so true
So true
Other urls found in this thread:
>putting yourself in danger with the 2nd
I just saw this on reddit and yes I browse reddit you faggot
If you don't take fall damage, then either is fine.
If you do, then do the bottom one.
Thread over OP is a faggot who should kill himself.
you didn't even need to double jump there, just jump
>not taking the optimal speed route
*grabs you by the second jump* BACK THE FUCK OFF?!??!?!?!
i fucking love the roll jumps in donkey kong country. so satisfying
But you can easily clear the gap with just one jump.
>being able to jump again in mid-air
nice physics, Nintendo.
>not jumping at the top of the first jump
>using double jumps for every single jump even if you don't need it
im not a coward
Better question is, how many A presses is that as a whole run
Go for the higher route as you're more likely to make it and fall damage in games is always either barely anything or dead and it wont be the latter if they intend for you to make the jump.
>Top one would have easily made it in one jump
>Based on that, bottom one would have too but deliberately let themselves fall short just so they could do their special snowflake jump at the bottom
>not jumping immediately after the first jump
I can't help but do this, it cost me many MANY lives in Super GnG
bottom route gets the collectible floating in the pit
This is fucking stupid, if the jumps were equal then the lower one would never had made it seen as the higher double jump is just a dribbly ejaculate that actually worsened the trajectory.
Second one
with an air dash right before landing
"am I fitting in yet" the post
well, most games that do double jump typically have something to make it possible, like a magic circle appearing, wings, or some weird tech/tools so they don't have to explain shit
but then there's that one completely normal character that still double jumps by doing some weird mid-air move
>but first
>he wasn't shitposting on the original thread
quoted wrong post but whatever
if thats the case then i would just fall down the gap than air dash to cover the distance at perfect ground level
>not doing it in 0.5 press
I need to be in the air as long as possible. The ground is lava, user. Even when it isnt.
What are you on about? Double jumping is not a Nintendo invention. Namco invented the concept with Dragon Buster. Also, Nintendo rarely even uses double jump. Besides Smash bros, I think Kirby is the only major Nintendo series to use double jump. And that one makes sense, because he is basically a ballon.
>openly admitting to posting on reddit
what has become of Sup Forums
*double jumps behind you*
"Nothing personnel, kid"
>that guy who tries too hard to have the dank last second escape
There are a a lot of times in SGnG where doing "instant" double jumps is the best. Especially on some of the trickier platforming, you can time the quick doubletap to get exact distance
wait a minute, if you just fall.. and then jump in mid-air.. was it a double jump?
Fucking explorers. Theres nothing over there god damn.
What part of it is reddit of
>original thread
You retard.
>that kid who double jumped to school
I gotta make sure! I refuse to go pass a one-way threshold without being certain!
Does Yoshis flutter jump count as a double jump?
You need to go back.
But those are planets, not universes.
If you don't have a problem with going on reddit than it shouldn't be a problem if you see a reddit tier post
Alright fine. But after you make the jump and go on your way you're going to wonder if that whole was one of those fake death pits that actually have something in them
>game has double jumping
>if you walk off a cliff you just plummet like a fucking meteor and can't use your jump at all
fucking ghouls n ghosts
you ruined it
you wrote seven with black but theres no black route
>jumping in the shape of a penis
True that. Usually I would just completely fuck myself by forgetting about upcoming obstacles and falling straight into damage.
>tfw you save yourself from damage with a clutch vertical jump
I was in a falling elevator once, knowing this from video games saved my life!
>Game has double jumping
>Game only lets you do the second jump if you're still going upwards with your first jump
I don't remember the game, but I do remember getting annoyed by this.
see ya, nerds
>recovery onto a pillar with a horizontal jump
>time slows down as Arthur sails right over it and into lava
Only thing that will possibly save your life in a freefalling elevator would be to lie flat on your back with as much of your body perpendicular to the floor as possible so your weight is spread out on impact. If you're standing it's just as likely that your body crumpling down on itself will kill you if the elevator's parts and debris does not.
Probably not what you're thinking of but Dishonored does this and it makes for some really janky jumps
>m-muh Reddit boogeyman
>m-muh sekrit club
fuck off
Not perpendicular. Parallel*. Woopsie daisy.
Holy shit I remember that too. I want to say it wasnt an actual double jump but some item you got that allows it. As soon as you entered the falling state the game said fuck you.
you are:
obsessed with hating reddit
a donald trump supporter
overly compassionate about fighting the SJW boogeymen
a fatfuck loser
you fags will argue about anything
Who's arguing?
how about I argue my dick into your mouth
>because he is basically a ballon
The doom of every troll level carl plays.
i sincerely hope you learn sooner or later how fucking bad reddit truly is.
and i'm not saying this place is much better.
>there are two types of people
>one who uses double jump
>the second who one uses one jump
are you retarded?
but i do this
>removed the text and added it yourself
but he has the high ground, there's no way annikin can win.
What bothers me is that you felt it necessary to remind us that Sup Forums steals from Reddit.
Wow nice revelation care to chime everytime that happens?
what if he spins?
to jump mid air you need to have double jump
>they both land in the same spot
That isn't how double jump works, casual niggers
>they can't long jump
quick Sup Forums
if given the choice:
>jump twice as long/high
>double jump for 75% height total max
>Donald Trump supporter
>Hating Reddit
He's the fucking cause we're fucking Reddit at this point. Fucking cyber mexicans destroying Sup Forums culture need to go back. If you're browsing Reddit yet bitching about immigrants you're a bloody hypocrite.
I'd rather be able to make a double jump than have a bigger jump even if the you can't get as far as with the long jump.
A double jump gives you flexibility.
Choice 1, because Choice 2 is inferior, unless you can double jump before falling to your death to negate falling damage. In that case choice 2.
you dont need to double jump tho. if the person on the top had kept going they would've landed
bottom one isn't a double
and i'd just run and clear the gap with no jump, so there are at least 3 types of people, maybe 4.
What about the third kind?
Also who thought putting a double jump in WoW was a good idea?