ITT oh yeah that happened
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>achievement for looking up her skirt
This game was great, sequel when?
I dont see the problem, it was a good game, can't find any copies of it tough
>mfw I got it for 2 bucks
>that 9 year old kid that asked for this from santa this last Christmas past
Never :(
This was the only thing Sup Forums ever accomplished worth a damn.
Where can I buy the PC version?
I got that one by accident. I didn't know why I got it until I looked it up on the trophy list and I felt like I just got accused of a crime I didn't commit, like being blamed for grabbing a woman's ass when it was someone else.
delet this
>Launchpad was 6 years ago
Red pill me
I've only just gotten around to finishing it since the performance issues have been dealt with but this game disappeared from the public so fast. No one even gave a shit that its second story DLC came out a few days ago.
I remember there being rumors about this coming out on pc like two years ago.
Guess that never happened
"That happened"? Lollipop Chainsaw was great you pleb.
I remember Sup Forums actually being pissed at this game. They kept saying it's gonna be a shallow game and that they were just trying to sell it on sexappeal.
I unironically enjoyed this game. It was like playing a game made by an insane person.
remember that game that people said would change storytelling in gaming, but was then forgotten about within a couple months?
What're you talking about? One of the most memorable games out there.
I unironically like Heavy Rain. It's a game I'll always look back on with fondness. The story isn't perfect but it's fun. The only thing that really pisses me off is how they try to mislead you from Shelby killing Manfred.
I've blown so many loads to Juliet
I'm not saying it was a terrible game, although it kind of was it's just when it first came out everybody kept going on and on about how it was the future of gaming and how interactive storytelling was the future of adult/"mature" games, but ultimately nothing really came of it.
That game is great for a single playthrough. That's pretty much it, unless you want to play around with killing characters.
Why the fuck lollipoop doesnt have digital? Its such a pain in the ass to find physical copies these days
Same. Good memories. But now I exclusively shoot for superior animu girls.
I liked the game, but some of the voices were so fucking weird and robotic.
>Its such a pain in the ass to find physical copies these days
Really? I'm finding it pretty easily online.
It sucks. It's not even an Invisible War blunder where it's a massive step down from its predecessor to the point of gaining infamy; MD is just so average and lame that no one even cares.
>tfw Juliet exists irl
>implying disgusting 3d piggu could ever compare to superior 2d
Get that balding bitch out of here.
Game was somewhat fun but I couldn't deal with the fact it used comic sans as the main ingame font.
Ugh, I know right! Like, can they not?!
photographs are 2D and can be photoshopped to perfection. photographs can be just as artificial and perfect as anime. photographs are not 3DPG, because they are not the real thing, especially if they're digital. photographs will also never age while they're digital. A women in a photograph is just as immortal and pure as her anime counterpart, provided you took them at the right moments in her laifu. Or did you conveniently forget that your beloved animu waifu was also voiced by a 3DPG? Hmmm....animu grils don't seem so pure now.
Not even Hatsune Miku is 100% pure because her voice files came from a 3DPG as well.
Imagine if Heavy Rain was actually as good as it was hyped up to be. David Cage would be hailed as an unparalleled genius.
>when a slut gets TRIGGERED
>your beloved animu waifu was also voiced by a 3d piggu
Jokes on you, they have no voice lines ;^)
They knew what they were doing.
>defending his love of leeching, vile, 3d slots this bad
>dat soundtrack
>dat waifu Juliet
>dem bosses
>does costumes
Lollipop Chainsaw was top tier. Debate me, faggots.
Everything in that game was mid-tier at best.
>hand-drawn/animated/produced by a 3D Piggu
Still not 100% pure. ;^)
ahm nahmanjaiden of dey effbeeeye
But that's a given, and a very reached for argument. That's like saying you should never eat any foodstuff ever because the hand(s) that cooked/peeled/packaged the food, has at one point in time been used to wipe shit from their ass.
You're such a pussy
It's the work of the ah-reh-gaw-me killer.
The one thing I love about Heavy Rain is it is a story that could only be done through a video game. While there are dozens of other "cinematic" games that followed (ie new Naughty Dog games, the Order, etc) and games that emphasize choice (ie Telltale games, Mass Effect), they're all super shallow and barely take advantage of the openness of video games.
In Heavy Rain your main characters can die, and it doesn't end the game. It's not "Choose to kill X or Y, but no matter what you get to the same ending," it throws all standard storytelling right out the window.
Shame it was such a piece of shit.
No fuck off.
I liked that concept better in True Crimes Streets of LA. That shit was off the hook and fun as fuck to play too.
Oh how very well I remember those early SFM animations with Juliet.
10/10 glitch of the decade.
>They were never remade in higher quality
Fucking wow. GOTY..
brb buying the game again
>complaining about irl literal succubus
Women literally drain Men's lifeforce but it feels good. They are literal succubi. What is there to complain about? It's like a fantasy but it's real. The only downside is that they aren't immortal, but then again neither are we so it's not like we're gonna be missing out on anything.
>food simile
And it's actually not accurate. A better one would be saying not to eat an apple because they come from apple trees which are not edible. The artist doesn't pick or package the animu waifu, the artist creates her directly from a piece of himself from his mind, like giving birth to his own child.
As someone who doesn't watch much TV or Hollywood movies, Heavy Rain was life-changing. Never experienced anything like it.
>talk about feces
>mind goes immediately to "food"
Well, if you're going to call yourself a shit eater, that's fine, but this isn't the right board for it.
>talk about foodstuffs
>talk about eating
>proceeds to shitpost
Ah ok, now I get what you're doing. But this is not the right board for that either, sweetie. In fact, shitposting is against the rules on every board.
I live in a thirdworld shithole thats the why its hard here
I am shitposting using words, you are shitposting with your images. Two sides of the same retarded coin :^}
i think i just saw this bitch on lolcow
Ah, yes, but I think I'm on the slightly less retarded side. :^>
There is no moral high ground when posting pictures of a scantily clad woman on a video game forum.
That Evil Dead costume tho
But it's video game-related.
>still see Juliet animations as ads on normalfag porn sites to this day
Cutesy-styled games with high levels of violence really make me nostalgic even though I never played any of them. It just reminds me of when the 7th gen stopped feeling like an updated 6th gen and started circling the drain even faster.
Sup Forumss flavor of the month for a little while
that game was great
What a garbage game...
Honestly one of the worst I've had the misfortune of playing.
It isn't and neither are e-celebs
There were so many threads about this. What happened? Did the shills got fired or it was a beta?
Her game may be mid tier at best but she's a god tier semen demon.
> twilight sparkle being a sloot
Makes me rock hard
>ive jerked off so many times to the voice of twilight sparkle
I've jerked off so many times to Twilight Sparkle though, not her voice
it was alright
why are the threads not deleted then?
Depends, are you just pretending or is this an actual question?
Mods are lazy
In our dreams.
oh yeah. fuck you i liked it
doubt it, a few threads just got deleted but this didn't
it's on topic
>a Suda51 game
It was LITERALLY made by one
I wish more people tackled this kind of concept. Every execution is clunky and awkward and just gets filled with a niche community consisting of the worst fucking rejects on earth.
Is there anything close to this experience?
>Customize character
>Customize house
>Fuck around in lobbies
>Play minigames to earn shit
Only thing I've found is Tower and its full of GMOD kiddies.
Lollipop Chainsaw is a video game.
Why would it get deleted?
everyone beat the game and the meta game is shit.
when they add more levels we will talk about it again, guaranteed.
Please take your old hag with you when you go.
>That time Treasure developed a Ronald McDonald platformer
Jess is superior though. This girl looks like a copy when Jess looks like the real deal.
This trash was created by hipster douchebag James Gunn currently working as Kevin Feige's ball sucker and Director of the Guardians of the Galaxy movies.
Faggot's been marketing himself as an "edgy" "alternative" Tim Burton for years but the truth is that he's a studio whore who's good at giving head and rimjobs which is why he works for Marvel/Disney.
Get out Nigri