How do we fix metroid?

how do we fix metroid?

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give it back to retro or from software

Make Metroid 5, Sakamoto the Producer (only) and EPD7 the developers, writers, and directors.

The Switch is portable: make a high-production 2D Metroid

You can try making a new Prime but after the Federation Force I think that well is a little poisoned

install am2r

Let it die.

Nintendo doesn't know what they're doing besides for Mario and Zelda games. Even then they fucking refuse to make another Mario similar to 64.

-Bring back Makoto Kano as the overseeing producer of the series.
-Have two different teams work on the series, one team focuses on making a 2D game comprised mostly of the Zero Mission team and the other focuses on 3D games, composed of someone like Retro or a new group.
-Make one new 2D game and one new 3D game per generation. Give them a long development period and decent funding. Release them staggered so you you have about a 2 year gap between each.
-The new 2D game follows directly after Metroid Fusion in story, but also goes back to the little story, all gameplay designs of Metroid II and Super.
-The new 3D game tries to innovate like Prime did. This time having a third person view and all of Samus' skills fully playable, but also the option for first person view. Keep the scanning system for those who want story but make it optional.
>Retcon Other M and never do story focused/voice acting ever again.

This, but I will wait for Nintendo to release the handheld only Switch.

Metroid could do well with a new game-style. BoTW has a similar style to prior Zelda's but it remains a fresh take.

Maybe make a 2D Rouge-like Metroid where Samus lands on a new ship/planet and power-ups are scattered on a randomly generated level (with back-tracking needed to get the best power-ups)
At least this can help quell the desire for a 'classic' Metroid but give it a longer replayability life-span while they conceptualize the next Metroid

Take anyone who wants waifu Samus, and take anyone who wants a more story-driven Samus, and proceed to throw them off the nearest cliff.

Then, we take what makes Metroid good (proper progression, good items, a cleverly designed world worth exploration) and add to it with polish (make it harder, add some replayability with new game +, enhance the quality of the puzzles). Finally, make Samus like the right side of pic related again.

Make her a videogame character who happens to be a female, not STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMYN who smashes le patriarchy, or blond slut who sucks off everyone behind a gas station.

make it 2D again!

Metroid game done by Vanillaware. It would be fresh in both visual design and gameplay.


Other M is not canon.

Hopefully with this resurgence of 2D platformers we'll get another one.

But I guess Nintendo might be a bit wary since these platformers are multiplat as fuck.


>Even then they fucking refuse to make another Mario similar to 64.
>Mario Odyssey is specifically going to do what you want

Just hope it's better than Sunshine.

make a new 2d metroid game and don't let sakamoto touch the story


Completely drop almost all the story stuff. Start the game just like the original Metroid with just Samus on a planet and you need to explore and take in the atmosphere to know what's happening.
The only cutscene will be at the end where Samus takes off her helmet and reveals you're playing as her daughter.

Ayo which metroid that is?

>don't let sakamoto touch the story
I doubt he can, he's an Executive Officer now so the only thing he can really do is Produce the game.

>female characters flaunting sexuality are bad for such
It can still be a good character, maybe just not one that appeals to you

Besides, Other M Samus had more issues than just the obvious fetishistic use of the Zero Suit (Zero Mission did the same once too). Samus as a character was shown to be weak and incompetent, as well as sociable which was contradictory to her established stoic nature in prior games.
It was a similar situation to what happened to Issac Clark between Dead Space 1 and 2 but what happened to Samus a bit more blatant (due to extended cut-scenes and a longer character-history).

Other M made a hormone-driven child out of what actual felt like the strongest bounty-hunter in the galaxy; there is no stronger a contrast between the two. The fact that Other M Samus is sexual is a symptom of a greater issue with her character but its also as strong a contrast to the armored bad-ass Samus from before and was easier to identify at a glance, so the Zero Suit became the icon to our Other M child-Samus even though the Zero-Suit predates Other M.

It's dead Jim, let it go.

metroid 2 fan remake

Recompile R&D1 and let them make it.

Aka the Zero Mission team like said.

>one bad game killed the series
Stop being stupid. Star Fox is more dead than Metroid and it still got a new game.


I wouldnt mind another Prime but Metroid really deserves a proper 2D game after so long.

You know it would've never happened if they didn't sexualize her to death. Other M wasn't even the beginning of this,. The warning signs were already in place with Fusion and Zero Mission.

>Samus is a woman, so she has to have massive dialogue prompts during elevator rides
>she's a woman, she has to have a segment where she;'s completely helpless against space pirates and in her underwear

It genuinely sucks. And the worst part is that fans have already proven how to make Fusion and zero mission better, via romhacks like Xfusion and Super Zero mission.

Is there a more delusional fanbase than the Metroid fanbase? The series is dead, accept it.

Never touch it again.

Not him but the Zero Mission team still exist and 2D Metroid is still theirs, their new name is EPD7 but be warned if they do make another 2D Metroid Sakamoto will be the game's Producer.

>Star Fox is more dead than Metroid and it still got a new game.

Yea, and look where it got them. Stop being an autistic metroidfag. It's dead, and will likely stay dead. It never even sold well to begin with.

>Is there a more delusional fanbase than the Metroid fanbase?
Final Fantasy
Anyone who thinks Rare is still good

There are many. Also if Metroid is so dead, why are you samefagging so hard to prove it?

Sakamoto has done fine when he's the producer. It's when he has total control over the game (like Other M and WarioWare DIY) that things fall apart.

Retro isn't the same studio it used to be.

>how do we fix metroid?
Third person
Over the shoulder shooter
Survival horror
Zero suit stealth section(s)

>Survival horror
I really want this

Then that's actually good news. I want to see what his team can do when he's not fully in control.

We don't have to fix Metroid. Just return it to when it was good. Basically any time before Other M.

The sales of the games do a fine job at proving that Nintendo has no reason to ever revisit the series, no one likes or cares about Metroid.

Step 1

He also directed Super Metroid.

>survival horror

Wouldn't work. It's like trying to make a survival horror with doomguy, it would be retarded idea because its fucking doomguy he takes shit from absolutely nothing.

>third person games


>Zero Mission is her first mission (Or at least her first encounter with the Space Pirates and Metroids)
>Eradicates the entire species in 2 (They obviously didn't have much faith in this series)
>Super LITERALLY takes place right after 2
>Other M solders the gap between Super and Fusion
>For some reason they refuse to go beyond Fusion

Metroid lore is pretty much fucked at this point. they can only shove so many games between ZM and 2 before it starts to get weird when everyone in Other M still treats her like a rookie. They have to either go forward or somehow find a way to stick games before Zero Mission.

The horror elements worked really well in Fusion, and Echoes had light survival elements when you were in the dark world, so I think both would work in a new Metroid game. I mean, it will never happen because Nintendo first party horror basically consists of Luigi's Mansion and nothing else but we can dream user. We can dream.

Remember that Zero Mission and Fusion Samus are still good characters. She gives the aura of a hunter interested in getting a job done in both. Both show her to be competent and manage well until thing get really bad, but even then she improvises her own solution to ultimately overcome impossible odds.
Fusion tries a little character depth by showing she has emotional connections from her past to avoid a vessel character (contradictory character to Prime and prior games but still withing belivability). If Nintendo wanted to allow more story in Metroid (and they should) this was a necessary transition.
Zero Mission Introduces the Zero Suit, the skimpy and possible Evangelion reference. Prior games showed Samus without Chozo armor so there is no contradiction here, just more lore to her Power Armor's technicality. It's design is inspired by designs made to pander and thus commits the same sin but contrasting Samus's sexuality to her "I get shit done with or without Chozo help" is a way of reinforcing her work-first attitude. It's also a decent enough excuse to change up the gmaeplay mid-game.

Other M too both of those and removed everything else unfortunately. ZM and Fusion were not warnings of what was to become of Samus in Other M but rather the only character traits Team Ninja were interested in. A different studio could've kept the prior Samus and expanded those new traits appropriately.

>samus has never been sexualized before the zero suit

Make Samus a strong Amazonian bounty hunter who don't need no man.

When Sakamoto was asked where Metroid would go next, Sakamoto stated that when he returned to the series he's finally making a sequel to Fusion.

That garbage was why we didn't have battery backup saves like Zelda. They literally took that out in the American version for stupid fansertvice.

So Dead Space?

If you can make survival horror work with Leon S Kennedy suplexing cultists and shooting RPGs at tentacle monsters you can make a Metroid survival horror work.

You just have to make the threat sufficiently threatening. Samus is a badass but even she couldn't survive a space station imploding.

Just retcon the whole thing.

On second thought a Metroid survival horror would work but it would have to be some kind of Alien Isolation ordeal where you're stuck on a ship without your suit or whatever, all you have is a generic lazier pistol that does fuck all most of the time and there's some kind of SA-X enemy. We already knew how fucking terrifying he was even when you had your suit. Has to be first person though, with the option to use VR.

This. We need a 3rd person 3d metroid.

I mean is it really accurate to call Resident Evil 4 a survival horror game at its core?

more fanservice

It needs the same feeling of isolation and dread that made Super's and Prime's atmospheres so good.

>Once you are finished, leave sector 6 immediately. The SA-X is tracking you.


I honestly hate it when games give fanservice.

Third person Metroid was already done in the development of the original Metroid Prime game, but it wasn't done well and Miyamoto thought the presentation and gameplay was worse because of it. He then suggested to find a way to see what's ahead of Samus easier in gameplay, which turned into the first person view.

>Metroid game without the suit
>Lazer pistol that does fuck all

Into the fucking trash it goes

you have shit taste

depends on the game

And Metroid 1. But you can argue that Gunpei and Makoto helped him with design and development. Whereas on Other M, he came up with every little thing and Team Ninjas ideas kept getting rejected.

Don't play Dragon Quest, Zelda, Pokemon, Vanillaware, Bayonetta...pretty much any Japanese games.

What's the story behind this picture? Like I know it's RLM, but why Samus?


Nope. This sucks. Becoming unstoppably powerful is a huge part of Metroid. Finally getting screw attack. Getting the annihilator beam. Hyper beam. Spamming 40 super missiles directly into Ridley's rectum.

You're thinking about "horror" games which are entirely different to "survival horror" games. Maybe the genre would be better of being called RE4-like but the name survival horror has stuck.

Samus has been heavily sexualized from the very beginning. Everybody knew there was a hot chick in thong under the armor.

Never made her any less badass.

The only issue now is she isn't protrayed as a badass anymore, so now we are only left with a hot chick.

That ending outfit didn't make the game any better, so it was useless and frivolous.

Samus should've just been a robot. That way it would've been harder to sexualize her. We'd be missing out on a cool female protagonist, but seeing what happened to her just kills me.


Fanservice has to be thought out, and doesn't have to be sexual. The Space Pirate data logs in the Prime games I think were well done for fanservice. Doing sexual fanservice isn't bad, but it starts getting bad when it's the only type that you do.

Just let a competent developer make a fucking game. There's no identity crisis like with Zelda, it's just cheer incompetence.

>The Space Pirate data logs in the Prime games I think were well done for fanservice

The space pirates of Prime in general are a fucking treat

Yeah I'm gonna need a source on that senpai.

Japanese are horny as fuck, just look at the new Zelda.

>Yeah I'm gonna need a source on that senpai.
how new can you be?

Part of what makes Metroid, at least for me, is blowing through rooms that took precision and patience to advance through upon first encounter

Starting the game as a survival horror and gradually becoming a doomguy as you get upgrades n shiet could be a good way to revitalize the series if thats the aspect they focus on

Probably do a first person game like that and then do a more "metroidvania" esque 2d game for 3DS would be ideal for me

>tfw beat all the 2D games multiple times but still encourage lewds posting in these threads
I honestly just can't bring myself to care anymore.


I haven't finished Metroid 2 yet but it's so archaic I might just do AMR2.

It's not like Nintendo will do another remake anytime soon right?

Reskin dead space

I think this guy's design is so cool that I want a game where you play as this prick, chasing after Samus.

Two new Metroid games released simultaneously, one 2D on the 3DS, one 3D for the switch. Have the 2D game take place first chronologically, a fast and lean successor to Super with the same focus on mobility and speed running. Have it lay the ground work for a mystery, it doesn't have to go to far with it.

3D game takes place years later. References things that happened in the 2D game, maybe revisits some old locations that have been destroyed or changed in some way. Plays like Prime but Samus is a bit lighter on her feet. Maybe Samus keeps an item she got from the last game this time around and she busts it out. Expand on the mystery from the first game, and ultimately resolve it. At some point Samus kills Ridley, she does not cry.

Ultimately what I want is some love for both branches of the series, while also bringing back the stoic bad ass we all knew and loved with no petty drama and monologuing this time around.

I don't know what it is but I actually preferred RoS to AM2R, at least enough to actually beat it. I ended up dropping AM2R a few bosses in. My heart just wasn't in it, I suppose

A man can dream

>Metroid should go back to total isolation and freedom
>wah there's no map? so archaic!

>Didn't make the game better

Nah, that's wrong


nothing wrong with that

>Remember that Zero Mission and Fusion Samus are still good characters.
I hate when people try to compare Other M Samus to Fusion Samus just because the game had cutscenes. It feels a lot more consistent with the character of a bounty hunter who has single handedly eradicated entire species and destroyed planets to respond to a "direct order" about some shit she doesn't agree with by saying "lol nope gonna blow everything up anyway, fuck yoself", rather than just fucking meekly going along with it because it's her senpai.


i want to fuck drug addict samus

t. horny teenager.

Metroid NES is at least color coded and has music for whatever area you were in. Metroid 2 may be more like Super in design but it's a confusing mess of same looking rooms and endless Metroid fights.

If there was going to be a spin off Id want it to be focused on Ridley rebuilding the space pirates after a recent defeat.
>Play as Ridley and just ransack a level for resources, technology, shits, and giggles
>Elite Space Pirate Ops that play like Prime but with a squad of space pirates each with a piece of special gear
>Giant battles that are a shameless rip off of battle front with Metroid races
>gain new shit to upgrade your guys by pillaging everything not nailed to the floor
>Eventually have to do all three in rapid succession as the Hunter just kicks your ass

why is she crying?