Yakuza Thread


Yakuza Thread

What the fuck mahjong?

I need 3 triplets/straights and a pair, right?

I just had 1/1/1 in characters, 4/5/6 in characters, 5/6/7 in bamboo and some pair in dots. Yet I didn't get Tsumo. Can somebody explain please? The in-game rules are barebones, and sound like I should've won. Second game and I'm already in despair.

Kiwami when

you need four triplets or straights + 1 one pair

Well, that was solved quickly. Thanks.

>tfw have made the transformation into an irl mr. libido

Okay, so now I stole one card from an opponent, and the rest of my hand is complete. Still it wants me to discard something, and I can't win.

Characters 4/5/6 - stole the 6

Characters 2/3/4
Dots 3/4/5
Dots 6/7/8
Pair of Green Dragon

What's happening now?

Sorry, the stolen characters should be 5/6/7, not that I think it would make a difference.

I'm shit at mahjong and shogi. Will I ever get platinum in Y0?

I heard there's a simple strategy to winning shogi on Youtube. Haven't checked it myself yet.

Nishiki honestly looks better with his hair slicked backed

5 gets better right? I just finished the first taxi mission and the street race after it and now it wants me to do another taxi missions. It's like this game is begging me not to play it, I'm bored out of my fucking mind.

The taxi missions are cozy as fuck.

You only need to do very few of them if you don't like them though. That goes for all the side stories.

I mean the plot in general as well. So far the game is just fucking terrible, I can only imagine what people who hadn't played the prior ones would think if they started with it.

The plot is really the weakest point for me in 5. Combat felt similar to 4, though Akiyama is a bit weaker and Saejima a bit more useful.

I won't lie, it wasn't really my favourite game either. But some of the side stories were a really nice change of pace. A lot of people in this thread seem to love Shinada, who comes at the very end, after the section most people seem to hate the most.

Prepare for Haruka to be the worst shit ever story-wise, though I didn't mind her gameplay.

So does Millennium Tower actually serve a fucking purpose outside of being the place where every final boss fight/every story ending event takes place?

I think businesses use it for office space or something? Maybe some shops or something.

Hold on, you're supposed to earn 10 million with mahjong? But the first place on the advanced table only nets 30,000 points, which translates 1:1 to yen, unlike in the casino, weirdly. Even if you played unreasonably well and ended every game with roughly 100,000 points, that's 100 victories needed. Am I missing something?

No, the first place in advanced table is around 70k points which is 7 millions

Is it different between Kamurocho and Sotenbori? Sotenbori guy said the Advanced table pays 30k for first place (with your points earned in the game on top of that). At least it's a relief to hear that much.

the relation points/yen isn't 1:1

iirc to play you need 2m500k yen, and if you win all the rounds in a game you roughly earn 5-6 millions

I only played in Sotenbori so i dont know if thats the case for Kamurocho too, but I did all the mahjong CPs in 4 hours

The Tojo clan rents office space there. Kashiwagi uses it in 3 and Majima has an office there whenever he isn't in Kamurocho Towwers.

Is it different between the tables then? Because I just started out at the Beginner Table (not understanding a fucking thing, even with directions) and I definitely paid 25k yen for 25k points. Played in Sotenbori too.


Nigga the tojo clan built the milenium tower.

yes, advanced pays way more (and you also have to spend way more, but money is not a problem at all)

Yeah, money's easy, I'm just worried about completion.

Actually almost lucked out and got close to a straight flush or whatever it's called in my second game. Only 7 and 8 of Characters was missing. Sucks.

Just play on the easy tables for most of the CP achievements and do the advanced table for the ten million CP. It's harder to win there but getting a great hand can earn you 7 million in one game. Straight Flush is the hardest to get due to sheer chance, Riichi Ipatsu you'll get eventually so long as you keep calling Riichi.

>tfw I got Haneman, my fifth mangan, Straight Flush and 10 million CP in a single game

That's the strategy I read about, yes. I actually have my Riichi Ippatsu already, I think that was my first game. Lucked out there.

Man, that must feel great. I know Straight Flush is the hardest, which is why I was pursuing it really hard when I saw the tiles I picked up.

>40 healing items


Twenty. You get to carry a max of 40 in Ishin, and against that game's Amon I fucking needed it.

God, these missions where you have to protect Makoto are so fucking annoying. I'm glad the Yakuza series have found its equivalent of an escort mission.

Thankfully you can spin to win with breaker style

Playing Kiryu. Usually just take out a gun and mow them down because it's just annoying how enemies keep zooming up to her, yet her always being an immovable object when she's between me and the fucker holding her.


YOU LOVE ME! Tsutawaru sa