This is one of the most bland and generic JRPG series on par with Tales of

This is one of the most bland and generic JRPG series on par with Tales of.
There is absolutely no reason to play it over almost any other JRPG series. Shit, even if you want the same thing, just go play any SMT game.

Pokemon is a great entry-level game for kids, in a good way: it's something you'd give it to your 5-year old child to introduce them to the genre. There's no reason to play it over the age of 5, however.






Persona doesn't have roach wife and electric rodent though.

and yet it's a very successful franchise to all ages

you're supposed to play the original titles back in 1996 ~ 1997 and then never touch it again, it's only money milking from then on


Persona is not SMT
in the adult audience it's mostly played by casuals and normalfags who don't know any better

>in the adult audience it's mostly played by casuals and normalfags who don't know any better
And people on Sup Forums wonder why they have no friends.

Pokemon is not japanese

No shit

>implying you cannot enjoy multiple franchises at once

>in the adult audience it's mostly played by casuals and normalfags who don't know any better

t. super master of video game

SMT is better, but I prefer Pokémon designs and PvP. Catching 'em all is also fun.

Never been a fan of JRPG without monsters to collect. Those are just boring as fuck where player has no input in the game.

>having taste and being more knowledgeable than normalfags is considered a bad thing now
sasuga neo-Sup Forums

it's not a bad thing,you just dont have taste or knowledge

Yeah it's fun tho

>having a superiority complex over video games is a good thing
Stop being a cunt and people may actually want to socialize with you

I don't judge people I talk with IRL based on their taste in media, you autistic manchild.

Pokemon has one of the most complex and well executed combat systems in turn based games, if not the most complex ever. There are just so many customization possibilities, the PvP is one of the best aspects of it.

SMT hasn't evolved well and almost every move it's the same but does stronger damage, and party planning is a chore. SMT has a more mature audience in mind when designing story and setting but the gameplay is a sleeper, something the family friendly game does a lot better.

>Pokemon has one of the most complex and well executed combat systems in turn based games, if not the most complex ever.
even the first FF game has a deeper combat system

Pokemon is the exact opposite of bland and generic

Why do you think so many people want to rip it off


i'm not a poke fan but really?

Pokemon may have been original in 1996.
Other devs evolved and expanded the same ideas while Pokemon stayed in the past.

no need to evolve something that is perfect already,so many games tried to copy pokemon and here we are.

it doesn't matter if Sup Forums wizardry thinks that pokemon is bad.

the normies rule the market so Sup Forums is a minority.

>bad games are ok because they're popular
go play nothing but CoD and FIFA then

you are just proving my point.
if the same formula can sell well,why change it?
pokemon has no competition,digimon games are "obscure" to normies.

>Pokemon has one of the most complex and well executed combat systems

Sup Forums is unironically the worst board on this website

and i can't stop coming back

SMT doesn't have PVP

that's not so german of you

that's not Sup Forums and Sup Forumsmblr

Yet you still judge people because they play games you dont like? Talk about the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

ha what a typical predictable Sup Forumstard response

how sad you are incapable of realizing this board already encompasses all the worst aspects of those boards already

Sup Forums has the off topic shit of Sup Forums, the constant SJW bating of Sup Forums, various Sup Forums shit, cuck shit from Sup Forums and the list goes on

Sup Forums is literally the worst of all worlds

and yet it's still better than shitholes like leddit or gamefaqs

Shit thread
Neck yourself

Desu, ive been trying to tell people the exact same shit but it seems like they still dont get it. Sad!

many such cases

>Pokemon is not Japanese
Stupid fucking gamers

Is your life so miserable that you get upset over Pokemon's success?

>grindfag thinks he has a valid opinion

>being this butthurt that people don't like your infant iphone game

lol I'm so glad faggotmon is dying out

But no one is upset, user
