What went wrong?

What went wrong?

nothing except maybe it didn't age so well. Skywind seems promising though.

Fuck you.

>enter tavern
>can't even sit on a chair

The combat system is objectively Horrendous.
Music was good tho.


The game is absolutely perfect.

>people are actually excited that Morrowind is being remade to play like Skyrim

-Nordic in solstheim
-Dwemers disappear
-Dagoth failed

This, I don't get how there's so much Skyrim hate and so much Skywind praise at the same time


The """""""""combat""""""""""

It showed people that a game doesn't need a great combat system to be good and have great depth + content, and plebs hate that idea now.
Now it's all about "muh graphics" and shit, so game depth is being ignored.
Also: Cliffracers

Newshits who want to feel special for liking Morrowind but are afraid of any depth like
That one quest with the wrong location description. I wandered for hours.

Also needed more crossbows and also javelins and throwing axes

2001 boy, 2001

everything the game is overhyped shit.

Aged like milk.

wow, looks exactly the same as skyrim

Except in Skyrim, you can actually hit things and don't have to depend on RNG. :)

How is that exactly like Skyrim again? When you swing your weapon on skyrim, it actually hits things.

Skywind, like Morroblivion before it, is a waste of time. Once the next TES game comes out, Skyrim's engine will be dated as fuck (well, it already is, really) and they'll have to start over again. OpenMW is the future. Being open source, the engine can be continuously updated, and modified in ways not possible with closed source Gamebryo. The even bigger issue though, is that Skywind can't run Morrowind mods. The best you can say for Skywind is that it might have some nice assets to be converted into OpenMW mods.

Poor performance on modern hardware.
That's it.

>OpenMW when

>i'm too fucking stupid to level the stats that i need

nu-Sup Forums sure is absolutely abhorrent

Memes aside, the staff in charge of quests didn't coordinate very well so some instructions were fucked. Some abilities like Athletics are unbalanced as hell, making you very weak if you take them as majors (to the point that people started leaving useless skills on majors and grinding their "main skills" as misc. in order to stay low-level.
Then there's all the exploits, which are fun, sure, but some people find them OP and ridiculous.
Don't pretend you don't know that in the video, the guy isn't using the weapons his character handles and that his stamina is on 0, dramatically lowering his chances to hit.

To be fair you stop missing attacks if you aren't a complete jackass with fatigue and level your weapon skills.
The exception is Gaenor because Bethesda couldn't make a hard fight so LOL 770 LUCK.

Maybe try not building a shit character? Last one I played I was basically hitting every time from level one. I'd even go as far as to say Morrowind has better combat than (vanilla) Skyrim. Skyrim enemies are just so spongy.

>I make excuses for bad games

Tiny world, lack of content

What is it about morrowfags that any criticism sends them into a screeching fit of autistic rage

>i've never played an rpg
it really shows, kid

So this is the legendary Morrowind.

>weapon passes through an enemy
>doesn't hit
>try again
>doesn't hit

I'd rather have bad action combat with stats than very bad action combat with dice rolls.

Ah I see, you're just posting the old meme videos to get some bait. Never mind then.
>ywn play completed Tamriel Rebuilt

openmw has been 'nearing 1.0' for the past 3 years. they make good progress and its a very ambitious project, but their projected timelines are always horse shit. even when it hits 1.0, you can bet there'll be tons of bugs they didn't account for. its probably another 2 years out before its fully playable let alone before mods and 3rd party programs move over. normal modded mw is where its at

Poorly balanced magic effects. Trying to play a Destruction mage that damages people stats, which by all accounts should be easier/cheaper then damaging health directly, is like pulling teeth.

Combat isn't really that bad, just not that great. Keep in mind your stats and stamina, and you'll do fine. The lack of actual options like power attacks, blocks and so on is pretty lame though. Lacks physical weight.

Lack of character specialization. Everyone becomes either a fighter/enchanter/alchemist, an archer/enchanter/alchemist or a destruction mage/enchanter/alchemist. This is also intentional, and it works well for that aspect.

Piss poor AI. Monsters can't chase you worth a damn. The way cliff racers move is also very annoying, having to intentionally guide it down from the air so you can fight it up close is stupid.

Lack of good characters. Morrowind has some interesting world design and lore, but the dialogue system means almost every character in the game says the exact same things. You barely connect with any of them as characters. The actual politics of the world is good though, being locked out of guilds and quests because of your faction choices is good, and making it a real challenge to even talk to people who don't like you is good too.

Morrowind is exactly like every other hardcore RPG; the developers spent a lot of time and effort into some things and left others up in the air as it shows. Faggots who praise this game constantly without acknowledging any of its many flaws are just as bad as faggots who unironically post that stupid warhammer 0 fatigue battle with a mudcrab meme .webm

Stop lowering the IQ and level of discourse on this site. Discuss things properly and with intelligence or fuck right off.

>I'm bad at good games

amazing how can Souls compete compete?

You getting a little angry, friendo?

Honestly I'd be fine if they were complaining about how the combat is just leftclicking people till they die, but they aren't.


Literally nothing.
So anyways, why do people even like the Bretons. They are the worst fucking race and are a blight on Tamrielic purity. Here, name one (1) thing that the Bretons have done that has actually mattered outside of High Rock.
Defeating Camoran doesn't count because the Redguards softened him up and neither does "muh Hjalti".

You can't join the Sixth House and CRUSH the ALMSIVI morons who murdered you and denigrated the entire Chimer race because they wanted to play with Kagrenac's enchantments on the heart of Lorkhan. You can't drive all foreign influence from Morrowind with a tame machine-god that is able to will things into nonexistence and fuck with reality to the extent that Akatosh gets confused and breaks time itself.

Other than that it did pretty much everything right. Some people shit on the combat but it's one of the few "RPGs" that actually plays like an RPG.

not at all, i just think you're funny is all

It was terrible back in 2002 and it's terrible now. RNG combat in 3D spaces just gives you stupid gameplay like Yes it sucks that Oblivion and Skyrim heavily dumbed down many other aspects but at least they got the combat right.

I just like them because they're pretty and magical. Afaik they're just the human mage race. Morrowind elves were ugly as shit, except for some female models.
Lorewise I doubt anyone actually likes them though

> m-muh combat

>tfw I'm the only person alive that enjoyed Arena


>got the combat right
literally all they changed was making it non-rpg mechanics. combat is still just standing in place swinging a weapon wildly

>got the combat right
The combat is the same just without the rpg/rng elements which practically makes it more shallow that morrowinds. It is still just rightclick on target till you or he dies.

>people still taking the same bait

Stop. His only intent were (You)s. Why give him what he wants?

I saw my friend play Morrowind for like 3 4 years and I got bored on skyrim after 30 minutes.

Maybe the old school leveling up design is better then causal gameplay that makes you feel like nothing can stop you after playing the game for 10 minutes

Because I want people to play the game and I know they'll open the thread, see the webm, and think "man, fuck old games".

>human mage race
Yeah, because they are all Ayleid rape babies and pretty much human-looking elves. They will be the first to go down in the coming genocide.

Morrowind Combat it's artificial as fuck, it doesn't feel as fluid like in Oblivion and Skyrim. It's pretty a Roll Of the Dice even when you have high skill

No fuck ÑÈO gamers for destroying gameplay in games

Don't bother trying to reason with them
They always frame the old RNG combat as being this slow, grueling trudge through mud where you have to take pi into account for every swing. Meanwhile in reality, fights in Dag/Morrow are much faster than fights in Obli/Skryim.

it has more to do with immersion, which for me is a pretty big part of these types of games. I'll take being able to block, dodge, stagger and enemy's attacks over Swinging a broadsword at somebody standing a foot and a half away from me 10x and missing 9x. I don't care how low my skill with that weapon is, that isn't how 3D spaces work.

I'm going through my first playthrough right now and the combat really just is not much fun.
Yeah, I'm using a weapon I have high skill with. Yeah, I'm watching my stamina. Yeah, I'm hitting and killing things quickly and efficiently.
But it's not engaging. It's a wad of stats bashing heads against a wad of stats, lacking both the player agency of a proper action game and the tactical options of a proper turn-based RPG. Killing things is the least interesting part of exploring a new area and that really hurts what is otherwise an interesting game.

the combat does suck but the combat sucks in every elder scrolls game. if they ever manage to make an elder scrolls game with fun and satisfying combat it will be a masterpiece

But people being so easily convinced wouldn't enjoy it anyway. You're wasting time for a shitposter's enjoyment AND for some hypothetical 1999+ kid with shit opinions
Kids with taste will discover and play the game on their own anyway. stupid brats will pre order Skyrim 2 with the season pass

I like Arena too, user. I had started a new playthrough some time ago but stopped after a while, maybe I'll pick up on it some time.

Did they have good action videogames that took into accound the RPG aspect back then? I've been told Bethesda simply didn't know how to make fluid, fast dodge animations that didn't look silly.

>i haven't played the game beyond 3 minutes
ok, that's all you had to say


The fighting in skyrim and oblivion are dumber down.

If it was like chivalry I would play it. Now mix that with Morrowind it would make skyrim it's bitch because the game would be more deeper.

Skyrim does not have any depth
Rpgs need depth to be compelling.

I' love morrowind and I agree.

I wonder how turn based combat in first person feel like and if it would've been a good replacement.

> I'll take being able to block, dodge, stagger and enemy's attacks over Swinging a broadsword at somebody standing a foot and a half away from me 10x and missing 9x

Try swinging that claymore when you don't have a -1 to agility rolls maybe.

Are you too autistic to put some imagination in your game?
>oh, my character swung too early and missed

Whoa immersive!

I'm playing blind through Daggerfall, I'm level 5 with 70 agil and I rarely miss a swing twice in a row.

Those are some sweet animations, Morrowind isn't anywhere close to this.
Do you know how to perform that in game? I wonder if you could make it so more complex maneuvers are unlocked by weapon levels.

In my opinion, if Morrowind had something like Mount & Blade's combat it would go from a 9/10 to a 10000000000/10 for me

so exactly like the entire elder scrolls franchise pretty much

Also if it had writing worth reading.

What kind of classes do you make, user?

I played a spellsword on a whim which was great since the custom spells in Arena is orgasmically broad.

Yes, user, I know. M&B's writing isn't so good. Great that Morrowind has top tier shit, though.
I think my last one was a Spellsword too, I usually play as that, but I didn't want to abuse the spell creating too much. I was also doing a Knight or a Warrior tank run which was actually pretty fun.

I play tales of majeyal
FUCK that boring game

So this is the great Morrowind?

Terrible combat
Clunky movement
No great console ports
It's still good once you get into it.

When has anyone ever cared about the console versions of Bethesda games?

plebs who are scared off by a good PC interface

Only 3 attacks for melee weapons. That is absolutely unacceptable. Then you realize your attacks can clip right through enemies all because that is the way the shit combat system was built.

The sequels vastly improved combat mechanics for the better. This isn't even opinion. This is a fact.

that's a stretch

In a lot of ways the Xbox version of MW was faster in the UI such as selling items. It was also designed for the console after the PC version, rather than prioritizing the console UI like they've done for every game since MW.

>I don't know how to differentiate between mechanics that work in a pen-and-paper, turn-based environment and mechanics that work in a videogame in real time with direct manual input

top jej

they work for me :)
maybe you're just not experienced with video games enough

How many different attacks did skyrim have?


2. Normal attack with a few different animations and power/stamina attack with a few different animations.

Which house/building did you commandeer as your treasure hoard, Sup Forums?

Ra'Virr's home is my home after killing him, of course

being able to reach the point at which the system's terrible concept is no longer an issue doesn't mean the concept isn't flawed

i've been replaying morrowind over and over again since it came out every two years or so and it doesn't make the combat any more palattable, it was a terrible idea back then and it's a terrible idea now

dicerolls are supposed to take place before the attack in a turn-based environment, not in a real-time environment where you have control over your character's accuracy

maybe you're just not experienced enough to know when a crpg's mechanic is bad

>people are actually excited to replay Morrowind that looks like Skyrim
How dare they

nice meltdown kid

Mostly Caius's shitty old house. Hoarded a lot of artifacts and items made of rarer materials there. Always had at least 5 piles of books almost reaching the rooftops. Building a modded Redoran stronghold in my current playthrough, should look nice.

I never got super far in the game so I never got a stronghold with one of the Great Houses, but I did end up using Ienas Sarandas house in Ald'Ruhn. Super comfy.

If you overlook the fact that it has shitty Skyrim gameplay and the devs will never finish it because of drama and incompetence then yeah

i'm just explaining my point boyo, not all of us can expose our view via one-line memes

This answer is canon, you know it to be true

I wanna fuck Ahnassi


Alright but in return the game will all the flaws of Bethesda's previous games be even more glaring.

All side quests are now radient tier. More settlements needs your help. Your always instant leader and jesus of everything but don't get any respect and always do janitor work.

There's a mod for that

>got the combat right
