Horizon has a matriarchy

>Horizon has a matriarchy
>Endless shitposting about SJW and how matriarchies are bullshit
>BOTW has a matriarchy that fucking forces a white male like link to ***dress like a fucking woman***

Motherfucking defend your hypocrisy Sup Forums!!!

Other urls found in this thread:


Japan doesn't have the ever-looming vibe of underlying political agenda pushing subtext like the West does.

It's a light-hearted cartoon.

One is trying to be realistic, the other is a fetishized fantasy. A bunch of amazonian women who have to kidnap and fuck men against their will to survive versus some old crusty cunts telling everybody what to do. Is it really that much of a mystery?

>it's ok when nintendo does it

I haven't played Horizon but can someone explain why there are even different races at all? After such a long time where the only survivors have split into tribes, shouldn't everyone be an inbred racemix?

>it's ok if it caters to my penis somehow
>it's ok when japan/nintendo does it

neither does horizon. people who actually played the game know better.

Sup Forums likes it when strong women bully them.

It's okay because they aren't ugly Muslims.

You forgot all the Gerudo jokes desperately seeking cock.

It's especially funny when the matriarchy in horizon is the most backwards tribe in the gane and is considered savages by most others

Or Capcom, or SNK, or Square-Enix, or SEGA, or Tecmo-Koei, or Bandai-Namco...

Cool post my man, when did I say anything about either being okay for any reason? Or anything about Japan, or Nintendo? It's almost as if you're trying very hard to incite some kind of shitposting. Go to bed, user. You're bored.

Nobody in Horizon is a real person. They're all robuts and don't know it.

it's true, I am bored, and my wife fucking hates me, and I have no friends, so making other people miserable is all I have.

The same reason everyone prefers hanging out with the chill dude that occassionally does stupid shit rather than the autist fedora furfaggot that is always bitching about the most stupid shit.

It's ok when there isn't an obvious agenda.
The fact that Gerudo aren't even the same species as the Hylians, who are analogous to humans in the loz world, also helps.
They're a race practically incapable of producing males, with their culture centered around that. What reason is there for a matriarchy in horizon?

Bait threads on Sup Forums will never make you feel any better. Go somewhere you've never gone before wherever you live by tomorrow. Try cooking food, there's plenty of recipes online. Try to learn how to draw. Buy some goddamn liquor. Anything but this tired, repetitive drivel that plagues this board. For my sake and yours. You can be having a much better time.

the matriarchy in horizon is specifically considered in universe to be a bunch of crazy ladies who are backwater, so their reason for existing is purely just to have that one weirdo tribe.

Let's conveniently not bring up that Gerudo were introduced in the 90s before you faggots could even post here.

Everyone? What happens when someone is killed by an animal or robodino and they have circuits inside?

Like I said, it's the ever-looming vibe that's the problem. Regardless of whether the piece of media in question has it or not, because the West appears to push these agendas so often it just becomes hard to tell what the intention is. The "it's ok when Nintendo does it" meme sort of rings true in an arguably positive fashion as people don't have to keep second-guessing.

>>it's ok if it caters to my penis somehow
>mad that it literally is

>They're all robuts and don't know it
please tell me you're not serious

They started out as evil thieves who birthed the series' main villain and were huge cunts comparable to greek Amazons.

At no point in Botw did I feel like I had to hold my girlfriends hair back so she could more effectively take all 8 inches of superior virile black dick. That is the difference. I hate cuck shit.

they are like bio androids
still bleed and probably die and look human on the inside

i just watched the spoiler shit on YT because that was all that the game was interesting me in and it was a fucking let down.

Did they just blatantly take that from Xenoblade X?

character design counts for a lot

>Sup Forums is yet again proven to be a bunch of underage weeabs
Big surprise.

i think OP needs more Riju

>grasping at straws: the thread
this thread is gay
claim your waifus/husbandos before they're taken

>caricaturize the matriarchy
>satire of society that rejected men, where the main chara have to dress like a woman
>all gerudo are sexy as fuck

>Realistic approach
>serious about matriarchy
>white man are evil
>all woman are pig ugly manjaw frigid whores.

I claim every lynel in the game

no idea, didn't play that MMO
ill wait for a real RPG sequel to XBC, thank you

The Gerudo aren't a matriarchy, they just almost never have male kids, whenever they do he automatically becomes King, not a matriarchy.

all of them at once?
user, no one is gay enough for that sexy orgy, because that is all anyone does with a waifu/husbando

>What reason is there for a matriarchy in horizon?
Because the Nora tribe has a religion.

The religion worships All-Mother, a goddess from which all life was born. Supposedly she lies within the mountain around which the Nora settled.

Their worship of the All-Mother leads to believing mothers to be sacred, and so a matriarchal society is born.

A big part of the first act of the game is establishing this, and how the tribe outcasted Aloy and hated her because she didn't have a mother.

Note that this is only the belief of the Nora. There are three other tribes in the game.
The Carja, led by the Sun-King.
The Banuk, led by a male shaman.
And the Oseram, which far as I can tell don't have an actual society and are more nomadic.

The Shadow Carja is a fractured tribe of loyalists to the previous Sun-King, who appointed the child Itamen as the rightful hair to the mesa throne.

Did you not see the OP pic? That looks like an ugly sandnigger to me.

Your mom looks like an ugly sandnigger.

So why do the gerudo have a critically low male birthrate?

No, they're basically clones reproduced using the preserved zygotes and data of the human genome.

At least that's what I've learned so far. Still not finished.

You know, with this Horizon / BotW false rivalry Sup Forums has created, it makes me wonder, are Sonybros this desperate to force their shit that they're acting like Horizon - some game nobody has even heard of - can be compared to the release of a new Zelda game? And a Zelda game that most people agree is solid and one of the best games in years at that? Do you people understand that a new Zelda game is basically a considered a monumental event in gaming history? A new Zelda would be like Valve announcing Half-Life 3. That's how big it is. It's actually even bigger because more people probably know about Nintendo than Valve. And you're acting like "Horizon" is that big?

If they had good games they wouldn't have to try to force this fake rivalry. I have to wonder, when was the last truly good Sony exclusive? I can't think of a solid 10/10 Sony exclusive since the PS2. That was basically 2 decades ago.

>gerudo males
1 borne every 1000 years, he is the biggest dick in the entire planet, dick is so big he can control dark forces or light forces if he chooses too

>horizon males




It's just a redux of the inFAMOUS/Prototype fiasco.

Too sort-of-similar games releasing at almost the same time.

Only difference now is that they're both exclusives.

>Horizon is blatant pandering to the SJW crowd. Just look at the story.
>Zelda is self-aware, and the characters are all in good fun and makes fun of both sides.
That enough for you OP?

>manufacturing shit to complain about
Sup Forums is the worst board on this site. No other board would continually do this to itself.

dont put me in the generic sonygro group, since the begining i said horizon was going to be shit, there is so much better games like Nier, yakuza and gravrush, its the horizon marketing team that needs zelda rivarly just to be relevant

So how is that any different from normal humans?

>Horizon is blatant pandering to the SJW crowd. Just look at the story.
I'm lookin' at it
Where's the SJW?

Sup Forums likes BotW and dislikes Horizon and constantly craves self validation and stupid one upmanship , that's literally all there is to it, anyone who denies it with excuses is a liar

>it's ok if it caters to my penis somehow
Yes. It is.

But sometimes Sup Forums is right, sometimes it's wrong (for example, Sup Forums worshiped Skyrim and Undertale when they came out).

I think Sup Forums is right in this case.

>Horizon matriarchy
Ugly negresses and women

>Zelda matriarchy
Sexy brown loli

Pretty self-explanatory.

>An elf swordsman in a fantasy world with no real world ethnicity in it.

Shit, man.

I was hyped to play HZD till I saw that.

I'm a Sonyfag.

I don't see anything political about that video, besides mental illness, but everything looks stiff.

Aloy is also really ugly.

Way to kill my buzz, faggot.

>The matriarchy is seen as super good and somehow functions despite all lack of logic
>All men are evil and stupid in the story and in the snippets of history, and the matriarchy goes in and kicks their butts

>A tribe that only gives birth to women and has a town that abides by the rule of "no men in here"
>The women head out and court men to find a husband
>They appear to be trained to respect other cultures (unlike Gerudo in previous games) and perform the courting process with a very feminine approach
>There appear to be no elderly Gerudo in town, so they likely marry a husband and live with them for good, sending their children to the village as per their own culture

They are magic/cursed/bound by fate or something, Gerudo only give birth to girls except for one boy once every thousand years who is the destined King of Gerudo. Hence they need to go out and find men to fuck.

glad i could help

It's okay when Japan does it, yes.

no nintendo here horizon fag
Japan just has superior waifus that are actually feminine

It's not, really.

But people saying she's a robot, or "bio-androids"
What the fuck?
I don't know where they're getting that from.

>Ugly negresses and women
>and women
Women? In MY matriarchy?

Horizon is full of western made uggos
Zelda has cute/beautiful characters due to having an interesting art style

>All men are evil and stupid in the story and in the snippets of history, and the matriarchy goes in and kicks their butts
What are you talking about?

> OoT link just beat the fuck out of them then proved he was superior to get access to gerudo town
> you have to cross dress in botw
I like the thieves better, not to mention they weren't fuck huge


>There appear to be no elderly Gerudo in town

there are like 5, keep looking
and the young girls are like 5

what i've never seen is a teen gerudo, just young, adult and old.

Ugly women m8, keep up.

>letting assumed political stances get in the way of enjoying video games

How do you people even leave the house if you get this mad at anything you disagree with?

Pretty sure riju is a teen considering how big sure is compared to the other children there
, sure probably calls herself a kid just because she is younger than everyone around

>they weren't fuck huge

>not liking submissive Amazonian chicks
The idea makes my cock scream with joy

I don't mind Matriarchies if the leader is a cute little girl.

I play video games for entertainment, not to get leftist propaganda shoved down my throat

Hope you never played a World War 2 game, I'd hate to tell you how the fascists are the bad guys.

>against their will
Are you sure.

>gerudos get introduced to hylian laws
>go from rapists to training how to become sluts

They really lost a lot of self respect after the ganondorf destroying hyrule thing.

zelda is a good game

Are you incapable of simply going "I don't like/agree with this, better ignore it in favor of the things this game does that I do like?"

There's plenty of games with ideas and themes that I disagree with but you don't see me dwelling on that.


He is not even human

It's all about presentation

Link cross dressed because it was wacky and fun

Horizion made all the CIS-males back Nazi men because of an agenda.

I'm not gonna entertain such bullshit when it has a hidden agenda behind it. At least Jap games are devoid of this crap

What the fuck was wrong with the facial animations in Horizon? How did they fuck that shit up so bad?

irony has gone so far i cant even determine how relevant people actually think jim sterling is

What hidden political agenda is behind Horizon?


You do realize that, when analyzing stories, you can't just assume shit like that, right? What you take away from literature, movies or whatever is inherently going to be influenced by your own perceptions as well as the themes the author supplies. The most you can say is what you THINK the story is about, because there is simply no way to know the authors intentions if the agenda is as hidden as you claim it is.

On that note, it's usually more helpful to discuss your particular readings of stories rather than just guessing what the author was thinking and judging it based on that.

Amon, no matter what just rememver: It's okay when Japan does it. There are countless examples.

>implying Sup Forums isn't just redditors coming to shitpost
>implying Sup Forums is even Sup Forums anymore
>implying you aren't part oft he prorlbmem

The 'humans' are imperfect androids

>Motherfucking defend your hypocrisy Sup Forums!!!

Fuckin this. I hate both games but at least Horizon doesn't force the male protagonist to become a fucking crossdresser. Who would have thought we'd see the day a Zelda game goes not only full SJW, but full fucking degenerate. Disgusting.

i have nowhere else to go

> doesn't force the male protagonist to become a fucking crossdresser.

Zelda doesn't force you to do that.

> Zelda game goes not only full SJW, but full fucking degenerate.

Lol buddy....really?


If you're so against leftist propaganda, learn to properly recognize it instead of forming immovable opinions based on knee-jerk reactions.

One of the games literally blames the apocalypse on white men, showcases a "utopia" of all races, said utopia is also ran entirely by women, shoehorns Muslims in the game, even though that's beyond fucking illogical considering A)it's the far future and B)she's a robot, includes the most hamfisted political commentary about Brexit ever created, and makes a black woman literally God. The other is a lighthearted adventure game.