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Goddamn I don't want to buy the switch until it gets more games. But I really wantto play spla2n
Literally who cares about any game that's not Spla2n.
>implying anyone can even find a Switch now
ya hope they have pro controllers fuck the joy con desu
im a big boned kinda guy
you can find them on ebay for stupidly high markups
how much fo u weigh
>testfires already
what the actual fuck
I wanted to put off buying a switch until a couple of months later, around the release
fuck you nintendo
Was thinking about buying a switch this month just to play the splat2n testfire, how pathetic am I?
>kind of regret buying a switch
>remember testfire
>no more regret
you can already download it on japanese eshop
If I play a game I think is flawless and give it a 10/10, but then play a game that is far better, but flawed, how should I score it?
A lot
you're not
>convinced myself to not get switch until splatoon 2 is release
>testfire announced
I don't know if I can hold out.
not a fatass like boogie tho.
>all these 4am slots
My body is ready
I don't have a Switch yet, and I'm not spending $370+tax+tip to play a 6-hour, single-map demo with 4 weapons.
so I'm guessing 4am is when the best players will be playing.
I'll wait for the inevitable Splatoon bundle.
>impulse buyers
How are the disconnecting joycons with stuck wrist straps and an autistically screeching tablet treating you?
I don't think there will be a splatoon bundle in time for the release of Splatoon but I do agree that waiting out for the Switch's technical difficulties to be buffered out would be beneficial. Ya' don't wanna get a dead pixel on it.
nope because i didnt like the first one
It's going to be like that for awhile I think. The Wii U had absolutely nothing going for it so finding one a month after its launch was easy. The Switch seems to be well received, or at least a better reception than the WIi U.
Why did they think it was a good idea to limit Switches? How am is anyone supposed to play this to test the servers?
I want woomy ponytails
must be hard being a human without the ability to enjoy anything
Already installed and ready to go.
>They didn't stylize it as Splat2n
fuck em
lol mine works fine and so do the majority of switches
go jack off to crowbat some more faggot
They don't have to because everyone else is going to.
none of that is true, so yeah, it's fucking great
i enjoy plenty of things just didnt like this game. sorry that triggered you
>not 00:59
that would be stupid
I am very ready
Is blastmaster worth buying?
normalfag 1: Have you played spla2n?
normalfag 2: yeah I loved splatoon on the wii u
normalfag 1: No I mean spla2n not splatoon
>Is blastmaster worth buying?
I have so far enjoyed it quite a bit. I would say it is worth playing if you want a break/are finished with zelda.
>normalfags discussing Splatoon
>normalfags even being aware the Wii U exists
Why is European countries out again?
Who cares.
>braindead americans
Blaster master is great if you like NES games with improved controls. Worth the price at the very least.
>More lewd art and porn of inklings and Calie + Marie
I am absolutely ready
I'm not American please don't insult me.
Blaster Master Zero is enjoyable but the difficulty is a little on the low side, it's also roughly 5 hours maybe a bit more if you go 100%. It's worth a play imo.
>There are people who don't like Splatoon
>Want to buy a Switch.
>See all the glaring problems with it.
>Decide against it until Nintendo fixes these things.
>Global testfires start soon.
Don't worry, user. The full game is still 3-5 months out.
>2mil consoles sold
>a few have joy con desync issues
>t-t-they're all the same!!!
stupid people are so funny
Good enough reason unless youre a poorfag
Store next to where i live has 9 of them on shelves. No one gives a shit
The Switch has no gyro controls right?
So Splat2 is going to have aim assist this time?
It has gyro controls.
ignore my retarded post then
Not only does the Switch have gyro controls, so does the Pro Controller, so you don't even need to use a specific controller this time around.
I hope the gyro controls are good in this.
Can't wait to see the outrage when Nintendo enables their paid online service and expects you to pay a monthly sub fee to play peer to peer online
They're not even improving the netcode. You can see rubber banding in the trailer.
if your switch is fixed you can just send it to nintendo (they pay the shipping)
>work that Saturday
But i'll play when I can for sure, I think I can get at least 2 or 3 of the play sessions.
>speaking to a friend
>hey did you like splatoon or spla2n better?
I wanted to wait...
and I can't even find a switch in stores here anyway...
Yet. I want to join the testfire like with Splatoon 1.. Such a pain
>By the time i buy the Switch, Spla2n will be only played by nips
Why live
What? It's not on the eshop for me?
I live in a major city in my country, and you can find them everywhere. Must suck being American.
Yeah all the switches are being scalped here in America. A used Switch+Zelda copy here costs the same as a fucking launch PS3.
yeah. i heard the stock situation is very different depending on country
>There is rubber banding in a trailer full of bots doing perfect actions.
>what's the fucking difference they're the same fucking game
33 seconds, pay attention to the roller.
japanese eshop
I don't see it.
If you're referring to the guy on the yellow ink rail getting killed, there was also a Splattershot shooting at him.
As he's falling, he snaps to the ground.
Just be satisfied in knowing they will not be able to recapture the fun of the first test fire where no one knew how to play and rolling over people with the roller was a viable strategy.
Wait, how did you already install it? It doesn't show up in my eShop page and the news page just says to wait for more information.
I'm just happy they are finally putting in the single player stuff in the multiplayer like tightropes. I've been hoping for that since launch.
Ah, that.
A small teleport and direction change.
Hm. Ofcourse, we should expect such things in the final game regardless of what measures Nintendo has taken to ensure a smooth experience.
I've seen lag like this plenty of times on games with dedicated servers to boot.
Then again, what am I saying, I hate this game series with a passion.
Roller is too OP ! Please Nerf !
>knowing how to create a netcode when they don't give a shit about anyone outside of their tiny island
>over a week away
>only 6 hours of play time
Not him, but it's on JP shop only right now. It's supposed to hit other shops later today.
Also, can you move icons around on the menu? I can't figure it out.
>buying a $300 console for a one weekend beta with 6 hours od play time
That's ultra-pathetic.
what are you gona main in the testfire?
>Splat2n looks great
>remember I have to buy a fucking Switch for it
>remember I have to pay for online, which is the entire appeal of the game
I'll see you guys in a couple years when the Switch has CFW like the Wii U and 3DS.
Post lewd squid lolis
>6 1 hour playtimes
What a stupid system, why can't Nintendo do anything normally?
Realistically speaking, they were probably doing quality control up to the production deadline. No way in hell did they not know about the joy con connection issue. Deadline came and they were fucked. Well, as long as it's patchable consumers should be used to buying bananaware from using Windows. 2 million devices isn't that few either. If they're clever and we're lucky, the next charge will be ripe already. I'm ok with waiting for the product out of Beta.
I'm pretty big and I think the joycons are surprisingly nice.
I DID get a pro controller day1, but yeah, joycons aren't bad.
>1 hour playtime
>With Nintendo internet connection
Can't Nintendo stop being retarded and just make it go from 24-26 without these retarded playtimes?
The paid online is confirmed only to be 20 dollars a year tops.
Yup, I walked into an eb here in Aus and bought mine 3 days later and they still had a few others left in stock.