I cannot get into this game I fucking cant! I tried playing again for a little more than 30 minutes but it feels soooo...

I cannot get into this game I fucking cant! I tried playing again for a little more than 30 minutes but it feels soooo boring. Why the fuck did they go with this open world skyrim shit?

maybe try to finish the fucking tutorial

Once I started getting the Sheikah runes, some armor, weapons and a horse the game really opened up and gave me an incentive to explore.

Not sure when it'll tick for you, but thats when it did for me.

They went back to the Zelda 1 style. No more hand holding. Its a good thing. Babbys still have the PS4.

>Zelda 1 style.
Aside from a relative lack of handholding, not really. I get the comparison, but it's not hard to believe someone might have wanted a return to Zelda 1 but still dislike what BotW does as a whole.

ya its boring. There`s also little to no incentive to explore because all you`ll find is towers, shrines, and koroks. Just get some good weapons and go kill ganon he`s no harder then the first boss in dark souls

i already did. i didnt play for the first time for 30mins, what i meant was i havent played for a while and booted it up again now and played for half an hour.

i just find the world so painfully boring and dull. the framerate and muddy graphics dont really help either. not a fan of the durability system at all either.

>muddy graphics
Did you smear Vaseline on your TV or something? It's very crisp and clear when playing. Only YouTube videos look muddy since retards don't know how RGB works when capturing.

>go kill Ganon after getting a few weapons
As someone who attempted to fight Ganon after not doing any guardians but able to kill Lynels with ease since most of my gear is 40+ damage.


game's not for you then

how the fuck do you kill the beefy striped lynels with gear around 40? takes forever and i end up getting fucked and running out of fairies before they go down

Learn 2 dodge

cute todd. Skyrim doesn't have combat and you cant climb.

BotW is literally the Zelda1 sequel I always wanted.

>Why the fuck did they go with this open world skyrim shit?

boy you'd really hate TLoZ and LttP then...

in that case, Zelda was never for you. Period.


It's more like Far Cry/Ubishit than Skyrim.

[muffled rage in the distance]

How tho

>inb4 ubitowers
Not mandatory, doesn't reveal anything other than map, no markers, nothing gated behind them, used as a point for gliding and to mark your own markers

shut up you sonynygger, you havent even played it

you're right. doesnt this game have towers just like ubisoft ones that reveal the map?

Because it's a map full of a handful of activities rather than just samey dungeons.

No it's totally different because you have to use two minutes to manually to spot things (that are then added to the map) with your binoculars and because it's Nintendo.

Oh, by the way I love me some Far Cry or Assassin's Creed so I totally get why some people who thought they are "too cool" for the Ubishit genre think BOTW is something new and even amazing. Welcome to the party.

But they are not added in the map? Unless you want to add them in

What are you talking about.

Uh so you mean far cry has a better world than Skyrim?

Or are you just ignoring shrines

60 armor, dodge and parry

Hit in head
Hop on back
Steer off cliff

Depends what you mean better. The difference is what you do on the map. Ubi-esque games (Ass Creed, Far Cry, Witcher 3 etc) are usually structured around like a handful of different activities that you can visit at multiple locations across the map to play in different varieties. Skyrim is less soundly structured and tries to keep you busy doing quests that are supposed to feel more organic (less videogamey if you will) than pure activities. In this sense I think BOTW's approach to the overworld is much more like Ubigames than Skyrim. It has fewer activities (and it also has side quests) but it's very honest and transparent about its structure and being a videogame in the world.

It's main inspiration seems to be Witcher 3. And that game is Ubishit af, even if they did it poorly (they forgot to make the activities fun).

>you can actually climb mountains

Todd getting fucked in the ass.webm