Sony announced today that it’s expanding its PlayStation Now streaming service to include current-generation PS4 games

>Sony announced today that it’s expanding its PlayStation Now streaming service to include current-generation PS4 games.

We didn't ask for this...

streaming is so stupid

PS4 games on PC

Sony is officially starting their exit from the console business

But Xbox is going to be doing it, so Sony must jump on the game-streaming bandwagon.

does this mean the only console on the market is a Switch


No it's not. It's the future. Consoles are going away.

Xbox program is a bit different. No streaming invilve

>streaming games

Axing their most profitable division when as a whole company they're doing shiftily? Don't be daft.

>CD games will never work!
>Online gaming is a fad!
>DLC will never take off!
>No one will pay to play online!
>Game streaming is dumb!

*you are here

>Axing their most profitable division

But not Sony Financial Holdings isn't going anywhere. do you still need a PS4 or...?

And yet that's exactly what they're doing.

A Netflix style streaming service, available on all platforms, will be far more profitable than a producing kiddy gaming boxes

Is game streaming really popular enough for them to support?

lol no

Where's the announcement that they're going to make their strictly worse service comparable in price to Xbox Gamepass?

Until I see that announcement they're be getting no shekels from me.

No it's a failure and nobody gives a fuck about it because it's terrible. So i don't have a clue what they're trying to do here unless they're putting their PS4 exclusives on it it'll be just as dead as it was before.

yeah thats why im wondering why they're still keeping this service up

Are you all pretending to be retarded? Sony decides what games to put there. They are not going add the latest or big sellers. Enjoy your multi plat games.

So.. all PS4 games are timed exclusives now...

>PC shits always bragging about superior graphics and customization options
>Sony offers them a PAID subscriptions to play with shittier streamed blurry graphics, input lag and 0 customization and modding

Nobody is going to pay for this shit unless there's exclusives on it retard. So unless Sony is going full stupid there's going to be exclusives on it otherwise it's going to be just as dead and irrelevant as it was before.

>available on all platforms
lol, just say you're a pcuk
instead of buying kiddy boxes you'll be renting them :^)

I'm sure a Child Toybox 5 is certainly a better investment. It will have tons of exclusives and it will be almost not underpowered.
60$ per game.

Another hypocritical pkuck
Or are you the same guy?

>streaming in 480p upscaled to 1080p and still blurry as fuck

onlive was a failure

The next gen or the one after are going to be streaming vidya services like Amazon prime and Netflix with a monthly subscription.

Sony and Microsoft are already laying the groundwork. It's 1984 all over again. We're going back to PCs dominating the market again.

You're paying $18/mo. to rent a kiddy game box you dumb cunt.

The stupidity and delusion of PC fuckers is amazing.

I was planning on nabbing a second hand ps4 for like £100 on ebay, only want it for the exclusives (mostly the ones that have come out this year) surely that's still a better deal than paying for some shitty stream service every month?

Yeah do that. Can't wait to see how shit this streaming service is going to be.

it's been the future since like 2010 or whenever the fuck onlive first came out.

we weren't ready then and we aren't ready now. EVERYONE that's tried ps Now can tell you even with a beast internet connection, playing games feels miserable. way too much input lag for anything past-paced.

1st thing they need to do is do 1080 p streaming instead of 720. Other than that, its pefect to me. Seems like other people say they have input lag but i never had it when i used it... or just never noticed

I really hope peecucks get baited into subscribing to this, more money for game funding.

Well if it works like remote play then it will be shit.
I remote play over local network and even then sometimes the quality of the stream gets shitty. Not to mention input lag.

I tried remote playing over internet (I have 200/200Mbps connection at my apartment and 150/50Mbps connection at my parents house, 50km apart) and even though for the most part the stream (720p as I was streaming to my shitty work laptop) was decent quality, there were moments when quality was reduced significantly (think something like 240p choppy youtube videos) even though nothing else used the connection on either side. The input lag got more noticeable too, while I was able to play things like GR2 or Nioh, it wasn't comfortable at all. Miku was unplayable.

It works great for Disgaea tho. I setup mobile access point via LTE on my phone, connect my Vita and play D5 on the go.


CDs were great

Some people don't like digital and get all physical, others vice versa

DLC is a mixed bag, usually being done shittily for cash but there are quite a few expansions which are great

Paying for online is fucking dumb

Game streaming still sucks, even when I had 180Mb/s

Yeah I was surprised by how cheap they're going now desu, got an xbone s last year and it was much more expensive despite being less popular.

Why would you bother with this when the console is so cheap now? (excluding the pro)

I don't get it. Why streaming? Why not just port it?

5G internet is right around the corner


kek what 3rd world country do you live in Rajeesh?

You'll notice that when they announced PS Now for PC they made it a point to mention you can play Playstation 3 Exclusives.

This press release didn't say anything about ps4 exclusives

It took forever to get Red Dead on PS Now, so in short

Enjoy Duck Dynasty for PS4

To fleece PC-ucks

>Are you all pretending to be retarded?
Yes. This is pure shitposting
Even though you need to own a ps4 and streaming is shit

assuming I can still get a free trial of it, I guess ill give it a go this week. But I don't have any confidence in it being good at all. Even the slightest bit of input delay is gonna make pretty much everything unplayable

it doesn't matter how much bandwidth you have, getting the player's input through a network (bouncing from player to router to modem to whatever x50 to PS4 and back again) and sending them back the game's response as a live video signal (compressed on-the-go) is just way too many steps and means that streaming games will always have way too much input lag. Also the video quality is shit compared to the real thing

you now remember this

cool, probably gonna be garbage shovelware/indie titles like the ps3 selection, with a few multiplats thrown in.

the most played games on psnow are fucking last of us (obviously), red dead redemption (again, duh), and the rest are indie shit. I doubt they'll have any worthwhile games up there besides maybe knack and infamous SS

>PC fags got Bloodborne


how fast of internet service do you need to stream?

I disagree. I have 50mbps shitty internet and I play PSnow just fine. I just finished the Silent Hill HD collection, no disconnects, no lag, nothing. PS now is fucking amazing.

Holy fuck dude how many threads are you going to make

Whoop de doo you can pay $20+ to play Darksiders 2 on a PS4 over the internet with shit tons of input lag and other problems. You are a nut if you think they're going to put recent releases on that service, and that they're going to put games like Bloodborne on it.

Because they aren't bringing it to any other platforms, retard. The games are being played on a PS4, you merely get the opportunity to interact with that PS4 through the internet for a fee. It is

>Even though you need to own a ps4
the whole point of ps now is it's separate from the hardware
you don't need a ps4


Despite what the retards here will try to tell you, 5Mbps is enough to play the games without lag if you have good latency. These 2 things are independent of each other though, so it depends on your internet provider. They have a test you can run to see if your network is stable enough.

Has anyone here actually tried it?

I have it and I think it's pretty good. Playing Catherine right now.

this, good luck playing any driving or fighting games with it, or any game that relies heavily on reaction speed for that matter