So which is the hardest one?

So which is the hardest one?

the one next to the one


I've played them all except Dark Souls 3.
Currently on bloodborne old hunters.

The two fishmen giants are the hardest thing in the series for me right now. I don't know about Dark Souls 3.
I just don't know what to do when they start attacking together.

Bloodborne is the hardest difficulty-wise.
Dark Souls 3 is the hardest to play just because it's shit.

I would say DS2 simply because of the wonky hitboxes, ambushes every 2 steps.
Paired with limited healing options.

only thing you can do is figure out how to time a parry shot on the long ass lunge the first one does. When they start attacking together use a shaman bone blade, one will kill the other one, and run and and finish whats left of it

the first one you play

because every single one of them plays exactly the same way

>strafe right
>roll if needed
>when boss finishes doing combo, walk in and attack him once or twice
>roll back

Haven't played DS2.

Demon's is hardest but mostly because of shit mechanics in some parts (Armored Spider, overall dodging times, etc.)

Otherwise DS. DS3 and BB are pretty manageable once you get some practice in.

Are you smoking crack? Blood borne is the easiest one (aside from the old hunters)

I don't want to use a shaman bone blade. That seems cheap to me.
Thanks for the advice anyways. I only have a hunter's axe but I know there are people that can beat them with just that.

Have you played all 5 of these games on multiple NG+ cycles, or did you give them all one go and call that good enough?

If we're talking about NG+, Demon's Souls beats them all hands down.
It feels like the new game for that was just one giant tutorial to prep you for NG+ where everything goes to hell, and don't even get me started on Pure Black.

My dick.


hmm...thats tough.

the easy answer is "whichever one you play first". but objectively......

demons has infinite grass, but dying cuts your health.

dark souls doesnt cut your health when you die, but healing is more limited.

dark souls 2 has estus AND life gems. its life-cut is more gradual than demons. and it has way way more bonfires. but it makes 100% block shields rarer and good dodges require leveling up first.

bloodborne has way too much healing, and also has rally. but everythings hyper-aggressive and spam is less viable here than ever.

ds3 is also hyper aggressive but estus can be pretty OP when you dont use the ashen flask too much. also unembered form isnt as bad as soul form.
....I guess bloodborne. but most people are gonna think of particular encounters that stonewalled them and once they have their answer theyll justify it from there. theyre about the same in terms of difficulty.

Bloodborne imo


DeS is a fucking cakewalk. Every boss just sits there and takes it like a bitch other than Flamelurker, False King, and Maneaters. Even those fights are fairly easy compared to some of the bosses in DaS3 and BB.

Armored spider was the only boss I beat in Demon souls first try and that was my first souls game, he was easy as shit

NG+ is fucking dumb. I mean making all the enemies damage sponges that do double damage makes it harder but it isn't interesting in the least. Its only saving grace is that it's optional.

bloodborne definitely

easiest would be 3 or demon's

On NG+, stats maxed, using everything in the game available to you bar co op, Bloodborne is the hardest.

Demon's Souls, Dark Souls, both have incredibly cheesy shit that can do insane amounts of damage with little effort. Dark Souls 2? Overlevelling can give you huge advantages but it's by far less cheesy than Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Dark Souls 3 is similar, you can't get too cheesy but it still gives you a lot of options for making the game pretty easy.

Bloodborne is the only one where using every advantage available to you still leaves it very challenging.

(Old Hunter) > Sister Friede > Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

>Paired with limited healing options.
I can get the ambushes and wonkiness being hard for someone, even if I don't think it makes up for the bosses generally being piss-easy, but it literally has the most variety in healing items out of the whole series. Even if you're just talking about the limited estus, you can get two or three upgrades before you have to fight a single boss.

Demon's Souls has too much overpowered shit for the player and there's only a handful of enemies that are even remotely threatening

Pure Black/Soul form has the harshest penalties for the player though but that doesn't matter when you can hold hundreds of grasses and have that Adjudicator shield +5 and pretty much any weapon upgraded

Just summon some guys to beat the game for you.
How can you even call these games hard at all?

I agree with this, but 2 is a bitch if you play it after 3 or BB. The controls feel so nasty compared to those, yet going back to Demon's or DaS1 doesn't feel to bad. I don't really get how it works that way, but it does.

2, for all the wrong reasons.

BB if you combine fun+difficulty.

>using tools the game gives you is cheap

My dude, it the devs felt it was cheap, they wouldn't have put it in the game. You can even use Shaman bones on bosses, such as the Yharnum Shadows (and this is besides just doing a basic npc summon for help). Don't complain about how difficult the game is if you're refusing to use all the available tools, especially ones that would give you a quick solution to your problem.

Well, fair enough.

They had to put in a crutch for shitters

>Sup Forums makes out BB as some super hardcore shit
>finally get around to playing it, ready for a challenge
>bosses drop like fucking flies

is Sup Forums just full of shitters or what?
as much as everyone moans about LE DARK SOULS IS HARD meme people did the exact same shit with blood

SL1'd/BL4 all the games, no boss has ever gave me more trouble than DaS2 Twin Kitties

So I guess DaS2 wins? But not really? It was more of the gameplay being shit that made that fight hard than anything.

Not sure which is too hard, DaS3 had almost no stamina cost rolling, in BB you were more mobile then everything and could run circles around shit, most bosses had deadzones they couldn't hit you at or terrible AI that let you keep them locked in a loop the entire fight.

DaS1 had face-tanking with high poise, so you can drink while being hti, but in SL1 you can GBH with estoc moveswap and shit on everything since WDR1 does 2 hits which cause a stagger

and DeS suffers from every boss being slow as fuck (except False King) but all still have noticable deadzones so if you play unlocked it's a big joke. Also Rat Clinch + Morion made most of the encounters a joke.

This. These games are as difficult as you make them. If you play risky you'll die a lot, if you play super safe and patient you'll literally never die. There's no punishment for playing lame which makes these games super easy to cheese when you figure them out.

Two was the hardest for me

Demons souls.
Degrading equipment, no bonfires to replenish your healing items that you instead have to buy with souls, unforgiving environment with the world tendency mechanic (which I miss). Every time you die you lose max health as long as you're a phantom and your world tendency gets darker. The darker the harder. That's what she said

BB = DaS3 > DeS > DaS1 difficulty wise, in my opinion. Haven't played 2.

This is the objective truth.

Bloodborne is the easiest, DaS2 is the second easiest (maybe because I played SotFS), followed by DaS1. Somehow I've had the most trouble with DaS3.

The first one is always the hardest to play. So I wait for the sequels to be of better quality

>did you find the easter egg hidden in the menu of the special features disc of the fifth season of 'Critiquing A Game of Thrones 2.0' you fucking pleb

>I don't need to play and understand games to know what I'm talking about

Id argue bloodborne with dark souls 2 a close second.

How are DeS and DaS not the easiest?

I'd say Bloodborne.
Never finished DS2 though

I would've said Bloodborne but then I bought the Hunter''s Axe and suddenly every single fight is trivialized and it turns out I was just using a bad weapon before.

So I'll go with Dark Souls 3 since it's hardest fights are more difficult without being bullshit than the other series.

Nameless King, THE CHAMP, Twin Princes, Dancer and Soul of Cinder are some of the best fights in the entire series. Blackfame Elfriede would be great if she wasn't a 0-poise meme that can be beaten by blocking and immediately swinging to stagger her.

The only really comparable bosses from 1 and 2 are Manus, Artorias, Fume Knight, Sinh, Biggie and Smalls, as far as fairness combined with difficulty.

DS3 is the easiest if you pump some combination of str/dex/endurance. Especially with faster weapons. Your rolls make you perma-invuln and you can dish out the hurt.

DS3 is the hardest if you're trying to play sorcerer from the start. Or at least it's the Soulsborne playthrough that gave me the most fucking cancer because you're really a shit straight sword build or afk boss rushing.

Sorc run is stupidly easy if you know all the spell locations and what you can do.


my dick, duh

The one with the most active multiplayer, invasions are half the reason the games are challenging.

Probably DS2 or DS3 for falling for the "the hardest game" meme. They are the worse too.

This is what souls retard actually believe.

DS3 was easy as piss except for a few (tedious) sequential boss fights, DS1 has a lot of BS difficulty but was still fun, DS2 is Artificial Difficulty: The Game. In fact, I haven't even beat DS2 yet because it just feels so tedious and clunky.

Bloodborne was the most difficult but also the most fun of the series for me. Something about the incredible aggressiveness of enemies and fluidity of combat mixed with the unforgiving yet compelling atmosphere makes it one of my favorite games.