Easy allies

what do you think of the podcast?

What do you think of them overall?

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I think they're the Cringy Allies.

aren't these the guys and dicksucked no man's sky as an art game when they were on gametrailers?

Do they give anything less than 3 fucking stars?

What the fuck is this shit?

They're nice, sometimes too nice to the point of being unsettling, but generally comfy.

Jones (the voice guy) was the only reasonable guy during that time. Everyone screamed at him until he was proven right once the game came out

Blame this baby faced "OMG I LOVE VIDEO GAMES!!!!!!11!!one!!! XD" retard

Ben is great, fuck off

I like him but he is impossible to take seriously. Ask him to point out something bad about any game and the man will shit his pants in frustration before warping in to another dimension

I think they're the most joyful team in the video game commentary scene. I like their event coverage and some of their shows.

However, I hate their reviews. Despite being the "Easy Allies" review, each review is written by a single member and the review entirely takes on their opinion with no discussion with the other allies. This means that Huber, in the For Honor review, allowed his unrelenting "HYPE" for the game to affect his reviewing ability, leading to him overlooking several critical technical problems.

Damiani's Zelda review and Bloodworth's The Last Guardian review had the same effect. And I'm not even going to hazard a guess as to why they gave FFXV four fucking stars.

They're too positive and too forgiving. I don't believe that cynicism is the goal of human personality, but there has to come a time where you draw the line on "vibes".

They gave Mafia 3 "2 stars"

Also: Ian is great. He brings a distinct vision to the table. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't have Fiasconauts and Tabletop wouldn't be anywhere near as good as it is.

He's funny and he has good taste in games. He's a fag and a raging social justice-type, but I'm not such a cretin that I let that get in the way of muh gaimes.

God knows why they keep Don around.

Don't like them. I liked Kyle Bossman, but never followed GT. Basically a worse Mega64, but with actual gaming discussion as their draw. If you can stomach the worst parts, you could find somebody you really agree with. Considering how they're former game journalists, they want to stay on top of developments too. An acquired taste, basically.

You spread your bait too thin

I'm being serious. Everyone memes him in the group and in chat but nothing about him is really endearing to me.

Huber is by far the worst member.

>mfw Giant Bomb and Kinda Funny are dying
>mfw EZA will gain a lot more fans now
Studio incoming, lads

Then I can only feel sorry for you

I think the way to review games, in a personality/group based environment like EZA would be to have multiple members weigh in. Sorta like Famitsu, but make sure that each one is coming from a different angle, and have it add up to a consensus.

Ian and Kyle have both said that they'd give most games a 3, and for some reason that's why they don't write reviews. If anything, that's a reason for them to be part of the conversation. Debate isn't whether a game deserves an 8 or a 9, it's whether it deserves a 2 or a 9.

I just want them to skip Story Time with the Allies and go straight to trailer scoring.

Easy Allies? That's an upvote right there my good sir. Very epic and silly.

When its not an obnoxious nintenbro circle jerk its okay. I like Kyle so I tune in.

The guy on the couch in pic related, rants for minutes at a time and doesn't let anyone else talk. Guy gets WAY too worked up and just goes on and on just to hear himself speak. Needs to calm down.

The guy to the left of the guy on the couch is probably the unattractive person I've ever seen. Don't know his name either. Dude if you're reading this by some bizarre chance, cut your fucking hair and shave you disgusting motherfucker. Jesus christ.

Their community seems to build hype for all the members, like some sort of 80's sitcom.

>Aww here comes CHUCK! YOU KNOW HIM
>Hey guys
>Yeah, I thought the game was pretty good.

But, few of them are particularly interesting or charismatic.

I agree with you. I think it's wrong of us to expect, for example, a conversation like their GOTY stream for every single review, but there should definitely be more of a conversation than there is.

I don't see the point in scoring systems in reviews anyway, personally.

Normally someone would pick a reviewer with similar tastes to themselves and think "well if this person liked it then so will I," but with the Allies they have the illusion of a group consensus but only really an individual perspective - usually with the person most-hyped and therefore skewed to like and forgive the game.

Seriously - I think Jones might be my least favourite member. I rarely hear or see him get excited by almost any game. Notable examples - Horizon and Red Dead Redemption. Aside from that, I can never get a read on what he's interested in games-wise.

And it's insufferable to listen to him ramble about Disneyland.

Talking Syndrome and Easy Update is trash and needs to stop immediately.

>it's a "kyle convinces himself that dictatorships are good" episode

Tetris is a hell of a drug

I disagree about the reviews, Huber is overall very fair when reviewing a game, and EZA was one of the few that didn't give BOTW a perfect score, and it was Damiani, the biggest Zelda fanboy, that did the review. I do agree that Bloodworth didn't put his biases in check with TLG though

I've seen some moments with Kyle and Jones where it's like secretly heated.

Stuff like youtu.be/5l-kEoIVU6g?t=7338
where it seems perfectly innocuous at first glance, but several times across several videos I've watched have had these kind of power-move moments between the two.

I wonder if Jones is battling for power against Bosman's growing talents.

Only Ian autistically screeched at him because he's a faggot.

I feel ya, jones does occasionally get really heavy handed

I wouldn't be heavily surprised if when one of the allies leaves it suddenly turns out he was a huge did behind the scenes

>what do you think of the podcast?
Their main podcast is good, though it has been lacking lately
>What do you think of them overall?
They're good, i think they lose a bit of quality by making some shows that aren't really gaming related, but anyone that has been keeping up with them since GT knows they are like that. Overall i think they got screwed hard by the end of GT and are making a good comeback, i wish they could get more subscribers and i'm rooting for them

>I wonder if Jones is battling for power against Bosman's growing talents.
I don't think so, Kyle is a part timer on EZA, so he can leave whenever he wants, and Kyle did get Jones to be invited a few times to gameslice, and from somethings they talk sometimes, it seems the hierarchy there is still very fluid due to them being short of hands, but Jones is definitely the head of EZA, with Bloodworth being the second in command

Despite the heavy biases that most of them have going into reviews, I find that Ben is particularly predisposed to giving games an undeserved high score- even at GT he was pretty bad about it. I don't know if he's scared of backlash or just doesn't have the same view of the scale as the others, but anything he's given more than 3 stars is usually a star too many easyallies.com/#!/reviews

>Sup Forums hate EZA because they love and enjoy video games.

>Pewdiepie post that he doesn't like video games anymore
>10 /ourguy/ thread for week

really activate your almond huh?

Being cynical is really easy these days

Things flipped around so that the enthusiastic are in the minority now

Jones was the person who liked No Man's Sky the most when it did come out though.

how the tides have changed

To be fair, since they are no longer a "company" and have a patreon they have the luxury of reviewing games they want to play instead of every single game that comes out like the GameTrailer days. Naturally, games they want to play/review will tend to get good reviews.

Huber needs to stop talking about movies all day.

Probably because he was the only one to keep his expectations in check. Like he's even said he wasn't shitting on the game before, he just didn't like that they weren't saying anything.

My only problem with Ben is that it feels like he tries really hard to push the super positive persona of EZA, to the point that a lot of his on-camera elation comes off as forced and stream interactions uncanny.

Maybe that's just me.

Ben shit on the Berserk musou game in a Frame Trap. Thing is they really only talk about mostly good games, do you want them to spend half their podcasts talking about games they don't like?

they are sjws
fuck them

especially ian the cuck

It's almost confirmed Ben is going to give Nier Automata a 5, after just the first 8 hours of the game, he tweeted that as the game was right then, he was going to give it his highest score ever.

Now he's gotten every ending and can't wait to talk about it on frame trap.

Watch the interview with Jones on Kinda Funny. He even says he got surprised when Kyle started getting more twitter followers than him.

I wish Bosman at home was still a thing. He's the only one I actually like.

But Sup Forums is counter culture, so shouldnt we emulate enthusiasts now that being cynical is hip?

He started up Bosman at Home again about 2 months ago, he's been a little slow, but he still plans to do stuff.


They all keep that shit to themselves besides Ian though, he's been a little better about it lately though. I really hope he decides to go out on his own and make music or something.

Them and ACG are my most trusted reviewers

"God I wish we were giant bomb. aw well, weve still got a nice little cult of personality going."

some of their opinions are absolute horse shit. theyre not critical when it comes to reviews, they have no insight when it comes to industry discussion, they have almost no entertainment value on top of this unless you want surrogate gamer friends. they were burned by gaming journalism yet will never let go of their ties to it even now that theyre independant. they will willingly stay in that incestous hype machine of false importance because theyll get invitations to playstation parties and shit. and because its all they know. ill repeat myself here, easyallies and others like them are surrogate gamer friends. reinforcing your opinions about how excited you should be about that expensive new game and how much you enjoy that game you bought. Final Bosman was actually funny. Their only standout feature was dropped and now theyre completely disposable.

Easyallies isnt the only group or person doing this, by the way. Everyone on the internet is forming security cliques and attempting to appeal to you directly as a little buddy. some of them are more subtle about it, some arent (cough*superbunnyhop*cough).

I felt bad for what happened to them, but they fell back into their old habits in spite of the golden opportunity to improve. and kyle bosman would rather to adverts for beer and razors at the fucking Game Awards then ever make another quality show. not that criticism matters, because the glorious thing about groups like this is that Im an extreme minority. most people dont know or care who these guys are, but the people that do are their BROSCRIBERS! I know of them though and think not only are they not very good, but they choose to not improve.

they are too dull and predictable,
seen a couple of episodes, and it was all like a fucking lame,

no highs or lows, it was a safe, straight boring line from beginning to the end.

I want some drama, some controversy, some spicy oponions,


Yeah, the review of when they gangbanged your mom.

At least they aren't alt right fucks.

They are doing way better than Giant Bomb. Why would they want to be Giant Bomb.

they are not doing better than giantbomb.

He is one dude doing long form analysis. There is no clique, he doesn't even do a proper podcast.

Also getting your own audience is how this shit works now, the internet makes it easier.

>40 thousand a month

yeah they are bitch

40k between a bunch of people plus equipment/rent/expenses. I bet you they each aren't taking home that much.

The Soviets were playing the long game

Even if they were, it's California. Price of living their is astronomical

most of their content sucked ass.
Don's discount gaming is the only thing worth watching. probably the best game related stuff to come out of youtube after years of shit lets plays and faggot rap music

Straight up, I'd fucking do it.

wait doesn't this guy work for funhaus?

Podcast sucks Ben's show is way better. Jones should make more content and start scoring trailers again.

Bosman is overrated and should just move on if he's not gonna put in the effort to make a show.

He edits shit for them, Easy Allies isnt a full tiem job, on EZA he only does tha Discount gaming goes to some streams and films the huber show

He had real expectations. He knew from jump street what the game was going to be, so he didn't feel as burned as the idiots that thought it was going to be good.

I bet he's really regretting giving FFXV a perfect score now that many of the allies are turning against it.

I agree with the surrogate friends bit and wish they did far less youtube personalities bullshit. Giant Bomb are massive fags though.

Sup Forums is Reddit now and Reddit is Sup Forums.

But they all liked it except damiani who's a cuck zeldanigger

They only liked it because Ben led the hype train by giving it a perfect score and they can't disagree too hard with Ben because it would be going against their mantra.

If you listen/watch to the podcast now that Blood has been playing it, they're all nodding in agreement as Blood criticizes the game for being shallow and boring.

I hate to say this but for once Damiani was actually right.

They gave FFXV a 4.5/5 though

When did Styx join them..?

Except Ben was negative on the game leading up to release then played it and have it a score it deserved.

Damiani only cares about story in games, he's an uncharted fag and he praised Zelda for doing things he criticised XV for doing.

Kyle, Ben, Brad, Huber, Blood all liked it and I don't think Jones or Ian even played it.

Damiani is never right, he's a retard.

I've noticed this review-regret phenomenon in games media as far back as Final Fantasy 13.

>reviewer gives game a good score
>over time his peers shittalk the game
>reviewer is forced to stand by his original score and focus on the positives of it

Where the fuck is the Nier review?