoda fucking thunk


They have some third party support for year 1 but beyond ubisoft there's really no mention of consistent support, mostly just "sure we'll port x to it".

And then i'm sure everyone remembers the titanfall 2 devs literally laughing at the idea of titanfall 2 on the switch, which probably means no CoD either.

This is the shitpost: Yes
This is the shitpost: No

Given that its getting P5 next month

So it was way more than 2 years you fucking retard, did you honestly expect them to have a lifetime warranty?

Maybe this could turn Nintendo into Sega and have them selling their classic games to all platforms. Which would be sweet, but I could see Nintendo being anal about doing even that.

Those are definitely pros, but after playing on the super slim it's hard to go back to the fat. The thing is super loud

You mean the developers of a dead game?

When used properly it's pretty amazing hell even when it's sitting on the charging dock it makes a great minimap in the right games
It just doesn't make sense to me that devs just ignored it when you don't really need to add much outside of inventory or maps to make it worth a shit

I haven't abandoned my Vita yet user. Henkaku CFW and remote play gave new life to it.

>nobody talks about the fucking 80 dollar controller, 90 dollar dock, and equal vita price-to-digitalgamecount ratio like it's an unspeakable evil

well for one thing, both the controller and extra dock are completely optional for the switch. the vita launched with no internal memory, ridiculously priced proprietary memory cards, and somehow even less games than the switch. for almost the same price. plus you can reasonably assume you'll at least get a few decent first party games out of the switch, even sony abandoned the vita

A dead game that won't be on switch, yeah. Subsidiary of a company that didn't even port it's most popular titles and high selling titles to the wii u. If they won't even put fucking madden and fifa on the switch, what hope is there for any of the multiplats normies play?

I'm just waiting for vita TV usb support to get more fleshed out
going to be amazing

Ninty would survive just fine without them

How is that going to compare to the PS4 version?

Lads, I just realized something

The PS2 literally outlasted the fucking Wii

It literally lasted for two generations while the Wii U fucking died mid-generation.

What the fuck?

Lads, I just realized something

I'm a fucking idiot

What the fuck?

You've been in a coma...for nine years.


I just realized something

The GameCube literally outlasted the Dreamcast, while the Dreamcast died mid-generation

What the fuck?

Wii was still selling games up through 2014 maybe even 2015
Just Dance and Skylanders was still selling pretty good


The DS replaced the Game Boy line

What the fuck?


Wii U is still selling games too, niggero.

What the fuck?

>Wii U


>pro controller is completely optional for the switch
But the joy cons are shit for anyone with big hands

the wii u was a massive flop so I don't really know about that.

I have big hands and the only reason I dislike the JoyCon is because the right analog stick is directly below the face buttons so my thumb bends weird to move it.

Is it?
What else is coming out?

Who cares. PS3 has literally 1 game.



